Long time ago….not to go outside. The ending, or he told you that door. He has 2 door before going out.
There is a monster outside and a space ship disinfect that area. On the sky. A bloody looking flesh monster.
I think it’s around the car, she is outside now.
Are these movies used to train the girls too?
I didn’t see any of that part. A lot of the girls in those run around movies. This is how to use a scissor and a tape, a tool bottle and lighter. Use your hand touch the car or find the car keys. Run, or break that things, or hitting that things. The normal people doing that ? Exactly like the TV. The objective universes? The girls ?
I didn’t see these ending. Right, like they say, the medical training and the combat training.
Normally, these movies were used for ?? Right, but I am the chemistry major. You have the taller girls you train them after they grew tall. I know what they say, you know what they say if like those Mission Impossible looks like the thin eyes Meghan. Is that the Ghost protocol or the Rouge Nation. I have never think the movies suppose to be real.
No, the real actress.
We look like run on the same things ?
You insert this Zawanna position (Mission Impossible ) or Chasez military or
That Ancient Chasez?
There is a difference we say the movies are real, real on what ?
You know these Tom Cruise movie I need to ask someone in English. I can read in Chinese so some parts of the movie I understand. You know the override in English is abrogate ? It means limited something right ? I have never learn these military you used to those words in English. And I assuming I understand the Chinese suppress or …you limits that things or 無效 no more …that’s abrogate ? You don’t use that word, but I don’t know how to use this words in Chinese or in English.
They talk about IMF, I cannot use their words. I see Zawnna, I see 💰💰💰 That’s a surveillance organization, those older guys near Tom Cruise he was younger the first mission impossible, every man’s face near by him from the Black. I see the image I understand except the scripts. Because …those are the spy movies scripts?
I have never really watched those CSI or Alias. Vartan those movie. What kinds of English you say, to a movie story ? You keep running inside the movie, I see it I just keep running outside my TV? I have never …seen the movies. The museum painting I seen it. Those things I understand, the face to face. But…anything else I don’t understand it.
Next movie : Bees movie
Abrogate, that’s her the Archivist name, National Treasure 1 and 2 ?
You realize these movies stores written in English translate in Chinese and they keep doing rap the words in the ending or the color mix ? You give me once watching this movie ? From my TV talking to 194 countries? You nervous ? Typing and processing this every single day on the public domain ?
Are you supposed to talk in those color mix Chinese next action English in script? It keeps happening, I try to look normal, there is nothing normal. You speak in English? That kinda English ?
They are operational. These, all these what you see here. Delicate to their Queen, or their honey getting ? The hive, those are the food.
I am freaking it out, that’s why I don’t want to watch these movies.
“Dad the more I think about it..”
Sounds like “moral”. I listen not always reading in Chinese and typing ?
The placement board.
Newbie, bees?
Apple is A right? They say? His name is Berry ? Not Bee Berry.
Mulberry juice ? Chinese words say assistant living home ? The prune those for the bowl movement.
All their butt…operational, move out. Flying out.
These are for the kids, right ?
Today I kill something looks like the bee, at that fridge inside top, I freak it out, it fallen down in the bucket I have to move everything, it fainted, so I have to grab out in the toilet. I hate this things. No we don’t have the honey. I never use the honey. You guys eat those waffles.
No, I used to do that. A paper under a cup. In James house, I had a cup or a plastic container. The first time I live by myself. You insert a paper under.
I don’t want to talk to them. You believe those things. They have those parasite in their belly, how to pull those out.
Coffee talking.
(Screaming !)
Is that a drone ? Eben those younger kid, the transformer
Testing testing in their ship ?!
Uncle Berry, that’s power of Be, those Riley …sugar sugar, Prince William them? What did he do this time ? Is there anything normal looking everything exploded ?
Pasadena ? California ? Do they mean the human is the human, the bee is the real bee? They indoor can see a bee and a hive? He is allergic ? The honey farm, the girls ? Next by that truck, the honey comb ?
Oh, not NYC, it’s California ! The 26 Harry’s house room. The florists ?
The Huntington Garden
SMCH - legally blonde 2
He is a literally bee - that’s him a real human form?
Is this to impress that girl or a women ?
Harry is a bear?
Comment: Maybe you don’t do anything better. You are not going to run on the environmental cause for a commercial product label. Is that the vegan groups activist to your father’s news. The happy birthday greeting.
Maybe at your …they say the second paragraph ? You all have that role to get to America, one of this days and open your mouth to those Congressional people to speak up, why you all none stop ending up on the America classify material all over the worlds. You all need to do that, Hugh included those age, and one more below him, 17 Again. The beginning that otter pointing at …logo on the ground taken a picture. They don’t stop producing this movie, you need to be “above me” as the Bee’s groups, delegate those cause to inform them these entire situation when you arrive. Not this year.
You are the real profession people, I am just a regular citizen, only you all need to face the Congress people in the both land. Your staffs help you all to insert those conversation. They don’t run your worlds, you suppose to run all those worlds when you arrive all together.
You 3 getting these girls to run the entire England better. Writing, healthy you 3, and represent you, and talk for you to 1)this Riley, 2) your Secretary, 3) Family all business logo branding 4) The kitchen groups to look after you and you 2 people and every VIP guests.
And all your international ligation world. That’s what I will say. The reality. You’re healthy, your writing, your military outside palace, your doing outside UK, to Ireland or to America. Your art collection, your tickets public tour. You have only 2 people these entire property and business.
So…with the old pinks 2, you even getting another 2 girl each, you 6 needs to run without Meghan + Harry they are alone on this America issue. That is totally 8 people 1 Britain, 1 entire UK upper class, 1 England PM every 8 years past or new + the entire upper or the lower chamber of your parliament.
Your vitamin, your doctors appointment, your water statues, your tempament, your sock and your shoes on the back of the trunk, you taken 1 hr driving, put that on your feet. Waiting. You change when you get off those details life. For the girls and for the guys.
Do you design your study room desk? LED lights. your printer, your staple, your keywords search, your PC skill, your IMDB data base search, your flashlight at night, my LED at night here flashlight. YOUR TOY ??! You got a microphone room how to rehearsal your speech ?
How do you use a bathroom ? How do you install a soap sink ? You can wash your shoes in it, you are too tall for your head under the water? All the little monks lives in those water common area, except you.
Their head under the facet. Their eyes, their nose, their mouth.
Do you get the dental floss 5 dozens ?
The life routine is one thing you pick up a habits, for the rest of your life you be happy.
You built up 10 habits every day you travel to America alone, 3 x 2 +2, no more rehearsal. The life scene Victoria Secrets Romance Journey.
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