
Don't peek.

1 million a year, I think.

Probably hundred or a thousand this time, because one facility the very next day, they are all gone. They dare to do that, the doctor dares to do that. They look at the animal tapes, they won't kill the in-room another house to live that care taker (women) with the eye glasses. The expense for the family, the father. Many might be the individual case returning home immediately. All a lot younger than your age. 

A new age hipi long hair guy, 20+. He knows another dozen like him. 

The black kid, the parents got some funding yesterday that sheet, and these sheet the continuation of their watch program.

They got a lot of the other kids to interact, every case is a little bit different. Some are still in the institution together, because it was just last night. All of them were the kids. That facility is not immediate taken all the kids out, but they call some security, one has to be tie up. 

When they taken them out? They getting all the new cases in.  To? To live there. They are all hearing things. ⭐⭐⭐That facility is like my hospital here. That one just last night. How many things can you happen in 2 days. 

Right, the otter screaming.....

There is a very old, and some older. They need to start from walking. 

There is a blind, too.  Well, if he focus more, he can use the 4 limbs to exercise on the machine to lose all those weight out, to hear more things from the outside all the time, focus on the 4 limbs, not at the head. Moving the 4 body parts.

⭐⭐⭐ Like they walking in those table like my hospital here, looking at each other or chatting. They are all the children's age, that is all they ever do, right now, its they raise up their head looking at each other. 

No, this one....temporarily still here. 

Can you just go to sleep?

Your back is very very tight, one finger straight line on your left shoulder, or the right shoulder bone top horizontal line, you just go to sleep. 

Your entire body is on the high voltage, not just your head. 

I think you are the psycho, you don't need the math. You worry about that? I think its the tear parts. Can you just sort with the rest of those kids, together?

In 2 days you may not even remember anything when you wake up ~~~ those kids might remember. 

What are you praying?

You can stop all the prayers now. 

My birds are outside ~~~

Did you write the diary yesterday my time? Per line after the hospital, sometimes 1 or 2 lines, or the one giant blows inside your head? Those are the emotional trauma.

You blow your nose, right?

Those emotion up surge right at the head, exploded, sensation? 

You write that left to right, or draw, the more you write, the more you tear, or straight up your back, and a huge blows at your head? 1 by 1? How many did you do?  You cry too much and go to sleep, those? You watch this Celine's songs, you know she is Celine Dion from France?

Is that good your head has this energy surge up and blows?

You release, those giant emotional trauma.  You feel a lot better after, you go to sleep, you cried. You do one each, writing, and crying sometimes, blow your nose. straight up your back, your diary, and you feeling it, it surges all that up to your brain. The bubbling out.

That is very very loud on your right side of the ear, that side, you don't think that is annoying?

Did you call Mark?

No, I didn't call Shane.

You say, you are safe, everything went well ! No, that is not a surgery.  

You can peek out your shell on the text. "Just want to drop in to say hi, I am fine." 

That is not a surgery I said. 

In 6 months, you have a date?! You think?

No, a nurse.

"I asked a nurse to help me with my ears things, it has been there for a long time, so ..... but I want to text in the first thing when I get through her, and I did."

"No, we went to the real hospital after that. Me and my father. My father is well informed, and I told him I had text you. Maybe tomorrow morning we will talk."

"I think I need some physical therapy at home, so kinda boring Christmas for 6 months."

"You want Anna to leave for me the message on your facebook? What you think she gonna say? After the 6 months, I can watch the TV again, I think. She says 1 week, then 3 weeks, 3 months and then 6 months. A lot of the walking inside the mansion. How is your family in Christmas, you coming to see them in Christmas, they are in Ireland or in England? "

"Its a little bit different, and I have some other things to do. I don't know what I will see in 6 months."

"How is Nicky? Is he okay, being as a Westlife? "

"No, because....what charity you all did in Westlife, is that in Ireland or in England, or you are?"


⭐⭐⭐ "I might forget in 6 months, too many things here......but I want to drop in and say hi. We talk when I get well." ⭐⭐⭐

"Yeah, in 6 months."

No, I haven't talked to Shane, he is on a brand new tour ! I have to work~~ You guys...your England when you done your 6 months, you can re-build them, you know?! So you finish some of this diary, some crying, some emotional surge, it will bubble up, when you cry.

Straight up your back, drink more warm water, eating light, no sugar. Massage, or you touch your down there with the porn, until your entire body tension just goes away goes away goes away, from the top and from below. Every cell tension.

More fruits, more morning bathroom. Keep your diary, like you can read your own writing, or you just keep getting this A4, keep drawing, or keep saying something, or if you miss him, say "I miss you" or "you are sleeping." "I hear no more. I watch the video."

[ I have my life, and I need my life back. This is not the real goodbye but it feels like, and I need to while my father is still with me, this is the first time I need to walk out of this. ]

The more you write, the more you need your tissue paper, yeah sit up, straight up your back every day, doing a session of the 20-30 mins, walking around, rise up your head, exercise, try to use or not using your eye glasses inside your room. 

If I take some of those herbs will help me?

Your diet and those herbs will help you, clean your blood vessel, helps the circulation, it goes to your brain and take the trash out, both for your brain + your eyes. 

For now, you just drink at home the soup, the orange juice, take the multi-vitamin, exercise and be careful. I can see you ....not walking right, slow walking that is fine. Your father knows you are home, you do very slow on that stair. No, you ask the nurse be next by every day. Its not as easy as you think?  The stair.

Correct, you look at the ceiling every once a while, don't try tomorrow, you tell Riley, next by, someone next by tomorrow, you try in front of him, and tell him. You have some troubles rising your head up. 

Don't worry about Mark. 6 months.

In your life, you can give yourself 6 months in anything. 

Okay, lay down, go to sleep. Everyday morning will be better than yesterday.

Good night.

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