
Sailor moon or Loving the Silent Tear?

Am I talking about the same Shane, smoking outside coming in, or PC eye glasses? Are you going to laser vision here? Taipei is everywhere clinic. Your age is fine.

You believe those things, Shane?

How long you jump around on the stage?
25 years.

And what makes you think making a money like that, its a character inside a book making a money, how?
Not possible?

You focus on me its the best savior's methods way, anything I say the capitalism, is the only way.  Every single step I said, Shane.

If they file you are the Earth Prince?

Don't go back, block all their name and the career reference immediately. If that is in the Westlife company, you tell the human resource, they got a dispute putting you in, you want out, they get fired, now, is that possible. The human resources get them all fired.

That is what you do, or what everyone else does?

Just do once, I say.

If they ask me, like we are all friends, can I go, just sit on the bench?


Even if they got fired long ago?

Block all the phone ID, the name, the cell phone company, the oral in-line phone company. You can just send them in the mail. You write to them, print and write. I wish to block some people's name and phone number.....

If they come near, not very near?

Leave, you tell your security, if they can be put in which record format, give them all a very clear oral warning, if that is in the jail next step, its because you don't wish to participate, whom get trapped all together inside the court room and pee together.

Why your 2 finger touching touching, low headed? Do you have an IQ, or that is smoking outdoor without the eye glasses? You have the eye glasses inside your home at your computer.....I just hate it to look at you, and all.

Okay....is this someone else is the Earth Prince? The gossip?

They come out, you asking them. Outside anything of that line, OUTSIDE.

Shane, I think you have those acting to beat up another human records, Nicky to your head, or your head to Nicky.

Brian and Mark acting on the TV, they remember?

I need you to cut off every voice, every human seen you, meet you, call you, talk to you. Focus on this Digital Era, and your presentation. 

You can be alone sit in the mall, seeing every other human passing it by, sadly, but not anymore another smile, from another fatty best friend like your facebook. Any hallo goodbye its not welcome since 2 years ago. Every single sound and door bell rings.


Not chatting, not gossip, not well wishing, no holiday. I haven't had a birthday, Shane ~~~

No one coming near to you opening one mouth, until this Westlife folded, or you only goes to them for work, that is your secretary, or someone near committee. The day when I finish this world, they better its in blood, or already away from that voice of your existence, FOREVER per sound second Eon, never exist, never heard, never mentioned they will ever exist the next 80 years until I FINISH this universe.

This Korean cooking guy, this 1 straight cucumber
You Shane thinks this is funny?

You have a lot of those langauge issue and the laughing the funny jokes together.

What the together means you and another 1 person in talking, they think that was funny, Shane?

Okay, next.

Anything else other than the stupidity of the human low IQ existence Era you saying forever goodbye, and that Ireland, forever and ever, never return back including you be jail with all of them together, if you think I exist, or the military action will make Ireland nothing but the dripping blood lands? Honey and blood?


No more talking about the politic, until I finish every Congress the human blood.

3 World Peace.

Every 10 people table, you and Ronan will never use your eye listening to that person's talk, only look at the wisdom eye pretending a talk, until I raise my cup. Someone knows this whole table only I exist, to open my mouth.

If this happens one more time, any human exists i make sound on any table.
Every exit of that house door, its every 9 generaiton kills, with you 2 Shane and Ronan head on hanging with the ropes, in the hot sun, 2 hours each day, you will remember.

I one person.......only exist.

Do not opens your mouth to make any friendly gesture, do not make a loving saying, do not ask anything, do not show why you imagine you exist. 

Until I raise my cup, someone believes I should be the only person talking on every table.

Every government is where the in-line, in-land zone. America is so giant big, I almost just forgotten my one whole lifetime, a small tiny barren land world you Ireland, or a lot more surface land England.

Do you have a real surface land south?

Either you are so illterate human .....you know what is habitat, habitual real surface land means? The airport airplane can land included? England.

To infrastructure a nation ( a national flag, a national flower, and a national antheme), that is what is defined a country means, you thoroughly understand every words I say? 

One day, they have the Olympia, you have any Irish, you think?

You getting a lawful causes such as in Ireland or Ronan imagine him 1 human in America....those are like almost identical to the guests house. Its not Harry gone to the Congressman table cloth human. Those have a real work of the art.......

With what Harry does, he supposes to be Dean does. Be Biden's daughter meaning living with him for 24 hours 100 years, to get every sentence English words correct on 40 sheets of the paper on Harry's hand handing in to the judge, including that judge agrees with him, they all happy he gone to D.C, with his father's connection, 50,000 words or 1000 line type up per words in precision and in accuracy correct. 1 Paper.

Not chatting important, not friends NEVER will be a Congressman important, never the dinner important.

In this world, the background almost unheard groups have some so known as the industralist groups and the venture capitalist, these people have a way how to make a bill in the real congress, that none of them has one thing to do with the Supreme Court in America.

All that are inside the same Washington DC.

You understand what are these I just told you?

National Archive, Library Congress, Supreme Court America, Congress, and the White House

All of them are in one Washington DC.

UB only wish its ....their justice.

The venture capitalists to make a bill must be in the Congress

The White House is the America President lives in it for 4 years. He can trespassing anything his limo called out to step out in anywhere in this Washington DC science museum included.

Shane, I repeat these 5 times yet? 

A landing surface or what it means the triangle river down, its where the agriculture reason, a lot of the self sufficient economic saying, never your friends gang up on you those Real Estate built up ilegal housing saying. Those permit its the governments must grant, must be the land elevating height to that sea water be saying ATM =1, the surface land not be flooded when the sea water comes up, and all the crops dead.

Its the salted water.

The rain, no, that is the fresh water.

What if the housing?

Anything the salt touching, its dead.  It shouldn't be, you seeing any sea coming up to the land, far away set out yard?

Now, tell me what is the industrialists groups GE or the venture capitalists groups should do to "pass a bill" to make it "a law" through the Congress, they becoming the biggest giant? 

When you stack up per AC pole, currently every house use the telephone wires or the internet its your outside house boxes, somewhere, but this phone line is dragging in from the road middle, one pole, anyone told you? a yard front, maybe 2 poles you can see one to another in the residential area. The top is all wired, and they drag this one wire to your home. We set up like that, I cannot see at your house. It doesn't look like having a pole?

What is an AC pole?

1900, its an Era beginning at this AC and DC war, and one of them lost it. Its through the competition and the legal corporation, so there is a mouse on the TV in 1928, remember that? 

DC begins at NYC.
But AC....which called the alternative current was Tesla's biggest invention with George Westinghouse, was a project someone....at 1893 had a bidding to becoming the future Niagara Falls, Lords Kevin that time the science committee, a pull down handler (you seeing that in VS, the pink those Blank Space). Its always always Tesla those documentary, the only iconic, of that Era.

It was the generating of the water technology for the AC current to ship that long range wired process with 50,000 -100,000 electric AC pole today you walking out of your house and look up. That is what they did eventually from Niagara Falls to Buffalo all the way to NYC.

That is a project, but that is an also a theory becoming true to all the way to NYC.

AC was originally a long range transmission currents to pretending those huge noisy motor or the enginee to be in every 100 meter set up while Edison was alive those 1880 NYC developing time. It was successful, and they do have the electricity, but the voltage is very very low light, you can hardly see any human faces at dark. Not bright light, you can see clearly every face, probably like you know the yellow light make the girl's make-up mild? 
Like 1/5 of that power, you can hardly see anything, but you can see only the people and their black tie.

That was the beginning or before that 1893. The Chicago Expo.

Rockfeller will be the Era before 1856, they have that per piece of the steel iron on the ground to make the rail road, he or them the King of the Steel, they will be the biggest groups that time, that per road survey, having a record in the governmental hall somewhere, this things did get developed since 1910 when the AC DC war over, or AC is out of the patent, or what did the governmental does, because 1908 was a wireless concept.

It went to JP Morgan.

You and Westlife hears my every word?

Those land must be flat, you don't carry anymore human in 1900 to imagine a pavement road on elevating air cannot breath, you cannot live the human to coming it down that road, if you look at Lee's map on University of Pennsylvania, the Ivy League, driving to NYC. By myself GPS. 

1800-1899 is the 19th century
1900-1999 is 20th Century.

We are in the 21th Century, Westlife, you Shane understand my words?

I do the math, Shane. I always remembered these.......I know why, you know why? 

We never stop this since 2014 ~~~!  Its none stop math to my own timeline when and where I suppose to show up !

So Tesla is an inventor, he can write. All of these required to go to the Congress, Yes ! 

You must read his paper, he can write ! 

You can write, Shane?! Then shut up when I finish this world every business to get on my jobs.

The legislator is not consist of just the congressman, because on the local and the central level, you have some other legislator branch towards, the local legal idea, such as all of them must be a lawyer ! The politic all students must be a lawyer in the end to join those America any fight.

Its how to write a bill, how to write a case, how to write a proposal, for


One legislator or the Congressman in the DC itself found interesting, he or someone they found out an AC project, they go and make a bill and submit to their floor. That bills, THEY have to write it on their table, every words of the Section or the Article that self defense the national emergency or the War idea how to NYC to Buffalo, the migration of the inner land is safer, but NYC is the pier.

THOSE people have ZERO time for what Harry Potter stuffs, capish ?!!!!
Not Sailor Moon, not Harry Potter !!!!

Now, these people such as Tesla, George Westinghouse, or the employee, that time or Edison, must stay near the Congress to talk, to black tie, because the Congressman in those party when exchange the talking, they hear those words, or the paper that Tesla wrote, so when the congressman got a copy on their desk, that is what they re-draft all that to make a theory to becoming a reality through a bill.

Once they had a bill, they can pass to the floor.....THAT article with Mark song, that is where they are !!!!!!!  America has a way how they run that votes, AND the president just always know that the biggest thing in America that time, HOW does all these process takes place. The current president HE will be the nearest all that SUPPOSES to know how he mingle his way everyday in there.....because its more than any other things THAN we go to Heaven agenda stuffs.

THIS, ALL THIS, is the Washington DC favors format file.

I used to have a file in 2014, THAT WILL NEVER be FROZEN.

If you truely annoying me....better not to be this movie. I know my way, because I have some other jobs. Don't invite me, don't talk to me, don't call me !!!! 

We are in our modern time, the current legislator needs these vocabulary how the human anatomy or the body cell when I present my theory, EXCEPT what this BTX, or the blurs concepts of the DNA image in the opening trailer, NONE of that is the basic cell, that one cell, one cell theory how the micro-organism can be experiment at, such as the yeast formats. That is the vitro. The vivo is those larger animals you can see.....clinic later trial concepts.

So, which one of my website, those concept explains......THOSE belongs to the Congress, if someone they just take it and save it somewhere. 

THEY have to write in those vocabulary in, so there is a bill, or the bill hearing.  I assume, its after that, they are similar to the movie, not all that clear, because that is the Congressman they doing that.

WE don't go to heaven by a bill hearing ! No.

And I don't know if that is 3 World peace ahead of the jobs it my news here every single day other than the NASA anything else coming that lands jobs.

You can see the correct label and in description line, those are the real jobs?

None of this requires me to be a Frozen job, waving hands to the public duty, and end up none stop stirring the human consciousness in the correct setting of the 21th century ......

The 21th century the modern worlds is 2000-2099

Maybe these number didn't seem to threatening you, because the scientific invention were the 16th century steam engine to the 18 century the industrial revolution. 19 century was Rockfeller and Tesla.

We were all born in 20th century, and now we are in the 21th century.

These are important?


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