
That's a white pudding cup with the vertical line + the white casserole lid

I am in my morning communion. 

Your religion context words, remember those terms in both lands. Not those talking anything you think, you psychi knows, you heard, the voice inside you, any of that. Unless its the physical birds, the clouds, the air movement someone dead, those you can talk about it. Anything the movie sees inside, per image correct, that is when you tell them.

You have no more school, so unless 200 countries border lines + every written units with the visible names agrees, per correct words, to per correct scene, to per corrects terms or the descriptions line other than your every transcript in school.

5 Lords Reviews need it, my side.

Your side its only 1 God, may not even call the Lords, I am not sure how they transcript all that from the Jewish God included. You will have the problem. Its the moral GPA on our transcriptions starting K1. 

American Target is everywhere franchise, the glasses container with the navy blue top or those Amazon seen. They also have those ....special coastline more wealthier touring for the international tour bus to end up. So you seen these things other than the inside those people where they live. Your Christian worlds fund, how they make you spent those dollars sign, Ireland?

Or England?

It doesn't need to made in Italy, or made in China, but you can turn that upside down or read, if that is made in France, or made in Vietnam, or Malaysia....all that. 

I don't need to ask them for funding, because those are not mine. There is a Truman + his banker side represent ! Shane might have a whole kitchen load + Kian and Nicky combine. Its very very simple second hand garage one summer car tour, everything in the rental vocational home made those = similar their energy drawing the energy methods, the photography made photo on those vocational marble table.

1-100 pictures. Looks like I used to have for Flower Thousand Bones.

The cooking per photo ! 




its 1 you cooking, Ronan.

This is Westlife, you know. (Look at your face) I have a crown hair braid things on my head, Ronan.  You know, this is Westlife? My eyes need to looks at your face. Turn right, bent, look up. Big eyes.....This is Westlife, Ronan?! I want to know you know that 100%?

Mortal, right?


You and Boyzone used to be, right? 

This is your local Ireland's TV, from the local media or the TV Channel?

Loosen women, they put the 4 Westlife on top of it and use a certain words in there. Sperm. That is your world culture?



So you would be talking about your local politician's name right to the public or the public TV with your mouth opens, you? One Ronan? 

Did I write this piece before? You have that copy? 

The biological clock in the gender to an opposite sex would be referring to the man and the women on their sexually belief ....other than their choices.

     (  right, bent, look up. big eyes staring .....  you don't speak in English, or this is the English? )

If any Pope at all given you a ring, it will NEVER represent us, that there is any paint on it? The car paint? I want to look at it. Their promises to God. 

Ronan, you know this is what they usually talk about on the TV, so it stays as the TV forever?


They raise up the consciousness or the awareness to a certain degree of the issues and to encourage the public to talk open, or to encourage them to talk out, and represent what they wish to live on and find that talent in that particular field? Right?


Are those each countries save the money on those foreign personel to the overseas expenses as part of my salary? 

No. Its not a salary, and its more like police tip fees, but it might be a better term, because the judge defines that.

The none lawsuit ones?

None of them is the lawsuit, Ronan !

So the lawyers lawsuit? 

Correct, Ronan.

Do they all knowing that whomever you triggering that? 

Of course, Ronan!

Ronan, Pope is looking for you, because I ate an ice cream, the angel lady say I still eating, the pope is on the Pc, not mine opening the below freezer scooping out the cones.

Am I dating Shane and he knows you cared about this, or this is you are the Flower Thousand Bone, I am not sure you are.....Ronan. I just temporarily put you on that seating position, for now.

The governments can send 100 people to my home the next 20 days to sort out the last 2 years missing time and half, to ask me 1000 question to file up 20 writes out from 780 -800 and sent back to me to proof reading in another 20 days or 20 months, over a year to re-sorts these 1000 people they gonna working with by the government that local, maybe the California local clerks office. That will be 780-800.

Or I do this by myself like the TV I got a title and its all online, they all receive a copy, if the local whom the President oversees this, his cabinets people, not necessary the very top has to know everything, someone, will inform a state, CA to the police branch they are doing this. That local clerk offices will be told, they are behind to immediately take over my jobs, = the same jobs if I am not there anymore.

They filed that 780-800?


No, Ronan, they have it....maybe 2014 or more 2018-2020. But with this things, you cannot just lawsuit on that date, they know that. They found out I know that, so 2021 they assume I filed. When I explain EVERYTHING, on purpose.....50 states no one will get confused, if that is what they did. 1 person in that 1 state for sure never get it wrong. This thing never got filed from my personal life, ..........yet, or when.

I told them its one giant formula.

Can they file what they got those years?

We, me and 50 of them if combine, not the same IQ. They didn't repeat that is what I mean. It is all different probably. They done the lawyer part for my personal damage. I did something else. They catch up and catch on, both.

Meaning they have no delay?

No, it shouldn't be. Its not the same.

( Wave wave )

Ronan, its late. Westlife gone to sleep. I didn't call them because I don't know where they are. My IPad....

Ronan, this might be 30-40 years ago I am guessing AT LEAST, the day Apple or IBM, that will be so long ago, the orchid tree where Steve Jobs from. They design everything on the first year launch of Apple computer not Macintosh 1984, you think? That is by the 90s or 95s....BTX is that time.....someone knew about the computer at the education sector, becuase that was in America. We don't know because.....I am not sure why we don't know. We used to use those DOS, its a CD opening jet, and that is that PC game the girls we play in it. We used to have to buy the REAL giant box for those manual or the CD. We don't know what is a DVD that much or the blue rays, or every format, mp3, mp4, or USB later later later.....WMV, MOV....I actually knew all of them. Way before Ella Enchanted. 

Can I file this?

That is not the lawsuit, Ronan. But correct, everyone hides thing with the judge, you mean against the Ella Enchanted? I don't walk in, there is nothing going with that film whatsoever. But if for a strange reason the judge calls me, I will explain to him or her....I used to thought....

Does the judge care about that?

I told everyone that is Laura ! You Ronan really like those trend, not Tim Cook's sister in Girl's Revolution Hailey got in troubles with? She stands in the way.

But isn't that hurting you, the judge never finds out?

But I have nothing to go in there for?

So you don't believe the file-ing statues to the movie on those ....any claim they ever do?

No, of course not. 

You always know that?

If they save me 10 years ago, to every single year saving me as their top priority, I will find out if they told me, I will immediately tell them stop everything. They already finished on their own. 

So you are okay then? Yes.

Your friends if you get a load of the money before hands, or we given to you, you gonna call them all those personal stuffs after they screw up?

Of course not.

So you are okay then? Yes.

                 Ronan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                          ~~~~ Hey Ronan ...how is Storm?

I used to long time ago run those leadership was K1- up.....one of those years I want to, not I really can be. I need the awards, not the rest. So the middle school, I yell at the front stage for the gardening fees. Like 3 containers those flowers from near by. They.....did something in the Forest Park here, me and my mother went. They imagine I don't remember....I screamed at the people.

So...I had no more leadership since the high school, to them Next Class Year after EF, its the same operation team like the Love of Century 2011.....in the Los Angeles. I only tell you the Era where the sun brighten to the human civilization, that will be in America.

These junks collection from UB was not the leadership intended, its I walk to where I am happier, and I done that since the high school. I had no more driven to anything since the middle school. I participate in the things they told me, never volunteer that much to rising up to the Top.

Right now, it is because everyone else important, so no one ever asked me. I give all that up long long long time ago. The awards or drew near to those things. 

Anna, the way you describe that 7500 papers on your desk, way up to the house table top....and you don't bring this ONE giant thing to the court room....I cannot understand it. You test it the water?

No one knows I have those brain freezy hurting me. The Terminator - the Future Salvation. I never say that since 2014, but I never leave my seats. Until the humanity fallen right in front of my faces both side military or why they entering here, the animals told me, I will rise to the very Top. No one heard it a very straight, movie: Click.  They joking me, or they will see worse.

I done the math, or some of those 2 years works didn't lost. (2018-2020), I show up at Jan 2018, I done the math to their face, and so much later on I written. I tell them exactly everywhere if they just almost copy and re-arrange, because I am short of in anything other than the typing. No more image files.  I don't need to repeat a certain thing, I know they aren't that slow, so I will keep moving a lot of the things in my hands. They didn't assure me that, I just know that. I went to sleep, whichever this is still a freedom democracy society, meaning, i have no countability.

No countability, I file or not, I file or I stop. None of this is real, Ronan. I make the people believing it, that is countable, or testing the water. Its all true....except, its not obligated. No one knows what the system is, or no one cared if I got hurt, or not knowing everything everywhere, one of those are hurting people, they know, or they slow that...no matter what. But I knew how severity that is. So I calculating that date to enter

Did you tell Shane any part of this today?

( Ronan, is Shane reporting you, but not the company record pitches through you, Lewis Walsh, right? So the interval he speaks to you like 2 mins? Total 5 sentence before he sails out that door, glide? If you are in the office even? )

No, Shane never heard any part of this.

The conspiracy theory...

The girl married to the guy next by? On the line?! Dean is a womenizer like Justin Timberlake. 10 girls per time interval if not like that Silas, because they were both RA. Dean is a write people up human like you Ronan. The stage before the medical school, then meds...and I forget those time no more facebook, something happened, I don't even know I was on the movie screen Frozen. They don't bother tell me.

I mean your 250 human from the UB. 

I think its 75, 65 UB ID card + 10 in case...Ronan.

Hey Ronan ....they are in Korea + this breakfast I cannot show you the video.

I was wondering that is not part of your company venture, or you just hold that name to-do? The company metal rim those air-con company does? Entering and you do those paper works in the office cabins, like Nicky wearing the eye glasses giant face + you reading them with the eye glasses in the dim light, open and close the sliding or not, the files to sort. It must be the judge panel those looking per correct order, or the sorting files statues.

( Big eyes )

I was wondering, do you know what kinds of the indoor light, those are if those are the yellow light like my living room. For the reading on Nicky's so dark everywhere Kian, too...they cannot see, or they don't have the lights, or they live in the trailer. Its not illuminating...the gifts from my downstair, the LED reading light. To write and to read.

The computer light is enough, the LED similar, the beam light, correct. They have the eye glasses to read the computer, Ronan. they can adjust the font per default setting, or they have never used the computer before, like Shane to use an IPad?

My TV here news, good night ! 

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