
⭐️You want to tell me, what's inside your brain, Ronan? ⭐️

You will always always ask Shane or Gately, any of that hot balloon things no matter what inside your one lifetime here.

 ( Why is my Chinese keyboard not coming it back last night I had a Window Update?! No, not even typing the Chinese is easy anymore. Re-start the computer, cannot find the language bar. )

Is the outside sunshine those court similar like us? Yes.

So ....

Its 10 years, I cannot possibly stand there, coming back to the world in the perish state?

What about if I (you) fail this court room appearance like 10 years ago?

You keep your business like those kids kept their business with their parents. Just don't go to the court room to do any intellects debates (my neighbor starting renovating...Hugh?)

oh ~ they are zillion more than Hugh. You mean any consequence? No, of course not. Its all genuine that those younger kids they do their first intuitive sense to enter the court.

So that is not our fault?

If your face is right in it, and you told the judge by yourself. That fault is yours.

But we don't know that?


But they are not detain us, but help us?

Because they don't know that even in the court. As the court judge, they never have anything of that to that local region. In England they might file, but that is in England. They can go to any place else and no one helps them.

And what if I = suppose to be heavenly fail?

... ...this bothers you the most, or you have something else you want to ask me other than that?

If someone far away or near, how do you know they hate you or vice versa....one of those?

Human?   I am not sure I am seeing the correct human literally in front of me for a very very long time. You mean jealous of you, that kinds, hatred? The concentrating hate?

The jealous of money.

Do you squeeze that person out of their neck for money? 


So why you even care that person is jealous?

Like the other people.

( Turn )               (Back)      you mean the Earthly existing near by you when you get home from the concert, or they dying out like 007 those ending frame, and you have your other pioneers all that dead like the last year affecting you, those in conclusion? Do you mean your work place? Those places?


That is the industry.

And you don't know those people?

I smell them, most human don't exist in my radius of any field to walking by. Of course it hurts you, you coming up, or step up.

Do I ever get jealous of you, those money or the boyband power or the fan clubs those, if they trash you, or we make them do that to you?

I reply them by myself.

Ronan ~ my website has a background color. There was a video....you literally feeling your space floating, like my entire world is different other than the visible seeing. (stare) my walls so loud.....

Babaji has coming home the same sensation all the time, any of us to imagine that future. Its out of the obligation I do this, or the similar to if ...but my circumstance is 1 human too long time. Even the heaven accommodating that is somewhat similar to my reality can come near to.

Isn't that hurting you, if the public knows those factors are not there? Us?

Babaji's. (knod)

You aren't very clear how we doing this, just him?

Its definitely not just 1, but....

And no one thinks its we against them, they we against here? Not those?

... ... when I reply to your fan clubs or your wifes, Ronan...you thinking to take a Christian to be your wife, she shouldn't be jealous of you so smelly at your kitchen those, you ever met? Or they refrain those air inside them?!

No, not like that.

Your fan clubs sure its just me writing, not your company because I haven't even arrived to Ireland or all this war going on, and the news or the mentality, or the fear.

Definitely not like that.

... ...The normal human without 97, will not do those unlimited photo to say the bad luck eternal, literally speaking. You never thought about your older age to take a wife?

No, definitely not that.


Do you ever talk to Shane the details how you two live together or Nicky or Kian?

The magic detergent or the Japanese formula with the foam, and I cut my nails to Shane, I know he never cared about it to hear that. The conversation with the birds, you already heard that....so are Kian or Nicky. uhm....the details. Its on the website, the cleaning, or the organizing, or he is traveling or moving, or anything in the clear tone, how he will arrive here. I think I told him. That was before any of this.

And he agrees?

You meant my whole yard balcony, all that. Did you....know Shane 25 years ago, like...how do you know each other, this parrot told me with his neck up or down. He is one of the boys 25 years ago, you all were, and you have to be 1 person face all of them, just 10 + the other manager? You did all that?

No !

Probably not together together for right now the sphere, I kept sleeping mode. Something I heard....those video you don't really need to learn. The Earth magnetic or something pulse, I just fade out the information going along with the sleeping. So if you mean, I was ready to cut them off, I will tell you, not yet. 

Too stressful?

Have you talk in expectation you need to be per word right, to per statement like you used to be in the school, other than the public love you flair to 1 person facing another 1 very prominent judge so that the whole world stays intact the eternity of it....on one Earth, or the near by edge. All that? Its not really a load, its just I concentrating better.

No definitely not that.

No, no one expecting me, too. Of course not.

You lay down a lot of this written things, you know.


And as a girl, you never fear that, unknown, or anything they ask you, 1 judge, their tone, or their look?

I prepare, not I even know why I might. I understand to prepare....but ....these nature, it might be I got it wrong, so they are still stacking it up to the room, I sit next by thinking...

Like what to do?


Is talking back and forth legal?

I felt the written things down, like 10 pages those are more like the real, but I will response clearly that time in front of the judge if these things have to be calling in. I am thinking....

You are not sure, or you know for sure?

For sure...its not this. 

Why not?

Fallacy is a a very rigid law, its an authorized material. My entire papers aren't entirely based upon that one class, but....you talking about....pre-law, or the Bar Law intern lawyers to Ph.D or the JD + MLS, or JD + the professor all that the finest worlds....none of them can overthrown either that North Carolina the Pharmacy requirement, or they given that list so UB has some background why that class even fit to their requirement.

What does that mean?

That in the real science worlds, before the eternity truth can be defined, there is a hypothesis...to where....all those peer review process begins, they taken the authors must be a passing grade PhD students, so all that will end to the committee, everyone knows the rules to ending at "how they run a hypothesis.", except that is not therom, a theory...yet?! That will be in the science world.

You are not sure in the law worlds.

Not 100%. But I understand it the overall picture.

You think the judge knows and understand that?

Of course. They are the expert in laws.


I just keep sleeping, the day required me to think, I think about it. Just not right now.

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