

You are living in America society, that every creation talent is ever fostering, more more more than Asia, in any country. Any Western World, especially in America. I would mean the Niches. Music, Commander-in-Chef, is I claim. The 10 rudimentary subjects line, that is one column black out, I claim. The actual presentation 20 video, that is I claim since 2018-2020. Westlife I didn't claim yet, I have too many things here. But I got the other language, with Chinese just not long ago. The actual building, because Westlife is on the judging panel with that Simon or all around, one page 3. There is England Royal they are on that 20 years since American Idol Simon started the Pop Idol in England is before all of that.

That is how you have the female artists like Kelly Clarkson, Kerry Underwood,....all that

No, none of that you register what is the real thing in the real life, because I never talk about it. I know what Westlife talks about, but my personal situation right now, I need to keep sleeping for some reason. I check it the Sailor Moon, you mean I am the Serenity sleeping in the Tokyo scene, I figure it out Nicky he is onto something, or someone them are all up to something.

You are regretting on the TV character inside the frame, that is yours.....That is not the regrets I will tell you about it. You are recalling that memory. That is the Alzheimer or dementia crowd people will keep doing that, in the very old age like Nick's mother. I told Nicky a little bit about it. Not sure they talk behind. I haven't told them about this part on the regrets. But correct, we are driven on that Shane's decision or the music world, they are the popular groups. I suspend myself in the air. You talking about a girl, she knows what she is doing, or she communicate when she on the throne looks like she knows what she keeps to say, or not to say, watching every scenery in front of her eyes.

And having the "dignity" or "respect" or "hard-to-get", all that inside frame, outside soul, someone knew about something, that one person wave her arm on the sky, lean on my other elbow to my head and ear......waiting. (Birds birds birds loud)

So, how is this trapping the Pokémon, the Pikachu business, refine, fine, flying away.....OU means to the book, so far so good?

  1. Shane's patience little.
  2. My patient will look worse, if I have to get up from my seat, really.

This morning, I wrote 3 articles.

I guess someone imagine you re-write to come up things on a write-out sounds right.

I sang a song on Regrets, SMCH, to this S.H.E groups. I did that myself. I personally did that myself, all year around those time, it will be about 6 years ago. I done once, I re-watch a few times, I know exactly what was said. Its in Chinese, you don't need to understand it.

We are talking about no more religion, so it means no more karma, no more Eon, or the Kalpa past, I assuming, we play the dummy ass games up to this One Video - you use the Eon for this one lifetime. I am talking to SMCH.

I keep waving my arm to the sky, I am at my throne chair, leaning on my elbow to my head and ear. I doing this description for 6 years at least, whichever the first time I written these words, on waving air with my hand to the sky.

If no more karma, my entire video stream including 2018-2020. and another channel on Bible, are just in vain, its out of the date. Whichever these 2 witness, the Gifts, the King of King, or P orbital Organic Chemistry I draw, anything I put up, those time, the early 2021, will be nothing but the waste of time, the waste of show-up, the waste of 2021 Feb 15th I started.

How much I remember this....how much you anger me, I put Shane those aside, I care they know this, or don't know this.

You waste my time....to sound like I am idiot.

I am telling you a story, I am telling everyone a story. Its funny, they never stop hearing about these 1001 night story just like the children's literacy book since 2014. Even Simon heard that, I say that. Not the arabic night, just the general the parable story to the movie industry coming from. Again, I never report to Shane, or Mark to sound like, we are the part of the team. You think that money run thins there, or my age too old to bend, or Taiwan is not a land, one of those combine, I waving my arm on a fake throne chair to sound like I am big shot, on these leadership to Avenger End Game, or Infinity War, I have a personality to tell you a joke, or a story. 


We doing nothing but talking about your own language, really, so far so good? Until I have to write this story on my own, you never heard about it, not even this SMCH, no more hearing about it. She could just staring at those same video for the 1 million time, to guess, I ever need to re-watch them, to know my every mins or second breath I talk out on one video, I meant per eternity you will pay dearly, I spend my energy in it, when I opens up my eyes. 

In the driven world of the 100,100,100,100,100, that will be 250 percentile in total in PCAT. Shane or Nicky will never hear anything about those things. You all hear it for the first time, that will be NSYNC their whichever 2005, the combine score for the 5 Lords Reviews.

(The birds loud loud loud loud, black birds those, Harry Potter)

I talk once, I don't repeat the second time.

Too much words written it down? My memory fade? Its at least 10 magazine on the 5 Lords Reviews since 2017. You telling the Mormom got them? how do I look in it? 

You think in another 40 years, anyone has this one post, another 100 years, another 200 years, they ever pray to hope, its this per sheet on regrets story I tell for every year 5 millions people enter one competition, that will be 100 years 5 millions people = 500 millions people fails.

To come up one article. Like today. 

Tell me why, why why, it will never happen? Its the modern sleek, I agree with all of you. Its all the modern sleek. No one cared that damn books to read, to learn, to becoming, not even the outside I gonna tell you. You seeing this Babaji so busy at everyday driven the running in and out the car like the King England them 3. They all doing the same things.

Except.... Writing one article like today means.....

I wave my arm in the sky, at my throne, leaning on my head to rest on my elbow...how big is this throne you think? uhm?

Shane they are waiting impatience, and all I say I got a personality, the girl suspend air flow to watching you all every scenery. I am telling you a story with my patience low. 

PCAT passing grade is at least 250 percentile, sorry, I didn't tell NSYNC, that is 500 percentile. I intuitively to tell them why I was on the waiting list in UB. That grade did pass.....That summer. How Amazing....

No, I didn't really talk to Justin. The first and last post, he ever heard. This basic one thing I talked about were on their file 6 years ago. Recently every time I seeing his face, I will tell you what exactly I remembered, every single step. 

2021 I give the American Psychiatrists MD committee board a look-out, and I stop. No, Westlife didn't show up yet. I never forget them before that, were the CIA or FBI, to imagine every conversation of the natural forces.

Every commander walking into the classroom similar to the System Lawyers got called that day....its an empty 50 classroom desk. Except the paper on top of it. Its an ADD, he says, I just want to tell you I pass because that is every single blog post, she turns that upside down a question Mark. That is how I pass it....That is 100 classroom, some will have the people in it.

That is called the ABCDEFG of the Textbook re-write business mean.

Tell me, someone can create this gigantic mess on the internet, you mean my wordy counts on the 2 D flat screen, did she talk her way on the first description story, or the second paragraph, or all these are the 5 major story lines to put up one sheet.

You think that is the first description line, the first description paragraph, to the 3rd paragraph, I pass? 

I am asking you, asking you, asking you a standard, not the score. Just someone makes a world chaos, knew her words, not every word, just one paragraph, just one paragraph, explain you yourself?  The olds didn't die out yet, and I am so surely gonna surpass every 500 millions human population in the next 500 years you bet I knew these every lasting Truth means. 

This article has a word......I don't think this is the article I wrote the whole thing down, it means I describe to you, this word yet.
You believe that?

No, its the modern sleek. They are all fallen the digital era, playing the gulf like the ADD, 4 limbs long, what is that good for? Just the photo shooting domain. 

These are all about the story character how you can argue and kidnap the society and the judge for a power, or imagine that person is not you, the duplicate. Everyone has this twin soul story, hasn't that true? And where will be mine to be? To sound like the best friend?

10 years pass, some realistic things of the bank road, the bank circle or the bank avenue, and the birds are outside everyday station, its to go and play. Tell me what do me and them has anything to go and play? Not with the Irish, with them? They coming it down to my roof here when I land my elevator down to the ground floor. Interesting, what do you say you are outside to walk around? They flying high? None of that is the modern sleek.

I am just curious you know, one of us telling lies, all the way, never end. 

How is the Memo writing?

This entire UB group activities, its on which page now, I already forgotten, we carrying this conversation I am leading until one of you coming it up. The last time, its everyone in a cricle, orbiting by yourself, so in the next 40 years, its you + another one person, or you yourself in that circle, the loop. Everyone heard me saying that? Is that written it down on the book?

You will be 40 years old to imagine writing a 20 years on PT to written they becoming very good at cruelty manual. How many days we pass talking about this, you and your parents?

Some human are so retarded mental to spell once of a lifetime, I already tell them to go to sleep. Westlife, Nicky ! They are very very mental I think, no less than that Nick in Canada. All these stories make a sense to you?

Meaning the true reality of life, its how one side world I hold your skull or the throat on the wall just like I did to my mother on those wall in my grandmom heritance fight, so my grandpa is in the red eye, and she didn't stop doing this hitting my head stuffs........I tell you how to tell the super lie, I had a life 100 UB, one side...and all of the Irish Westlife, none capiso unglare!!!

The glorious past of that lifetime you all regret til you dimensia and cancer to that curse you believe the none hygenic 4 limbs wash, that is I taught you that....

In this modern sleek of the capitalism, every 2 or 3 people inside a home and shut that door, it will never have a noise coming outside, that is the modern sleek capitalisms, when the money derived, no one heard a thing, what this sheet, what the past, what the 10 years gone means.....

So, you have so many stage in life,

Pick a dementia, or the Alzheimer's age. I don't think you write it down every word I told you to re-write. The age for dementia and Alzheimer or the cancer's age. You have what? 40 years old to 55 or 60 years old. You or your parents? You write it down this time, how many years you left to blank touch the wall to walk, if that is a safety haven in the senior home, people look after you 3 meals a day. You sign in to check for a patient yet? Look at them, and seeing your life nothing but the grey hair. In Buffalo, they have the geese places, if you are inside the same building all the time, to be honest, the money to spend from California to Buffalo, its all indoor, you never walking out of that building 80-90, on your walker to smell one liter of the air. You think the money different or the expense different?

I work with Erin 50 Shades of Grey, did I say? How many assistant living home in UB near by I all gone to. They all have a different disease or you say illness, most of them is the attention or just the dementia, its the walking zombie. 

I don't know how long this my mother or this nick gonna be a walking zombie. Meaning that longer the email I send them or talking to them, it looks like the neuro transmitting talking back and forth. It doesn't guarantee them one lifetime free all that. I just got toooooo many cases in my hands, and too many outside and inside things to do. You don't come here to drop your own parents, are you?


What is the math?

I cannot tell you how to look the life in the numbers, you going go forward direction, and I am the one waving my arm to my armpit chair at the sky, at my head, my ear. 

In 15 -20 years, you bet you gonna save your money til you can afford one room in the assistant living home without the kids coming to see you in America. That is you finding it out the expense per month, or you imagine you aging to 90 years old, the living costs someone else supply you, everyone dies out.

Not me affording this entire my family, by myself?

I just want to know how much these guys mean to me,   and these correct math, on my head to each of them. At least my mother or my father. Tina has.....how many population on her head imagine....they die young. Every kid living on their parents regret since 1946. Nick was born, called the baby boomer.

That is Ronan's song lyrics.


I wonder why I didn't care about the guys that much, all these time. They are mental included, another retarded, worsen might be than Eben and than SMCH too. At least someone will tell me, that is the EVERY first life on regrets. 

The correct math, the correct 3 meals a day in America. In Taiwan, they are full....if too old I think. Is your parents gonna be in those nursing home committee board, their investors, Erin didn't take me to go, but those guys exist she doesn't know how to handle? There are the business in that local area, the Erie County, from UB to Karen's house, that is the Westwood I think ...they got the deer. 

How to smuggle Nick from the crossing the border, its cheaper on my pocket. Since that time???? Not since 1908.....

How do you make a smallville the circle UB parents to be full in one senior assistant living home? They are all inside their own room. That has the elevator, the most happier living space than some other severe symptom ones. Imagine all the UB parents collect themselves never stop talking, finally, on their own in their 80-90, don't shut up. You all go there talking English or Chinese to each other. Other than to my ears? 

To do the oral history teaching, my father, or my mother on these Tesla, Buffalo used to be the City of Light, everyone go there and chatting, its a group morning exercise. Its everyone you knew already....the same kids coming in, going out, everyone looking not that much difference sign in the registration table. The registration sheet.

Is that the Elderwood or Westwood.

There are a plenty over there. Because.... Buffalo was a very old city back them.



Its like 4 or 5 floor building. They have the elevator inside. Me and Erin gone to do the Wii board that UB Nursing Ph.D things. You all parents ending up in the same group, the donation just all goes in the same complex building.

You all competing to each other.

You all calculating on each other

Time and space. If Babaji comes back, that is in the same building structure.....and....?

The page 4. It just happened they cannot shut up, putting all in one, or 2 or 3 in the same area, its still far away from each other when they fight, and get out.

That is a nurse, that is a Lake House Doctor

That is Irish Dancing Shape, Gold, Spiritual merits from SMCH (or another nurse)

That is not I plan that, it just happened to by my facebook since 20 years ago, I am so sure some of you already pass those funny information every time from my facebook including that China Expo 2010.

You all keep thinking you are the star. Okay, you don't look after your parents, I just look after mine. That is one here, one in California with his new wife. 

My mother this year is coming back one lady, her sister got scam, that whole family is on the 70+ years old bracket +2 brothers. When Westlife is busy, and you all not looking, my time here in Taiwan is passing 8 years almost. So every my mother's high school, or the university friends are about to retire. Some screw it up their life, some is coming it back. One is coming in Oct, no kids. she and her sister. Her sister is in the senior home, but she gonna take her out. And that women had a husband had a stroke, and already back here. They both have the American citizen, so they go there to work, or her husband going with her, but too hard, they found out. 

So they decide to use the Taipei here all the senior care package. WE have the lunch box every meal they sent from the city planning here. 

To the city home. They have this medical health insurance card. All the taxi can reach place. Not like she was on the ice floor 4 hours, American ambulance arrives. She is on the ground for 4 hours. That lady.

Not your parents classmates. My family they are Asian, they can only live in the paper thin worlds with their own classmates to sound like they care, they have the friends, including my father.  A lot of the Taiwan going out, will return to this land when they are the older age. Everyone flying it out here only 2 airline known to you, its the same they all from oversea to return here. Just when they coming back all together for the senior care. They all knowing that.....

Because Taiwan is so small tiny, Taipei ~~~~~~


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