
You went to do a reflection in your life, or you went to someone to confess your life....and one day this TV or the movies have the new revelation. 你去做一些反省你自己的人生,或是你去跟誰坦白你做了什麼人生,有一天這電視有了一個新的詮釋

You want to tell me your real things inside your life? You are so used to lie, and brag, and so inside your mind HOW to lie all your life, and right now you telling me, you can no more being whom you are, and you are feeling miserable about it. You go back and lie. 

They are the church groups, not the Buddhism world. Here is full. One SMCH that is big enough in King & Co. Inside your own very world, not this Taipei Capital City you never hear from the map, you go to your world, where you can hide, and you go and tell them, you want to sit on the Top of them. The reason why you stop telling the lies, you imagine you get something. There is nothing to get. 

你想要告訴我真實發生的事情在你人生? 你非常習慣說謊、炫耀,所以在你的心理,你要如何說謊你整輩子時間,你可以做你自己,你現在感覺很難過的意思,你回你自己的人生繼續去說謊。

他們是教堂的團體,不是佛教世界,這邊已經滿了,一個清海無上師非常巨大在這 King & Co. 在你自己的世界裡,不是這台北首都的城市你從來沒有在地圖上聽說過,你去你自己的世界,在你可以隱藏,然後你去跟他們說,你想坐在他們的上面,這原因為什麼你停止說謊,你在想像你可以得到什麼,這沒有東西可以拿。

No one wants to hear the lies, but you will feel a lot happier as if the whole world you doing things, it didn't have one effect on your own personal life, you breath on those air how far you can keep doing that kind of the deeds. 


I tell you the musician I think Justin and JC and Lance Bass them, they make it up some of this stuffs same as that Backstreet Boy, they have a target to imagine things, and they create those lyrics. Its the movies that gone to make a whole world brand new story behind. Those are the classify materials. 

我告訴你這音樂家我認為,是賈斯汀跟傑西或是 Lance Bass 他們,他們掰出來的一些這些東西像說新好男孩,他們有一個對準的事情想像,然後他們創作這種歌詞,這電影在他們被後做了全新的世界跟故事在後面,這些叫做機密檔案。



Do you ever look at the boyband, other than the solo artists? 


If all the cello sounds the same ....?  Because when the Mandarin you see, or you hear from, its not the restaurant buffet you eat, or that is only in Canada, all you can eat? 

那如果大提琴全部都聽起來一樣 ...?  因為當中文你看到,或是你聽到,這不是餐廳自助餐你吃,或是那只有在加拿大,吃到飽的?

You doing all these inside your mind boggling....its to get things. You write that down? The final destination its to get things. You can save the mind boggling, I just go and leave Nicky or Shane that time many messages. 

你做這所有你內心在輾轉...這是去抓東西,你寫下來? 這最後終點你只是想得到事情,你可以省下這些心神交錯,我去寫給 Nicky 或是 Shane 這很多訊息。

oh ~ I wasn't too busy on those people I see. King Charles and Bill Gates !!!  So these are what you busy on? And I have a write-up?

喔~ 我沒有太忙碌這些人,查理國王跟比爾蓋茲 !! 所以這些是你們在忙碌的? 我有一個寫作


Its my Saturday here....


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