
About what? The thoughts inside you, or your family be your parenting, Harry?

 No more Me and Eben, Shane or me, or Nicky and me? Its your brother and Kate?

Tony does that. With Mimmo and Connie. The day they grew very very tall and me and nick show up to where ....those cottage idea to cook a meal. They seat down and eat. Its a very rural life, to say very unconcern to anyone. Sleep, eat, meditate. They don't even have one meal normally at home. 

If you sleep longer, take some medicine to calm down anything you ever done, close door.....I meant every single second your ever did on high tech, or from the outsiders. Your every move. You have your family is where you can see them. I believe your brother is already up sometimes whatever reason or including that Middleton, it may not be exact 25 years ago, but that gradually Kate does more her obligation.....

You could be away from the public sight, to rest, to eat, to nutrition your own health. Get a container, or a book to write it down, get an utensil box because you eating per interval to care about your own health. You have 2 kids. Not every single word other people say, other than the hard candy, your mind and soul its how much other people bothering you none stop, your public duty didn't end, its your soul and mind seeing other people's appearance or the younger age, or how professional they becoming, you realize what you did behind everyone's close door. I know or they know?

We were not talking about you, Harry. It was on Ola.

Per eye sight, Harry. Who are they? Near or far?

Tell me, a close talk sound like a mature adult and then? They find you the taller human to say the comfort, okay ....how he talks, or anyone else the youth talk. Stand right, where he supposes to be next second other than your own agenda, this polished academia show up personel. You walking out of the door....his or theirs, or anyone sound like them, their future? Describe to me what you say when you leave. - you doing that with all of them, and the more age you becoming less stable anything you see, or you pine at, no one knows. I know? Harry? 

Tell me, all of them.

Where they gonna be the next second, you will be exit your own door "to which world of yours, Harry"? 

It was all mature talk, all of them have a schedule. Everyone in that motion of running, even I know about this, sounds like I done something? The normal human must get by from where to where, and tele-com, or the microphone piece on the ears, when every human acting normal to get to next - so you could done this private talk. You know you feel like one of them 3 +2 now? And? 

No, they know where they exit to the next meeting. Yours, Harry? 

Trash that judge is not a meeting ! ANYWHERE on the map to sound like that close door ID entrance is a no hope future holds. 

You have a brain on an aging face appearance. When did you realize that Harry Potter story was too old? Jonathon and Zac the shorter guys show up even Wing? They all aged and gain a lot of the weight. 

No, I know you know they have no relation, no family background, you all got a better scene with every elite personnel. I know. 

Something else, Harry. The only ABC taller 1 Asian guy in my any vicinity, its my brother. A horror those Austin's attitude if some human witness, so my brother isn't flash with the faces those.  Funny .....   1.   So you cannot blame, because there is no Asian faces with a correct height.

uhm ....? Its another white girl like Ashley the women's study, sounds like a major, Laura sounds like another white girl, your mother says what? Of all world stood there every guy, no future, no hope, killing each other, or on debts. She cannot quit talking to them like you all don't exist. Its an Asian this side to America East side, just one water body. No one bothers them, she won't even think WE exist. And? 

These guys, THESE guys or the girls intend to be a MD, the funny joke was she Anna never quit !!! WHY....on every nagging things, if someone nag you, you will definite kill all of them, so they UB will kill her 1, and she does that on purpose or she knows that white people guys all doing that!


I say and .... you listen.


Each of them struggling with a future, you have a super VOLA on the American soil with Meghan, every photo was perfect, you know that ! And ...

The same degree with the height are 3 them, no more your father and the step mother, you know that. 

And ...

If I have a research paper,

If I have no more family overseas,

If all my classmate doesn't know me, no more facebook, no friends, no human close,

If Robert Johnson and Katherine Johnson like 1900 photo or the documentary, NYC elites.

Robert is in OU language numbering.

"They all have a future, where is my future?" 

So Tina aims at her future, not sure.....she went back to NYC. No matter what she went back. No more husband, you heard that.

These character inside a real life, none of us knowing you exist on another side of the ocean, called Atlantic Ocean, so there is a not known Ireland and YOU the biggest British Empire.

Gala is in National Archive, but dim light, that is Ocean 8. Ring a bell? Only England has those like Hugh and Olivia's sports car to arrive. We.....have none here Gala dim yellow light. You exit his eye glasses scene, you are not at the Lake House your brother's door to swing outside...that is not a door, right, when you look at him far away behind you?

Too important idea for Harry Potter the last 10 years, someone new coming up, they stay in the white fluorescence light all their life, the poverty human on the research funding institute or the university office, or the lecture hall, to gain an opportunity like the Contact.

You know your own houses, but....its never those gala someone exit like Hugh to be this backpack looking because the real world outside, its me and my balcony, I just didn't technically sleep on my balcony, saying I had a Canada past.

And  ....

Ronan, Shane, Nicky's home. 

Nick's backyard has a river.  He is not your father, right? 

These dim light so important is only 1 hour to eat, or there is a door must exit to go back and live in the hotel, how long this uniform Japanese lady will cease every time a life like that. All the welcoming to go home, no food and you have to drive. All that past in England, its where your sister-in-laws them rules in England, all these gala, the table cloth to eat a meal, you are doing that in Congress, you need to eat a meal where or how....these things make a sense to you, if that camera is turn around to you.

Harry Potter, that shaves on the face. Your father will die one day, nick will die one day. 

The youth face, younger and younger. Your immediate meal, Harry. 

Not the sun shade light behind a blind cover in the car down, its the same dim yellow light from my high tech, you had a sun glasses, meaning..I see my sunglasses at my eyes, you have a mouth in a straight line just like your news with Meghan laterly 4 months ago, so your PM last one, was smile-ing next by if you Google it. You reading what he says? He smiles giant. 

Nicky without Shane, without Mark, without Kian....he gonna die ! 

He is highly conditioned ~~ or the accident included.

Mute, 4 limbs numb, cannot move his head or the neck. More than the glass human, not sure he can be communicated at, the hospital says. An exact human looks like him ...stands there. Walking back and forth without the 2 limbs moving that much. Thin, very thin, too. 

I would be ???

One Ireland, what they 5 did ....

Nicky had a birthday....yesterday we are Holiday, National.

The gun and appearance team, the military and the girl's high school, and the police car performance. I went to ask Nicky something, I just happened to know he had a birthday.

The police car is BMW, you know that? Purchase from?


These are the motorcycle !!!!! 3:39

You do the high school physics or the chemistry those inductive formulated......formula (1) (2) to (3) and (4), you will take them next 25 years. You don't need to lawsuit Arendale. Its the Gun and Appearance all teams. Every single year.

Time is running, this is what you scared.

Everyone when they choose their career, because they grown up to mature....and every one of them how they stand, how they talk, to how they paycheck next, no one does this Harry Potter and you know you are not doing this Harry Potter movie anymore, to anyone all around. Every conversation is correct, you know what you are asking these lawful side, or things you don't know 25 years ago or which first year you start to know there is a legal action to take.....

Did you drop your school with your D grade at Eton College (that is just up to 18 ? ) meaning that is just the high school for us here or the US. Did you drop all that because you are formulating or research your "legal action paper", I am just curious that side is very very quiet.

very very quiet

very very quiet

very very quiet

No, they know, or whom else know what that means, what quiet means? The court room as long as the door shut, every single human is inside there talking and formulating a 20 years gone saying there is no result, "neh, no results", but no one knows you gone back, if you have no results, why you keep going back? You doing this to hurt the judge and everyone else outside the court room door life got screw? You intend to do that, or everyone knows that? 

You believe that, or anyone has those time track year......your brother knows with Kate just met? 

Kate and Meghan is 3 weeks, or 3 months, Harry?

We gonna see which panda drop 1 down, you? Next 20 years games? We know that? 

Tell me

A road of no return means....the last 25 years experience.

A cursed road choice.

The court room, the court room.

Its not bad, its justice, its justify anyone cannot accuse me. 

Yesterday was not a cursing choice anymore .....what did I say a whole day write-up feeling like a waste of all time.

It is a normal life, get back to the norm. 

That will be 25 years or 27 years since 1997 this court room appealing, really really make you feel safe? The legal action if you take, its an assure winning bet. Every single time slot you leave the palace door, when you live there, they know that. You put that as a routine when you left there, and continue doing that including come to America. Or you so sure you quit going to any local court to play a lawsuit never ending up in one simple law library database.

It has never existed !

Or you want me say that again? 

A road of no return, explain to me ..... ITS THE COURT oweing to you.

You cannot possibly doing that for 27 years, not ONE thing get down, so I ask you one more time. Did you check the university and law library database, that plaintiff vs the defendant name is in there, that is the whole case. Anything else was just a chat !

You never seen a defendant, you never had a case ! 

When the case has a verdict, you have an original file to go back in time.

That is how we all watching a movie ALL these years? Harry?

When the case has a verdict, you have an original file to go back in time.

And when was your original document or the original file

This is the palace safeguard you     +     this you had a lawyer yourself?

Do you want Meghan to look at it, where in your computer which one is the original file?

You want to keep going another 20 years, like Ola did? She can simply just borrow one Eric's school textbook I used to show to Tamang, at least 3 people seen that book called the Plaintiff vs Defendant supposes to look like a case. 

Whom is this Harry Potter claim, you succeed or near by you, or UB?

2021? If that original file was 20 years down the road to go back to, that is UB their timeline, yours never got filed in says...2001, or 1999.

You didn't file in, there is no original file ! They are just all a chat ~

You know your true love is like you, or?

You finding each other name in the database, that is how you meet, and chat? 

Dean had gone to vent, I know. Show up all together, 6 vs 1. He learns his lesson, except I don't know if he files on him owns, show up on him own. My Linkedin is not working.....Lee is not working for some reason. 

To me, just you Prince Harry and Ola. 

Queen and Charlie's father has passed away.

Stand near by doesn't mean a joint file like you and your brother in 1997. Your brother William remembers if he stands there together with you. Standing is not a joint file, or a joint statement to the public. He just stands there !  If I ask him your brother some question, William, you don't mind?

Do you like the court room drama as young as when your parents file a divorce, when? The legal power to rule the world?

You William understand in English, side by side, means stands next by?

Did you sign anything down without your parents, that time will be still your guardian? The joint file-ing, or the joint statement to the public media where we thought you two got restricted behind, no more media that protection laws to lasting until.....you met Kate?

Any lawful idea when you were younger, has to be a lawyer present and co-sign, including with your parents. Standing side by side, that is not a witness of you yourself or a joint file-ing, you understand that?

If you just stand side by side, that is not a joint file-ing. In front of the judge, unless that files were the public defendant that let you two standing on the trial with your father, and ending up in the database, your palace looking after you or your grandmom.

Not Harry hands you a pen, and you sign without the lawyer? or your parents? 

You cannot sign yourself that time the entire England to Harry, that was your grandmom's.

You understand all these above? Now? 2024. Do you want to ask your father's lawyer to get to Congress, you sign now. This line above. Anything clarify of all those account, you didn't do any of that, you are very sure, you still remembered. 

No, this is not a lawsuit, its just a piece of paper, that your father helps you right now, and the Congress heard that. 

Either this is the time Harry gets clear, or something insert right now. Both this one Harry and Ola's situation. 

No, your palace should know how to insert this piece of the paper. Yeah, one sheet is fine. You didn't do any of that, the time return, the original file be opens, and found out there is no file, you didn't use the legal power to, everyone knows, correct....but just insert one sheet. 

What Harry?

You and Ola abused this court....and one of you got fired let's say the future, or the past.

Is that your brother's fault? Of course not.

What? I have no jobs? Right. I never show up the judge front, he or she doesn't know I have a name in the database. It doesn't exist !

No, my entire giant groups, as long as one of us is making sure in 20-40 years, something is told, something is work out 1 thing, not 100000 things, to be honest since 2014, they are fine, we are fine. We are not close enough to say the entire group just 1 direction, so only left 1 Ola running running with you Harry. Do you have a court room to CA with this Japan things, Meghan knows that you going back, or I hear that was just "maybe"?

This one page of the last 3 days or 2 days materials, your brother just hand it to the palace, say which lawyer, and that lawyer decide if the palace needs to get a sheet for him and talks for him to the King. That's very simple, Harry.

That is 2040, Harry.....My ear is not damf.

If putting it down the correct time idea to look like 2040, or 2045.

No, they all have their career built, you Harry will say you didn't do any of that, you are just looking like everyone else. Meghan knew that ?!

They do their math, they do their house chore, they pay their rent, they study, or not sure they got fired, or they got a new job other than the MD 20+, talk with the parents, or staying home, or near by UB, or moving out. That is everyone norm life. We have no connection anymore. So everyone "smoothly continually space travel quietly" another 20-25 years. No noise.

I have a TV to go to.

Your brother has no food?

My classmate, they were my facebook, did I tell you how they design the facebook? It was they consent, they seen the 20 years facebook, and continue without that, to live their life, but we used to know each other. They discuss with their undergraduate best friend, or their graduate colleague, or someone they trusted each other, sometimes they do business. 

One of that they together to do some UB group activities it will never be, they looking for a judge for brainstorming, there is a Eben Pagan!

I see you have a talent for doing that.  Its not the first time you walking in the court room. 

Why don't you hire a professional to do the consulting like Eben?

UB they might have a Ph.D or MD or near by, any Master degree included. If they decide to do anything that brilliant, I will tell them something different. You on the other hand, your family are no longer on your ever move, on leash, like that Tina.

I have to work on my feet ....Harry.

I am sure it was only 65-75 that far to reach Karen with some local. They are all from that UB around or the New York State, if one of them find your news in the next 20 years,...I am sure I WILL BE TOLD, they contact Westlife or me, if my communication cannot be found.

Meghan is a professional. Meaning she knows the networking to get to the next step.

The consultant, or the personality shape up, not everything goes to the judge how to find your true love, is that included? 

Your original file has to be your real name in it, do we know your real name, Harry?

The new generation will come up in the next 20 years. Like your own kids. 20 years old kids. They do those acting taller guys' world, the Asian gerne.  I think I am all set my love finding, Shane ~~~~ I don't know what he is doing where he hangs at Ireland, but I can see him.

No, your family members understand you, you mean your father !

I think you should do good to William now, or later, or before this...him and anything he cares about and those are the UK secrets, it will never reach me. I mind my own worlds will have, 2 people me and Shane. To Asia this TV, I will tell your brother to something so at least that is decent from my part, its just a sheet. He won't find out until the future. I do wish him well when he returns to UK. 

Because he is your only family, and I am not very sure you two are super close, or you Harry always get away with your father, that kind. He is not your father. Kate with Meghan, and you input more your family quality efforts, its for both family to grow and the kids grow, and the education for both small family. I think he cares about it.

You left every open room door conversation with Meghan somewhere in the party by herself? You keep leaving that table with your phone, or someone calling you, if 4 of you gathered in Japan, and Hugh and Olivia will not be there. So that is 3 people talking, and you look like you sit in, and you always....kinda mind absent to your phone, or something so super important. Is there anything to this your father work it up or your brother togethers, to sit there having a quality time with all of them? THAT is what I am saying.

  1. You want them to know you are super important to go to the judge literacy high human for gaining the favor or gossip about them.
  2. Do they realize that you doing that for the last 20 years?
  3. You always absent to that near them, next by them, or the phone calling, your eyebrow frown, this Meghan never been to this golden shining party, and she dress up all that with the heel by herself there in the UK? She is that tall? 
  4. You not just too concern, too busy like Tina slap my father's a face in W Two worlds, all the time, A kiss and a slap. My father never be in the family activity and he left. He talks in the phone.
  5. You check your phone message per text, Meghan worried, or she saw that?
  6. I mean 1000 image everyone reports where you been, Harry.
  7. You keep doing that for the next 20 years, if Meghan walk away, and you let her? So right now you fighting against the moonlight, its you rebel to God, or you rebel to the judge, or you rebel to the TV.
  8. You cannot sit there to have one decent conversation because...where you go, to gossip about 3 of them, without them knowing, and those quality time is your rebellion time, never concern them too much, you are the Dark Lords, you gonna finish all of them, what does that mean? I want to know? 
  9. You know you did what?  Do they know they never did that? 

You just chat with the judge, that is not the original file.

No, I don't have your original file, I don't have your real name. 

No, US is US file, UK is the UK file. 

No, I am not going to UK or US, not at the moment.

No, I won't check it. I don't know your all real name.

Is that a what?   That is a lawsuit verdict done by the judge and to the court cases open or re-opens, that is not a case look like to me or that media will leak out something, I have never heard about it. 

Is there an expiration date?

No, its a done verdict, its over. 

So that is not the original file we are here? or ...?

You are looking for every case you ever done, that went through "a trial", that is the original file, if you lawsuit 10 people, and 10 trial takes 10 years to get through in the database, either you lose or you win something, that will be 10 original files.

They are all the original files?


You sure?


800+ ? No.

Me or someone else might have to re-write that to the future.....as an original file.

Not now?  No.

Its not in the database?

No, its not. 

Your name? Definitely not. 

The system lawyers' name. Correct.

On his own case? I am not sure it gone through, it was opens....some in 2021. Its the system lawyer choice to evaluate that and they can send to the other law firms, you will never know their name, whom, what is in their suitcase flying 200 countries airline, to quietly somewhere a hotel room to sort all that or the vocational home. All that will be....the lawyers or the law firms to whom they hire separately, other than the system lawyers.

Are you going to use the system lawyers for us for all of this?


Why not?

I am not in the court, you didn't hear it for the last thousandth times.

If you are not in the court, there is no lawyer?


Does Dean they know about it?

I am not sure they always have the IQ or the required IQ for this when they done venting. A funny thing, I never ask them, not one word.

You are not sure he is Dean or Michael Vartan, I c.


Why you are not talking to Dean? 

I am not Ashley, I am an Asian!!!!

I just mean most of the girls are my height a little bit taller or shorter, we can sit on the chair, those milder girls. No one is those sorority girls like JC those video, or you all royal people might seen, more join in the gala party those.   I never worry how they go near your...any world, too short.

And the guys?

Silas height. It would be...Lance Bass, Justin their height, some are taller.

They cannot sit in the chair? 

You mean Hailey's father cannot sit in his chair.

I just mean if they will fly in fly out to investigate where I am, that kinds?


Where they will be?

At work.

I mean normally where they will be?

At work !

If I have my lawyer to talk to one of them ?

I would prefer you don't go near them, they didn't connect or you will find out they connected because of you.

Why you will go with Shane?

I am not Ashley ?!

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