
⭐️ Prince William, did you call your dad, invite him or makes him inviting you ? Both ways ? ⭐️

Both events. No, not as the son, as he is the King. If that’s the more than that military orientation table. You doing that year by year until he cannot go anymore. 

As the England King !!

At least you can talking right, one thing to be right, it’s your father. 

The summer camp anything on your schedule those, makes a pamphlet. INVITED HIM. No, go behind him. He is the King. No you don’t need that title. No, just go with him. One day you figure it out how to do things, just watch him, observe him. WATCH him and SHUT UP.

When he is dead…”I cannot do it, my father is not here.”

You get rid of you yourself. At least be smart on that when he expires he knew you look after him.

“I didn’t make myself that useful when he is alive, certainly one thing after he dead, he knows I only look after myself.”

“There is a thing I make myself great before he dead, but it never never ever happened. I plan that, right.”

“I never say I don’t know one thing, he sign, he stands there, that’s how it will always be.”

“I told him I cannot grown up learning this thing, I just invited him every single time until….that one year the miracle happens.” 

You just keep doing that until the miracle happened …no way out. Right.

Here is the letter I plan to write you.

“It isn’t my greatest interests to stare a job I am not made for. I look, I watch, it will never be as useful as if you are the first day on the job, other than me. I watch you. If you like that idea. I know things aren’t easy on any of us. But if asking you on this kinda of every permission to sound like it’s the every job I don’t sign up, you will hear about it. So you show up.”

“I don’t even know how to describe to you. We talk after. I tell you. Everything I saw I see, I got to know.”

You get rid of yourself on that Royal channel. He is the King. I didn’t see him gone yet. You make me confused, get off until another 10 years, 20 years gone.

No one is coming back until he says what. I am not talking to him anymore, if you keep standing there ….


In any jobs, learns how to get rid of you yourself no matter what? One art to learn ?

You don’t know how to get rid of yourself, so you insert him in everything you get to. 

You only know how to how to how to do that. 

Do you two even talk about it?   No, he is your father but he is a King !! Anything of that, you go back to him, you go back to him, you go back to him all the time !! 

Just get it done anything I say !!

I am on the Ms Congenality 2. 

The briefing room, the birds call me. Saw it. The background.

You should just learn every exit method in that movie. You fly home. You call cab, you run away …every exit method. Drag every human out of that.

Just get out, get out, get out.

I just didn’t tell you how many times that was a horror my uncle got to my apartment with my mother, I got a center email, I went to the center piece room to run out of the back door. That entire place looking at every door. Every metal touch. 

I only need my theory to live, every theory !! Whatever people understand or not. 

No, you don’t need the team work.

Just leave every scene !!

I need my phone now. 

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