
⭐️⭐️⭐️ You all still in which park? Left yet? The otter says? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Getting the water, or the aluminum foil drinks? That is the word 鋁箔包飲料

I have too many things in my school clubs, the classmates issue. They will not get along, Wing or Ola. I study with them, right.

The water is you buy the bottle, and wash your face, your head, your hair, too burnt hot outside. The shade is not enough. You need to go indoor.

Camping with ...the parents. (David Violin - Seven Nation Army)

If you be with the guys, sometimes the girls in this world....the other guy knows you are being with a guy. Other than too many other things, the mother this or the sister all these. Just how the guys talk with another guys, that kind.

The water is fine.

This is not about that Art book

You are in that Taipei Station?

It will be the King's big day ! 2 years ago ~~~and that tunnel to Light here or there, or where he will officially retired, that kind? With this kind of the Art book, almost just like that Devil Wear Prada, the House of Gucci.  He has a particular talent using his brain over one lifetime all of these...Not about the interface and the 4 Panda. 

I used to get told, you and Tim Cook and move toward the central, someone tear apart that Titanic side of that lady BTX or the universal police, I am no longer in the jail, so you are all be safe to go in those sunshine world.  I never believe those things, but probably something got pulled.

You have a mother, too.....legally, its both, you never hire the lawyers?

You ask, "In the animal all world, and Anna my world, me kinds, every kinds if knowing that, and the lawyers tell lie, those."

No, they don't tell lie, of course not. They find out. The first day I say she was a boy and there is a female version, she is there.

They find out? Yes.

And if 1999 Mummy 1 2 3 ....they didn't retrieve her....all that ?

No, its the lawyer's fault, or the Congress all fault including your mother's fault. 

Over 1 person's death? Yes.

No, they get both her back, and get you all compensated. 

No nono no......no, not Ola, me, or Harris, or ....any of that. That is a life breathing and living and sensation person, got a feeling. You just tell her, your original contract is as is, 2 kids were yours. Give it to her, or they gonna kill that two, and you and her have a separated life again.

That is the original contract? Yes.

Definitely not! Camila and Laura....

Movie next: Baby Boss

cannot? That person kneeling very fast....Middleton is in Japan, right?

Panda listening.....


Korean breakfast: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/atBogB67WFA

You are not a gay, right? Seeing that Kian and Nicky?!

If I dating Nicky....(my phone, right?!), Shane together...its Nicky ! I think its Nicky, fine. And now, that is Seven Army Nation Shane?! And, do I feel so that physical? Like a normal household, and all that?

...right. oh ~ Do I need to ask you back, you....ever going to that, behind?

That's good !

oh (birds), you going on the group dating table, the coffee shop, or the party, where a lot of the people and all that. The family and your real cousin, you are all close growing up together to join those walkway in the church event with your grandmom and all that. You hang around those upper class, right? They have the money and the house to go and trespassing, and all that?! 

The TV at your mother's grave with the flowers and all that.  (The Day You Found Out )

Everyone has a pride, and the competition, and the best friend, to buddy together to rebel to their parents, its a part of the process.  The heaven will not have any of that, me and Babaji can breath in both home, that is probably that long hair babaji that kind.....just sleeping at home, no one touring about or around calling each those name never stop, Master this Master that.

Of course, it has to be real.

I am not listening to the human.....but majority part might be at Babaji and Indian General or the Indian 500 years old. Leave me alone stuffs.

Eat, drink, art book. That's good. A good life.

oh ~ you all fallen, 8 months ago, when the legal words or terms got in? Your body feeling it 10 years you are the show with any family of yours, their face, their belief in your brother, all that? 

How does 1 person rule the whole worlds, starting from nothing for Ronan...let me think. Panic, not confident, calling 20 lawyers on the phone.....you imagine that God should be, right? 8 billion souls, not your 3 millions personal staff +1 more Queen.

A bundle pinks flowers to comfort every night for 6 years, and a bundle of the best royal guards, or the best friends of all, the best upper world all friends, and respected someone all be Harry's one person disposal, that confident of looking back 10 years, not ashame?

Before the Heaven's throne?

Any bit?

Should go to hell when you truly feeling it. You use your position...? To do 1 second harm, that is the heaven's standard, not 1 min, not 1 day, not one phone call, you and that pink and the best friend 4 hands chop, the most cruelsome methods,, someone supposes to tell me the first year. The court room will find out the next time....

The human loves the human....there is a price. 

Everything is real to you. This world....have fun ! Set up life, its only 1 lifetime, the eternity -1. 3 millions souls willing.

You are a psycho, you don't need to be serious. Abnormal, you blank out at the windows, or you are cold, do you have the temporarily memory blank out? And other people bothering you? Like you stand there....and you looking outside the windows, for like 10 mins, you wish to talk to you yourself, that kind of the blank out? And then someone knocks on the door, and shock you, that kinds?

You couldn't do your own thinking, that stuffs. I think you still carry that ....Cold like your 2 hands cold, your 2 feet cold. You are very tall.  You remember that?! Per day, you couldn't do your own life thinking, stand or sit, .....you get near the window and looking outside.

And somehow a knock knock, break your head thinking, you might be shaking, or talking to yourself at the windows. You knew what that is everyday.  

No, those...no, I am not sure anyone knows. Tina, too. Just when that day she did tell someone probably her brain or she will tell me one of those days, everything inside her head, I am her real sister. She tells me, I tell her how to deal with it. 

Killing too? ... definitely not. She tells her dogs probably, her name is Mokie with a facebook.

Is that a crime? 

To me brain like you got hurt like that? It is. All the animals feeling it, too. You can talk to your dog. Like these birds, those nuts, open the nutshell for them, not testing them, not yelling at them loud, just smooth, lower volume, and give them a break, the food, the water, and all that.

You trust your palace any one doctor or outside the palace? Require to travel? You feel fear, or you feel better if the doctors coming in to see you. If you make up your mind, you tell them coming in, and you just tell that doctor clearly the details I told you I describe about you, and you ask him.

Can he solve it?

He should. You got scared if this if that, you call him to step in, and you can lay down on the bed, after that. You didn't have a parents take you hand by hand doing that. You can immediately lay down, or take a shower and lay down, not get too scared of it.

Take a shower, drink that warmer tea, or the warmer water, and immediately lay down.

Close your eyes, and he left, that's it. You ask him to call you.  

No, anything but the killings part, you say you have some resentment....from inside going outside, or coming out of your lung, your head feeling it, if you remember how that entire sensation erupt out of your throat, but from the lung or trigger at the head. Erupt means, not the vomiting, that's say you got angry, behind your spine, coming all the way up to your head. Sometimes you got the red cheek, and all that.

If you describe this sensation in details? 

Yes, he will help you. 

Not the killing part. No, just not the particular person yet. You repeat some of the things he told you, and you are not ready to tell him, so don't. Your entire body chemistry.....

You can keep some of that, until you see your body improve. Lay down and sleep. 

One day, if that routine you like it he coming in to talk to you, you tell him. Maybe after 10 or 20 times....or you make up your mind, after 50, or 60 times. 

Is that excruciating pain, me? My mother does....YES.

Is that the medication helps? NO! The high tech, the birds, and her...don't do that.

Well...you see if your mother coming back, or your aunt someone in this process coming near. You tell that person and you see if one of the women willing to take you to see the doctors like 50 times, no matter what, its really 50 times that much...its embarrassing, but you wish this person can go next by you. Its me one person's issue and you don't need to talk to me, but can you just sit in that chair. Not another person talking about it, but just you go home, and you take me home. I don't want to talk about it. We repeat this like 50 times. Like I have a family sign or I sign in at the doctor's window, but you sit in the chair waiting for me, that kind.

You go on a table date to tell her. 

I doing this thing? I would? Yes, not with you. You go with your best pal world aunty, uncle or the female friends.

"I wish you and me don't talk, I need to concentrate in my chair that day in the office hour, and you shut up until we finish this 50 times, I am not sure how to ask you, so I make some courage and some gifts on this dinner table. You can get up and leave, or we talk a little bit. "

"Yeah, greeting each other we are fine, but I am nervous every single time, and in the chair, I can look straight, and inside my mind, or I have a paper, or read, and then, how to walk in, or how I walk near by this magazine stand....one of these 50 times, I will figure it out how to do these, right. The entire things to be right. "

You just tell Middleton, you need some time away.

And you done this 50-100 times, whatever you got, you ask the doctors, if you can meet someone else. You may or may not, and you continue another 50 times the doctor's visits.

Therapy, therapeutic....

You tell middleton...."during this time....I need to put another person next by me. We might not talk one word, but I need this private function looks like I can talk, and she is never, or you won't hope. I have that kind of the mood and the mind. I need to concentrate to do this, this time. This person I wish, you know, or she knows the best behavior, but most time people doing things behind my back. I just really need the time for myself right now. "

You don't need to be honest, you need that 150 times visits, But you tell her, there is a reason you putting a lot of the efforts in with this. When I am coming out....if I can make it, You tell her now. 

Will you succeed? 

I don't really know. 

And if you succeed...?

So you plan it at the beginning with her, or with that aunt, if she told you another girl, or someone all helping you doing this, 1 or 2 or 3 on the phone, the backup. But shut up. Make your mind at ease.

You ask them the same thing?

You tell that one lady to tell that 2 girls, you don't need to dinner anymore, you don't really like any of this social, or extra talk. She can talk for you, and arrange all the phone, or the Line App. You want them just beside, don't talk. Go along with you. You don't talk, you want to concentrate to do your own things, whatever this is.

The guy or the girls, yeah, that's fine.

oh, Tina ! She.....I only met her 6 months, right. In front of the family, or the best friend....not survival to another bf, or some guys she curses all the words, and blank out in the kitchen with the kids and all that. I eat my food and she has to scream and all that.....

I ask Shane....if she needs to, my mother too.  They all have the bad mood.

I have the worse mood with ALL of this.

Mood like the attitude !!! Not the saleman, lower the tone talk. She plays that drama in life, and she will want someone brand new, that never knew she had that kind of the past, and....but I don't think her condition is other than that....

Yeah, if that has a remedy to get well. 

You have any TV you saw?

Anyone? Your prospect.

If that is like a dying separation felt, you tell him at the first not the 150th times the doctors' visits office. He needs to drop everything in his life, just you as his life. But he doesn't need to be there.

Kinda looks like Riley, shorter. Blacken eye glasses frame. You knew this guy, he knows whom you are ? Movie: 17 Again, is on. He doesn't talk. Kinda looks like Eben.

He doesn't talk ! 

He is Eben's those literacy, ...correct?!

That Something Gonna Give, you are ...THAT girl.

The birds say....facebook.

Shinyi, and "the only" the same sound, and they sing.

新一 and 唯一

He is....in this movie everywhere....!! Shane on the toilet~~~ Ellie Goulding, the ending, that audience seat, he looks like that?! Inside.

(You starting at your father leaves the principle office, beginning)

2 at the basketball court. And your father's computer games inside that monitor. 

I understand it....you knew this film says? You are the red hair Scarlet? Isn't she would be ...?

Riley = your doctor's office date. = Mark = Shane withering...HE is not going to go there with you for the 100th times with you. Your aunt would be best for those jobs.

Party at your mansion.....you....planning to tell him? He is inside the movie, one of those days, slip your talks? I don't think he ever got married, or having the kids, to make it your 100th times doctors appointment offices. You want him to do that for your kids, and for Middleton, anyone inside your all around worlds?

You thought about him, or you really like him? He doesn't know one thing about "this world with the movies" or all of them staring at you, or anything near your life. He doesn't even know why there is a doctor's office to go next by you? Flip his magazine that kind?

He is not too around, right? Not inside your circle (like inside your house party in the movie), with people like that....he gonna keep a secret for you, and he goes out and get a date with someone else, just as soon as he run out of the doors? You have too many secrets in or around you. 

Riley will give you ALL the attention you ever need, but that guy...won't.

You call him 24 hours, he always text you back. 

You tell the kids need to be in the school, all things principle in Japan, he does all that paper works.

You tell him the Maryland, or New York, the kids be where? Airport He noted it down for you.

He and Middleton one lifetime is nothing but you. The attention wise. 

The school principle can talk to your kids for Middleton or for you. "Tuckle your shirts inside your pants" that sports ware. 

( The movie ends, the year book ! )

No, it doesn't have meaning at all, not that guy, no ! He will panic for anything, not your House Party, or any of this, NEVER the Asian Pacific, and it will NEVER be the Pacific Rim, that movies. Not one thing you can tell him....about The Egyptian history and all that.

Harry Potter?

Definition not, of course not.

Why not?

Not everyone believes the movie be real, you and your family could see it, but not even me seeing it at the book or in thinking?

Next Movie: Shazam.

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