
⭐️ Is there recipe don’t use the cheese or diary, butter all that? ⭐️


If you are 40 years old, some weight are okay I think. I never actually married to a guy for 24 hirs we live together yet. It’s always separate long distance life. But if that’s a married life, and if that life stress the guys don’t obligate to the money, I think me and Nicky just stays home. 

The food palate is not one day changed, for example the soup. 

If we just stay home holding hands on the couch, we don’t eat. He gonna tell me he stands up to digest ? But the food is on the table, he is not lacking. You never live that life. 

You never live that life the food on the table is ready in time. 

You never live that life the soup is a part of the diet. 

You never live that life the house chore are two people holding that sheet, drag it. 

You never live that life the bathroom is someone stock up the detergent, I wipe and flush every morning. 

You never live that life shopping together at the Costco checking every isle together, you see? 

You never live that life getting in the car coming home, 2 people stock up from the back of SUV. Not 1 person, 2 people carried in from the door to the kitchen. One close the car doors, one at the kitchen clean all these table. 

You shrink at your sofa with your socks on.

No one’s knows what’s that phone so useful for …with the tears.

I can tell whom Kian or Nicky, I never actually thought about it if seriously …. I just by the way mentioning. 

Every ingredient of the food to say the whole food definition…California that’s the actually chain store. You have the greens for the vegetable, the fiber from the fruits. Today we have both the veggie green juice or the fruit juices. Those model choice on the skin care or the health skin glows tips.

To that digestion in our GI track, it’s where you say you eat and sleep, or you sit up and digest to sleep on the sofa couch. Someone cleans the colon. You don’t mix up too many 4 or 5 or fried food and a dump of all soup down.

The morning routine would be, wash the face, wash the neck, the eat behind. 

So the breakfast is the fruits or the green juice or thr fruits juice or the water litters down. 

But let’s say the brunch, it’s something lighter a tray, some salad some small bread avocado. It’s not toooooo hungry to get to the lunch time.

That kinds of routine if set up, you don’t just walking out of someone’s life to say, it’s different houses, let’s play. I mention about 20 times already !!!!

…..I personally think you are too fat to drag any sheet, or the comforter, or that pillows bothers you, its 2. or the rugs, or the furs on that rug, you cannot feel it touch your feet step on it 100 times, you bother me. The house if they live where that live it’s everyday a session floor, wipe, I robot machine. We got this glue paper for the hair, it’s none stop cleaning every single day. The stair touch it …your hand. You come back from outside, the kitchens first. I just wipe it. 

I already told them, that’s the life they sign up for. 

My nap.

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