
7 Harry Potter (SMCH) Ma'am Ching Hai

When everyone lives up in that their environment, they don't just suddenly change to blend in. Not at 70 years old. 

You and your parents might hear about that 20 years ago whenever I started to put on my facebook. You theft it to them, so we already met. Not just they keep hearing Eben this or Eben that. You all imagine they show up, and they are your personal friends. You close books, its to drop all of them away from your life.

So you only staring at your job, or your parents talk, whenever you beg them to talk. You work your way for them to talk to you. You start to get this attitude you are the boss, you don't know that...everyone including me knowing that.

You kneel back to the judge if he let you, or your parents let you. That will be your only remaining road with those debts. You don't tell them every mistake you make, that is your problem. You are not planning to have the kids, or you are not planning to keep the kids, or your parents. I am very sure you know the cold capitalism, its everyone else assists you. So make that arguments sounds like everyone would. What did you really do in the court room? 

You are not going to carry a conversation on a blogger

194 countries 200 walls because its per frame, per photo, per image insert, per paragraph I type it out freely distribute it in English, so they go and found out. That is called the evidence, or the facts. That is not an arguments.

When I answer a judge any question, because he reminds me or the police asked me, I say, "oh, now I remember. I was the last line in 2014. Its not that different today, but I move more front I tell Prince Harry on the Sitesell. I remember this."

That is called I answer the judge or a police a question. None of that is an argument. 

But the arguments could be 40 years ago, my upbringing didn't implant me the Kingship, for me suffering this BTX 20 years since 2001, so all of them got jailed similar to 1999 on Prince their uppers. Both of our sky upper is clear. There is no more human on the age. Retired, or Jailed. He cannot boss anyone. I am.

He and me is not the arguments.

Its the consequence of the prior to the later, that is an argument. That is called "The argument" in the legal court room, what is the prior timeline they didn't know to consequence the later all together including them to hurt me. They got killed or jailed.

So.....I pretend I cannot see....that is what you mean.

I say, "The judge, I want to force an argument in."

Sorry, I pretend I have a fake talk with the judge.

"Dear your honor, I have an argument today on the pre-existing condition on the physical defect and the real life of the life plan to me, were that that the classify materials has the stage planning to that stream of the timeline being endangered my physicality reality. Sorry the reality I am living in."

So the judge ask me ....

Then I put forward an argument, its not the forceful argument, its just so dummy ass I pretend they didn't investigate the detail or I call them stupid, so I force them an argument in 10 years down.  

"I don't even know why I show up here today, to be honest, judge."

That is how you mean I force an argument onto a judge, he likes or not, that is an argument. 

I tell everyone everything the first moment when things happened to me. Simon heard that, or Keanu. And in 2018-2020 or 2021 I stay on telling them every first degree things happened. 

I see, I can say, or I cannot say. Real or not real.

Being a correct human, if the astral world coming near, to someone reality never lives in the astral vision. That is an argument.

I say.... "Your judge, the reality of my time split, or the space that melt to or incorperate to some high tech similar to this Terminator - The Future Salvation. It might be very very physical to them too. Not just to me too. Its not a reality I ever use my dream in my daily vocabulary. You can investigate my entire book collection. I have never never never see one word magic in my life."

That is a description. Unless the judge tells me there is a magic ingredient, so I will put forward an argument, " Its all false. That consequence is dare, only high tech. The transformer those. Very bad."

"We can discuss the superstitious meaning paying the reverence to the planet and the sun, that is just to mega big, even to the kids of every kinds outside. The basic Zen degree exists, just not those if the high tech construct to imagine the magic and later say the high corporates high rise metal steel building those. The Star Galatic Federation alliance 6 eyes."

"My argument would be you will driven the market to bankrupt in the reality law terms, if that pushing it pushing it to the false. Its all false. Its the high tech, and the high capitalism and the family business. Its all the legal worlds our modern 21th centuries in the color high definition TV 4 points frame."

"My argument would be the comfer of the healthy human 200 years ago without the disinfect water through the AC to today averagely, even the street people can go in the train station to use the toilet to wash their faces. That averagely the civilization is on a betterment of the health and the overal standing of the environment to live and breath, so are the animals."

These are the arguments, you saying you endanger the species of every kinds to live or to breath. 

"This is not comprisable. My arguments."


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