
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Getaway (10 death ways in Chinese )

Selena and Dr Strange !

If you already treat Meghan that way, you just line your dad correctly. Learn some medicine, care him, care you yourself. Put more knowledge. He dead, you got nobody else. Some girl like me look stays forever with the parents not getting married, you know that?

And there is no demanding, nothing uncomfortable. 

Meghan needs her mom, her near by those friends. You living in competition in a foreign worlds. If you just be a dummy ass, that’s as much as the world really asking you. You care that your dad.  

There is a lot of things not comfortable, not comfortable, not comfortable. 

Not avoid that, say it. Not her comfortable, not the environment comfortable. She is not comfortable neither. Her parents gonna die if she gonna lose them the long age.

Love story or demands one another is not the only story in life.

Sleep good, sleep alone, eat happy without Tina nags, one good food in my stomach not crying she yelling none stop, this Boss & Me. Just one meal to put fine in the stomach. Digest well, lose the weight well. Not how proud makes him feel.

You lost your mother, never you becoming too useful if you think clear what I say.

Comfortable means?

Every subconscious mind comfortable. Seeing things not your attitude to get on, that’s not comfortable. You write it down 100 lists. You write ten each day.

Like 1. the toilet color were not AI plastic light lid.

2. My clothing were not the same smell. 

3. I like a certain bed, or the bedding.

That’s your subconscious mind. Yeah, you learn to cope on it. You go to a MD to say it. You cannot stay with your dad, you move out. You want to be useful in life so you gone with Meghan to some meeting occasion. It’s not if the people like about you, you try to cope all that. Everyone expect you too. You didn’t go to the college. Someone told me, that’s bad. And she says something …as if that’s the ruin of all my life. She didn’t care one bit my life or my family life. But she says, not comfortable in life is one thing someone like me high school drop out the low IQ cannot grow that entertainment to rule like a king.

I am not a MD, she told me just repeat at it. 

You read my books?

No, you see the MD about your brain to repair. 

How long ?

You go and learn every word with the MD, how far you damaged and you clearly say you done that again or just when you feel like. No, they don’t put you to the police. 


You get it some image scan and bring to the doctor. The doctor knows what they need.

What if that’s really how feel like whenever I feel like?

You go back angain and again. You re-done your brain damage 10 times, you repeated your X ray every time goes back. You tell them, the life like that is funny 

And if I ask them, if the brain can be repair every 10 times after?

They answer you some real damaged happened. 

And if I just doing what I feel like?

Everyone knows you like to do what you feel like. Free will means when you end it. 

What if I cannot change my thinking, whatever that is?

You go to a certain psychiatry doctor, getting the sleeping medicine. You start taking them to go to sleep per day. You tell Meghan, you gonna sleep a week. You show her what you take and you go to sleep.

In one or 2 weeks, you see if anything feeling better to talk, to see the next doctor appointment. 

Before you take the medicine? 

Yeah, open your tongue tell her keep that after the hospital. And you drink the water and that pills in front of her. Open your mouth and a cup of water, she gives you 2 pills, you swallow in front of her.

You don’t want to fix your brain, that’s your problem. You done something in your life and everyone heard that. You cannot keep your spirits up or that competition or you were scared. Talk to a doctor. Every little things. Keep going back. Keep fix your brain, keep you healthy, keep your attitude in check. You cannot take a certain thing so say it clear to the doctor.

Fix it.

Per thought, per worry, per uneasy and scary?

Correct. You want to Vola with that kinda of high school drop out plan, you have an intention and most time you lost memory to the plan you originally thought you could plan. In that process. 

That makes me looks stupid or?

Not grown up. You saw the movie you put a thought if you were, you insist that or with the death shall that be apart. 

I wish people do my will.

All of them UB are. They fantasy til that bubble getting them so angry, they cannot control themselves.

Is that our fault ?

1000 years, it’s ten life you can keep getting married 10 girls - love ever lasting, just without your dad. 

Can I call them back?

I don’t think so.

What if I just die?

Similar to Kingsley.

What happened to him ?

Inside you, your body is your brain position your everyday life. You sound normal, that doesn’t mean you use your one whole life to control you yourself and all things all around to live a responsible life. You are 40, this is not going to change. 

I don’t care about this stuffs

Correct, just go to sleep, eat and breathe. 

Is Simon like me?

He got more friends, he lives up to a certain age to realize it’s not his will everyday like God. He might be just very very bad, but he has a certain fear. If he keeps bubble his brain to the roof, he acquires that fames by himself. You didn’t. You want something else, that intention. 

Is everyone bubble their head to the roof (giggling), UB those ?

Mortal like you, like them do that to stay radiance mortal forever at this time. 

(Retrieve his giggling smile)

You know…imagine a darkness, it’s a not regret to step behind you yourself per step at 50, 60, 70….

Haha …

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