
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Prince .... (waking up), Ronan, the human part. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I think there is a Shane and Westlife. So not your disciples...how I open up my eyes? parts.

(Stare) right, bent, look ....Ronan, a book opens and closes, because those are the TV drama. Not the reference desk you asking ever to a reference librarian how she or he does a reference information tour for you, as the whole Westlife + Ronan you + Boyzone, the special library, all together big fame to find out? Ever?

You ever visit a library? With a library card in the city? 

How is Gately? (I am listening to Westlife interviews)

You feel if he takes some loads for you, your whole world lighters to the cross you go? He already dies once?! He probably realizes he needs to think about it more often since that time.

  • Like a grocery, a car fill up the tank, or the family hospital runs?
  • Go out for an eat out.
  • Going on the first date
  • Going to some meeting you invites him or next by him, anyone?
  • "The banana and the avocado has this tags on them....you pick up and squeeze, right?"
  • "The plastic long rolls there by the weight scale.....you ever have a pa taken you to, so I taken a kid to? The orange or the mango, or the fresh greens. Which one you want, or you usually get? 5? "
  • "You ever eat the energy bar, or reading any biography you wonder if they mean real, or you had read that about 15 years ago, seriously? So....you knew how they are?"

Usually I thought about the real company metal rim sleek, with the air-con, its the recording office, everyone enters for 2 or 3 hours, and drive away home. Maybe talking on the parking lot a bit, and each going home.

Not the glue that skin-to-skin, other than the professional's jobs as the band itself, and then they have some other VOICE those like you Ronan to travel to Germany to do a public TV show. Like the Voice.

In this life, you ever talk to Shane about 60 mins full in 25 years all combine hours.

The other person to cherish to hold one lifetime, those? 

You know the phone is just an image to the interface far away side of a timezone where the water and the air is not home. One corner of the Earth, one corner of the universe. I ever thoughtfuly to ask Shane.....something he thought he supposes to be, any group what groups of anyone else life. They can be assort into their own other groups, and that meeting is short.

It can just be him and me, but these people is somewhere else, whichever that future indicators leads them. I met them 20-25 years ago. I ever have that kinds of the conversation....

You know how to question him like that?

No, straight your head, ahead. What if this will be another 5 years, to 20 years. Those past years are going to added the tail back?

No, Ronan. We had nothing in common, the last time that parting long time ago. 

All right, is that every girl does that, or the guy? 

Its someone introducing another side by person in front of you Ronan, or Shane, those kinds? I got none. 

Ronan, did you ever write this things down, so you could literally say it back to you, that you understand it? 18 years ago, someone made a choice. That choice becoming a public television ! It was no one knows those things, it was no one even heard where those place would be, it was no communication someone cared that things would be, that choice was given across the facebook, and those are ended one Climate Change, I give back 7 mins. I finished all of them in 5 mins.

"Waste of my time."

That choice, you understand the writing you put on the paper, so you be more clear.

That choice was a lineage method like a yoga technique practice.

That choice has a validating facts right on the human's faces.

That choice comes next by a religion, so people all can watch on the TV.

That choice originally was dedicate only to that belief, that someone made a choice, and NO ONE will make a choice on a lineage that is just in that one of the 5 major religion under, the unlimited cults with the crimes all that.

That choice was a freedom free will society, whom believe that stuff, neh? Its to find God, to find Prana, to find what? The other side of the interface, where the angel sings?

That choice is to seek the death?

Someone files that to question the court, that river to cross? Yet?

When the worlds is perished...

I went pale, my face paled, and probably the health wise becoming thin but I am still young. 

Is that a crime?

No. There is a reason got done like that.  I didn't file, so that is not a crime.

I would file.

You want to ask me something else....you mean if I stop explaining, or come into the arguments, one of those. I can talk, right. No, I know but maybe not every single time I becoming pale, then thin, pale then thin, pale then thinner.

Have you thought to console the legal professional?

None of them is the correct filed. I am trying ....to write closer ~ one day, how to file this except now.

You are in the music field, you still write the music?

Yes, not a lot.

Kian is the music bands before !!! 

You can have someone keep writing, and none of them is the correcting sorting files for the court room? They think you doing it on purpose, or that is how it supposes to run?

My IQ is short of circuits, I am trying to think ....


You mean a beautiful world....

(a lot of them, are they realizing....these simple wordy combine, how many thousand images make up one sentence word, seriously? )

You mean a tunnel black hidden fall off worlds, 20 years away from the door where the light entry that door, far away, and keep straight, kept going, there is a stop place to see my family one more time, all that from the color TV but its in the dark grey whole world in torn statue, but that one path its all grey and darkness, keep going the next 25 years, those, anyone can imagine that.

You...gone to imagine that?

Am I your competition, in which way? What ways?

Are these Westlife interviews, like I said earlier I was listening them next by this typing pads....their voice sound like the best guy's worlds, the best pamp your shoulder, a good job those make you remembered, you have a life? They are your life? And where is this Gately?

(Check my TV every once a while)

I teared.

You live in Ireland, and you drive to touch that road sign, like your company metal sleek, the same secretary, and all that. The same chair, the same interior design. Did you try?


You thought about Shane to go to the judge and safe you?!

(I understand it now this movie, yesterday I didn't see that.)

You went to see some people, and you open your mouth to ask them what if ...

And if you didn't talk out, you might die in suffocating, in scared feeling or something on the TV frightening you, or you tell me.....that is what they are there for, its to chat your problems away? 

You have an Ireland belief as you grew up, you chat your problems away?

It will always be "they pray for you", that kinds of the talk? Holding the hands in the circle, you will be sent the prayers groups those kinds? With the cards, those? Not anymore with the pop idols since, right? 

You talking to them, because you 1) reporting to them implied, you know, you heard, its in front of your face.  2) I open my mouth never stop, you hear, you see, you KNEW. I am RIGHT here.

That's good. 

You want to just wait another decade after the decade.....it may not be anything you think about, and if the humanity can straight up and lifting up to Heaven, the court room judge they really wishing the humanity well, to determine where they can find out, by how !?

"I Believe I Can Fly".

Long long time ago....I hardly remember when. I used to see in the Burger King to listening to our first presidential, or the city mayor's results in election. Our first democratic election. And those so long ago, I do listening to the music, the CD. One of those is to blank out my mind in the bus. One of those might be the Star Bucks, but I never gone to the Star Buck. I never drink a coffee to know how to listen to the music the right way. Meaning a coffee shop is where everyone loves to go. They used to design this bookstore with the CD listening to the album in UB time but long before that, a decade before that, it was the foreign CD, you are all side by side. The foreign session of all CD, with a big ear phone to put that on my ears and to listen to the demo. It takes 30 mins bus to where.....Hugh first time gone at night, I told him take the taxi to arrive. They make it that Tim Ho Wan, one of those. Its a corner coffee. 

The next vision scene to where I see the real coffee shop again, its those vegan cheesecake place in Orange County, where these Avenger's chiropractor's doctor's path at. The panini and walnut those salad places.

How long...I have known a coffee shop because Star Bucks has the milk and the creme.

How long, I enter since the Age's ago felt to a Star Buck, it was in America first time I know Star Bucks.

You wish the whole world still function, you wish its the Dream Exchange Games, but its you got told.....but you don't know what had happened. Each and every time I willing to do. I sit in the airport to wish, I had wish I didn't know this classify all world, I cannot go back, that will be the first time I return to the UB all around. The world isn't OU.

You go to the place where the people can see you, you at least knowing that.

If you want to tell them, how much you miss them, or love them...its one of those Chinese words saying, at the Life or the Death departing...

Do you want those LED flash light? Daiso is from Japan. Your own home, or you walking outside in your own country, the city somewhere you check the malls, or the favorite place you relax to go, all that seeing the people? And ....you best friends with? Both the Boyzone and the Westlife, the flash light at night time. The door locks, the car garage check or the indoor garage the top light, and all that. 

Do you want me to call someone to go with you, just every door frame, something bothers you, that 1 guy, or 2 guys together, you can talk to 1, one by one spent one hour at the dinner, they buddy together, you all check everything. You scare, then you tell one sit down, the other going with you?! You want to 1 on 1 talking to?

Do you have a home maintenance schedule those?

This is not Shane and me, with Kian and Nicky together....and Shane go with you and Kian, so I be tidy up your kitchen some trash bags, check your all scatter plastic bags organized those, or something the dishes to check the dish washer, or the detergent, Nicky look at me. I check per cabin handle, I wipe them, or the fridge door hinge, or the counter top, the counter below, all these wall knock and hear, or see the color, or the house all corner, your paint things?

I get my eye glasses this time....

We replace all that every 10 years, we schedule that and we know that is brand new all appliance, or the light bulb, those?

The day time and the night time.

Then one day, we me and Shane takes your Boyzone people coming in together to be with you. One day time, one night time. Someone walking with you, and check together with you. They take the trash, or tie that up, and we watching someone to drag that trash bin to the front road. Your newspaper, or advertising, I recycle that for you. You keep your mail, or you open them, to give me the envelope, and you put those on a folder, until we gone, you go and sorting them?

No, I don't need to know what that Flower Thousand Bone means.

I heard enough everyone knows everything everywhere.

I only sleep, eat, lay down, write or reads. Typing on the public can see it places, its over a 3 years, they all know what I am up to. This year, or next year or this interval period of time will all pass.

If I make it to Shane, you all live around there. If Shane made it here, I already told most of the stuffs where or how far the paper works go. You are all producing the music, its not very near where my world only I can deal with it.

Only I go and deal with it. You want to tell me, YOU are, I don't need your help.

You seeing all of these TV on my side, to all the English I written things, to all that around me.

You want to go first with them (the Boyzone, and the current works places, if Westlife is or not is part of all that?) You don't care about? 

The girls or the boys' cartoon all that so accessible in front of you. 

You are safe with your internet, no one knows what you are watching it. 

It takes me forever, will ever get there !

You are a Pop Idol, NOT the dark tunnel going in to pretend like me.

You can pretend at home.....How to say goodbye letter !!!

Do you feel relief your air inside your body? The musician means you are sensicle, right? The goodbye and the departure, those? The airports affecting you?

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