
Why is Zawanna disappeared this …photo he says put the Thor on?

 The ancient medicine.

In the land owning to me Harry Potter, you relocated. Is that an argument ?

You taken American a ride to say Hollywood here you come. 

To that belief system of the universal, it’s the charismatic to say the lier not the doer.

You mean God is the doer in the Bible, no, thats not an argument. You cannot literally define God means. One God Christian belief. 

Your map

Those sphere no longer require the human body. 3 world free. You bet on it.

You and me sitting here, Trump time and Biden current American President time. I own that America, feeling ? They are far away the last 8 years …but see they Trump, to this one peer review journal because the words too abundance not the shower bathing time to count my period day and how I keep on and on per month if I don’t leave my seat here. It’s the photo they only see, not the actual one piece of paper they feeling to control…if acquire, it’s few pages to read on a desk. From one apartment building. No photo my face. Just those words per line to my resident place on a map, a label.

I have one separate Pavillion, I can write anything none official to when peer review. 

They can just grab one secretary print out a full journal to read in their hand on their table. 

They immediate found out. 

See Nicky work out


“Nicky, here….see this bright window your eyes can see and feel it if you look where this feel your limb…you gonna do that again ?”

You think how useless he will ever becoming, as a guy to look anymore this stage performance? His television shows ends, he promises his debut like no one will see his faces ever again? I never show up …they say they don’t hold that stage.

Is being mortal against you ?

Of all the questions, this is we talk about? Your name is Ron, what about you turn off that England, lives and breath where you being took care and assign in that true love you own and live happily?

That’s a philosophical question to you?

I would prefer you face the reality in front of you issue. 

They settle me fine in America.

Being a MD, a JD, or IT oriented in a society where I can see on that monitor…to be honest, one peer review journal telling people this is where I am. You don’t really believe the red painting means. That’s to the whole world. Having a money making in this MD, JD, IT textbook and education. You believe to be killed those too popular issues?

They MD, JD or IT being killed too !!

I mean follow my every step. In the old those says it’s per step copy, you will be safer. Demonstrate once ! MD, JD, IT, verbalize and show clearly you know why you demo this way. 

I think we are too popular fine.

I say my per step, follow it. 

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