
Why ....my last post has so many stars?

The cooking dinner: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zLv_ohHrRso

That otter with the blue under water tube? Russ and Rachel breaks up, something in the box? Orlando? Hugh back? He looks tall ....he steps into a box, what does that mean (in the movie), at his home hotel, that is not the key the otter passing it by.....isn't we have another typhoon on the way, and he just flew it back?

Ronan, do you mean Shane imagines that life?

He doesn't know 750 pages drop and put on the table?

Its Japan?


Korea: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HPz5Uh3AVKk

The women's mattress is in Japan?! Screaming. Cake !

Purple moisure

The cats: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PtnSnVd6kwc

The dog and the baby: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WWuPap4LPEE

2 Red Panda  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Mg1mUFgp3sc

Swiss ice winter

Westlife Brazilian

No, I am not going to Japan, or anywhere particular. I stay home, sleeping.

And, why I am not supposed to share this whole lists on this one post?

Not bold neither, not much highlight, and not this post? Our Eastern Area was on our commercial none stop.  What is in the Eastern Area? Do you mean you all need a butler, or the tour guide around that Japan, all around from that vicinity where Mably will help you not helping you, you feel close as the big happy family? How long the kid needs to be outside the school? I really really worried about the school, seriously. And I cannot talk about it.

Charlie Angels 2 outside the TV. 

I lay down and sleep, all these otter and the Panda we sleep. I have a family here, the apartment and the city and the temperature. I cannot get too cold, I am telling you, tooooo cold. Taipei is not bad, but those year, in the past....I just didn't tell you, it can split the second TOO fast, when the season changes here and that is the sea we are all around, so its colder. I ever complain many times?

TOO cold some other higher latitude. 10 years I always live at the warmer temperature....

You know....the guys, I ...Home sometimes it will be all I really really need here with my mother, I can watch her and all that. Everything combines together. My shopping routine, I like here.


When I just got home, and....not long before. Because I didn't check the temperature, and inside are warmer, and the outside balcony just the air I breath in...that is the fall season. I have to cover myself with everything. I have no idea why that is so so so scary.

Its the temperature. 

And besides I am resting, not well all that, this....all of these. Not a guy and come to show up seeing me laying it down. 

Tomorrow is the weekend, so I rest.

The movie ended.

He looks like mad ....I am on my heaven....throne, looking it down the cloud with all of this. They realize what happened. 

The military whom didn't leave yet, the girls? Tomorrow is my happy weekend?

The Granzort cartoon?!

They are the nice guys, right. I need to stay healthy with that air to my throat. Seriously. I am very very careful. Its fatal, the temperature. I get old 10 years more with all of this.

Good night, take a warm bath, eat something, or eat tomorrow morning. Get a noodle cup or the rice cup. Its warm for the stomach. They got the hot chocolate, you remember that.  That hot water, you can just come back and fill it up, if you get a thermal bottle for anything else. Its very hot, so you don't use too random paper thing, too thin paper cup. 

oh ~ the buffet starting the noon to the evening, of course.

What are you reading? The newspaper to circle? Here? In English, can circle?

Did you ask them 10 tickets and get 1 free for Olivia? 

You know the elevator 2 exit, one is to....keep walking, not the straight down elevator. That Tower is home sweet home, THAT way. The grass brush, that way, everything is dim light, that way. That was amazing, that's the same elevator .....

Everyone goes to sleep, I can go to sleep. 

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