
Any new memo, a manual for each other Allan Walker 2020?

One standing by each other for?

7:22   7:45 (The face) after


How do you make that a sculpture, and re-paint it? The Anger Birds Under Water in another planet. 

My Line App is nothing but the handicap human

More this Kian or Nicky? + One Canada Nick. He is on the email. I forget the hospital, someone is the handicap, or heavily the brain defect. I am the small tiny world, I can only live these parenting unbrella just like I told your all UB 100 parents, you all have your kids to care, they care for you? I told Shane to care about his parents. He and them coming in. He and his parents. I cannot understand this Nicky or Kian thing. When they done, when our Earthquake pass, we talk.

Now, I remember they are the defect people, for sure I talk to them differently ~~~ I didn't care that much. It is the mental retardness, I have no more care what I say anymore......

I cannot stop putting things inside my mouth, I wonder why .....Do you think the System Lawyers or the Law Firms Lawyers they put things inside the mouth? 

The birds did....where are that things.....
You have a regrets ....I have a timeline.

No, you have a life trajectory plan you cannot change your life to bend, no matter what. You start smart living this middle school for the height to say one day.....very academic, to where you reaching your life plan by 20, 30, 40....you need a real life plan. That is your life can be fix at.

I didn't have that kind of the brain to plan my life. My life was ruin when I get to UB the second year there the beginning, not the immediate the second year. The second semester end summer in UB, other than UK 1 year, you say I am junior old enough than this EF late 1 years, so I was older than you all by 2 years.....

I didn't plan my life, so when Eben shows up, I still need to fix or finish these entire garbage.
The more I cannot plan my life, there are gazillion things more and more showing up in front of my face, I will tell you that. 

We talk about this before.

That is whom you are, what you are, no one can change that, bend that. You feel comfer that way.

I describe you a story, I need to go out today. Today is our Friday here.

You write out something, my last one sheet....all your regrets?

You know what is the Law Firms making the money at? A lot of those small fees for some very small tiny notary jobs included? They will all becoming the new IMF, you believe that? 

We all like 1 millions lawyers, the law firms, the judges to put the food inside our mouth, that scenery looking anything right?

  • How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
  • Interstellar (2014)

They have a lot of these professional people to station in for another 10-15 years, before anything major happened, they know how to make those interests in the bank vault along......

Met Tony?

The Full House - Uncle JC.

There is a twin. No, just me here.  They are the brother and sister pair.

The actor Danny die, already. The life is short, the twin girls lost in New York City, their Full House dad. Mary-Kate and Ashley.

I was telling Nicky about some stuffs, not the branding because I used to wear these Annie Taylor clothing brand in Niagara Falls Boulvard mall. You think that is ilegal? 

So because I have a brother, there are 4 branding known teens outfit our size thin to wear. They are Ruth, A & F, Hollister, and American Eagle.

Howi or Simon, or Howard Stern next by, her name is on the Runway Show, a VS model. I think...Haidi. They have their branding merchadize, so when that twin coming out, it will be our UB time, I forget to mention to you all. The Martha Steward got jailing time, because its the VS Black Tie, they were so young, similar to our age, to say fit in those bigger name, to me that time in UB, I remember that.

Do you? So the Twin's father got bankrupt in 2010. Its nothing to do with them, right? 

They acting with an TV actor in Gilmore Girl, Roy's bf name Dean, not the UB Dean. The New York City venture with the twin, that Dean looking guy, you remember?

Tell me a guy would think a girl like me, telling him on a phone without a voice....line by line down. To a stranger....Between what you mean the girl or the guy, I am the one wearing the pants say.

I care, I believe, I look like?

We can talk so much of the things about....its 1 year and half, I don't even know what to talk anymore I assuming, it didn't look real, it supposes to be real. 

Okay, I got pushed, so let's imagine the things real.

If I telling him things so concentrated, he will have a week to a month to figure it out the rest of the junks every morning good morning, or every night good night, Bonswa, Bonjour, don't you think?

I need to go out soon ! 

Write your sheet a regret, I think you and me looks different when you give a discourse to your own classmate or your own UB parents community without any of us, to be honest. 

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