
Not really (The music world field)

You ask your father ...or none of you playing the music, all that?

I am not near there. Yet. But it wasn't the last year, we ever gonna have that conversation, let's say me and Nicky, or Kian, yet. You look at the SA in the movies, like the best pal friends. That is the Hollywood that side of the movie world. They all have an issue with their agent. You coming in with your secretary, is that the Indian General telling us another Asian girl No, I am not in your world, nor their world. I just say the blue line and the yellow highlight. I say hi to each one of them one full year + 3 weeks they ending up in Toronto.

Its your best to hope, when you walking in?

They are all best pal when they growing up with the parents. Until I am very very through this trailer things, I am not talking.

I used to have a Go Game world, and the private school world.  Right....that is so so so long time ago.


Looking at you, or your father, or these SA boyband groups from the 90s, and now I am speaking in English. NSYNC parents were on the TV when they were young. Its in the documentary. Interesting....they got the real parents, or actor/ actress parents to sound like they are watching over them. So I left....

You got married because...that is an arranged marriage? And you living per day how to get married that life will sustain to the second stage. It would be a year and 3 months, not 3 weeks, plus Dec 2022....saying I will open my mouth to talk, right.

1:03 When I was 5, that will be a guy +10, i was 5 years old. I won.


Nick doesn't have a parents, and I never required to explain to him where I been, in Marley's house. The UB 4 Blocks, a library, an Italian store and a Bagel J. The Jewish Temple across, and a nursing home I work at. It would be both of us meeting the parents again? You want to set up 20 dates for these Boyband leadership....

You inches your way in, I don't think you know that is a commercial interests when they were young being put together, they have to work together with the correct people skill, with the leadership, or the main singers. So they are the friends.

No, I never talk about you to them. Not any of them. No.

Have I talk about them each group? No.

Have I talked to Vartan? The birds did. I just move my phone to the birds. Maybe I do that too intuitive. I did that to Ronan and to Shane. Maybe last month, because I have to explain to you, I realize, I should at least just introduce myself every time the birds did that. I usually just hand the phone to the air, the birds you all start talking...here is my phone.

No, I didn't think about it. The birds want to talk to them, I am not directly in their way, to make a friendship, they talk alone. That is what I did, if now I think about.

I am going on my date, you gonna glue along, to go on your own new date 10+?

That is what I mean. Is that in-law included?  Your father is your father, he is not your in-law. You care to explain to him what you plan to approach, to talk, to mingle, to get in, to swirl you yourself in your new dates, I guess the girls don't ever have a group, or the best friends in a groupy, means...like your ex wife. Is she supposed to help you?

Your father, you and her together a new date, exactly how those Zen Japanese sit across. In the chair.

How is Eben's video going on the date?

I hold that Shane up until he explains to me everything clearly. But correct, he let me understands he shows up first to talk, so I find my way, where is Shane ? Not that much talking to Mark but I wishing him well, 3 weeks later. I remembered it.

You gonna describe to me this whole sheet, your 1 year adventure whomever your new dates in the details?

I didn't really think I get out of my family life as much as....that ex didn't go anywhere. He is not doing well, laying somewhere on the bed trying to get well. 

  • You didn't require to explain to your dad
  • Your step-mom
  • Your OU lady
  • Middleton

And is that one day your kids grown up, I bear in mind, you are like that?

Interesting ...Your new military uniform orientation table and the paper hand-out, you plan to sit in front or behind, with that title? Hogwarts Principle table.

Is the most military ranking people got married and move out of the sea and coming back like Shane's MV? They talk like you, pamp like you, holding a cup like you, holding a shoulder like you, with the hair like you all that combine? You gonna get all the competition one military orientation table show-up. You what, 3 days? 

Did you check your own schedule? 

Your military orientation table - "Where you come from?"


And one of your planning your 3 days after your shining new title, its with Westlife Beautiful Tonight, you using my materials? They will be 25 years old, 18 years old starting the service? Or what not the difference age that insert to the university education?

You have to get rid of all of us, SA Shane side in Ireland or any SA in America, all from 90s boybands. They are the music group, not the military insert.

You are not going to that military orientation table with all of us watching you to walking in that space. Don't tell me, its now I using my title from the music world, to go along with you stepping on the front door, you push, and go in. I stay outside? That is one website title used for? 

I have the military orientation table on my website, I think it was a b c d. 

None of these SA either Ireland or America, the musician ever doing that website or the paper hand-out printed jobs. They are the song writers, not the military orientation table for 25 years to do an instructional librarian's job.  And you are not asking your personal staffs, or already done something like that, it was a regime position, no hand-out? 80 people are have a lot of the people. I probably meant, not limited to your own units side. Your international collaboration like I put in my drawing. The guys or the girls? 

Is that the summer camp, we saying goodbye to you? 

This is almost the end of the May, you don't check your schedule, you never done this before? You just happened to have your father hands you a title? Last year, 2 years ago, 6 years ago? Not when I drawing these and leave it there, no one talking to you? 

You want to talk with your mouth open next by someone? This is me being instructional? 

Do you planning for Ronan Keating, Keanu, or that Storm....Lively Blake whichever has a husband too.

+ Me to imagine.....you imagine we are all the strangers to you. One Pitch Perfect 3, why Keanu has a news on the music his band before?


You going on a date? 


You understand all the details in the movies?  Bella ?! 

I am the Music, Commander-in-Chef, when I claim that, it would mean? Get up to that stage, or far away, all the binocular, checking each, and write it down on a piece of the paper, not even given me a table, to be honest....these cheap people, on my lap.

10 people from left to right, or you gonna tell me its right to left? Can you see from that binocular? 

This is May almost June, Prince.

My nap ~~~~~

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