
Boca Raton, FL

 Everyone vocation there. Nick knows. So whom is this Trump always in the power so they always exist.

John the Lieutenant? It’s on the Linkedin, that’s a police? https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-marino-a71b2a174

Or someone else?

We, at the City of Hollywood Police Department, are currently hiring for several positions within our agency.

We are looking for hard-working, dedicated individuals with integrity to begin their journey in law enforcement. If you believe you have what it takes to join the Hollywood Police department apply online at


Good luck!

Is that my name ?


There is a military girl with the scamming groups entering before the last album hola means.

Toronto, New York they enter. (The supplier those middle west red hair couple a women and  man to ask thar kinds of furnishing…might be right at the Home Depot. Show the picture. Medium tall women.)

She is twist and turn, kick high heel with the lips que.

Oh, he looks like Tamang on drugs far away, Kael news below.

Is he mental? Kail’ s that database means Fatima suicide in 2018, she is alive. His years…in that computer. She gains a lot of weight. Dean always been living in FL since 2008 he graduate UB.

I guess he moving to TX was not easy, I think he is a ADD student althete. 

You guys wish me well. They are nothing but the horror. That’s the future told to me to go back the painting where the educator exists central - with R at. His wife 3 best friend. 

That’s the future?

It’s mix up. The future more like him and his brother and those flowery girl table scene I never took off muji, as long as they see that, that local help me. But it’s a tarted cloth to them celestial idea. 

but the story involves, it’s those cloth human and that wife. His wife is the modern cloth, correct.

“In your time …”

Back in 2008, there is a nurse did a horrible thing in the Western world, no, not famous but the police know whom she is, her name is Elizabeth Swine. Snape says Harry Potter’s father is a swine. 

The library science they catch the king, to let William then, but they are taking me and them 3 now, on purpose to hurt. The political extremelist. They always need to put the people on top to watch them. Kail says you kill them all off, only voice mail, because they do on purpose. Your side buzz will never stop running because of them. 

Kail says this is not the time to use the photo like the birds say. But he always has those mouth lip curve thing like his wife.


I sleep first.

What do you want to know, full house? (Giggling those mlitary girls. )

No, I don’t 

They all did surrender, taller white flag, Biden. Obama is shorter. Babaji angry to go hit the White House because they put him as the seen, and that might eternity put him deeper in hell, longer. He wish no one good, of course. The whole Earth eternity. 

In the nature you have those wind, you don’t have a word to describe the wild wind. You are on the continental, if south, everyone knew the insurance, I know too. 

In NASA, you did this camera filming from the Milkyway arm.

We are the arm? To see the focus where the far distance Galaxy, it’s very very horror to me. Is their black unseen planet along the way, and even the black hole. You put this material to the human eye, they believe light speed. It’s not correct. Their IQ is very very very very low.

  • In the world in large, you have a giant wild wind, the riot wind current in Chinese aviation term. That’s a physical wind your instrument you can tell.
  • In the black water, you might call the Lords of Rings or the ether. Those are the space and time.

Being a civilian, a police force or the military underground, there is a difference.

Of course.

Ronan walks on from the base line upwards are those middle west. You vertically 2 line down. They kill everyone. 

Europe is 80% drugged. 

You doing the rehearsal or you doing it for real, it’s horror to them, and to me.

How do you? You enter a home wipe out all phone line and the furniture. Every house is empty. It’s just a structure on the land. They took those landline phone. 

I faint it each and every time, maybe not the above things. I give you the overall look outside.  No, they are not in the black water. We are the civilization that’s impossible, both way is not …communicative. 

If this high tech is on everyone, you all thin not fat, you can no longer lives in America, per God’s will. You accept that or not, Kerry had said she and bill before ? They yawn and feel sleepy.

Do you at this time needs to get that? God’s will to be done through that Bible End Time, and why should you, or why don’t you ? That’s the Indian cosmology idea, Chinese, no.

You beg me or beg them to get that? And if you don’t ?

The universal police is right outside and right inside. 


Black water 

Do you have a couple like nick and me staying a very long time, a real physical holding the hands no shames those? Not Tina Hank those? Too much shame be seen in the public? We both sleeps in the darkness a long time too. Lack the money don’t mean we lack the next stage those. So I gone to work. 

Do you have those current in existence? Not those younger guy everyday they fight, or they each believe behind to play those, keep heart pull or heart cut those?

Most people in their whole life don’t have a relationship in statues, not those TV. No.

But if you put any guy next by a girl, by the smell of it like those cage institution you design, long time, they can no longer coming out to live 3 meals they cook or …anything else life other than the jail. But those place you show me, the moment you put or a guy near any girl or vice versa….the Asian, they need that emotional binding. It’s immediate.

A house, to clean, to trash can, to call in, to center, to prepare lunch, to routine, to call the annual service the dry wood to dry next year, to inspect, he just does he knows everything all his life. 

They can be very very very ugly. I mean those kinds. 

You don’t talk to them, or you know they are the agent?

You do not get near, get talk, get attention, get to imagine you cut in and drop away, and Ms congeniality on purpose AOL those…is that Asian or you all that side too? I have heard the wife dead, the husband too.

Most guys are endurance higher and seeing a women got sick, they never leave ? You lying to me or they cannot leave. Most things if I say, they immediately response. So let’s say on the bed 2 older, and the man seeing her fall asleep and lack of vitality. It’s not the want or don’t want. It’s she dies or it’s the money so he stays.

Do you have anyone process the ghost ?

There is a women ghost with a dagger in her right hand, these people around me. Your map, dead or alive I don’t know. One of them she is looking for or including far away those England palace inside whom.

Someone is literally touch the ghost line or near. You know about it or you don’t know. Yesterday scene is very clear to me. A lot of this film I found my personal view on it …it may not be anything you like to hear about it. That person whom touching the ghost line may not have anything to do with it…unless you are really a ghost you understand. She is guessing or she could see it. I met one person in CA.

A lot of people thinking they are special, so they gone to touch those line.  Being naughty once a while, why not? You like those attitude ?

Mischief spirit

That’s very very very bad. That system in the Wall Street real?

That’s very very very bad. Tina’s best friend husband that kind. It’s gambling. You treat things in front like more expressive, that’s why the people all around feel more vibrant. But that one person doing this Vola expressive things, it’s on the medical profile. He goes home, lock it inside a behind door, and all these online banking routes number is by a click.

That’s legal. You can literally lose your entire bank, you click.

Thats very very very psycho to me. Because most people is believing the goodness in humanity. They are only Murphy coldness laws, so you be saving and watchful your spending. But I found other than the mischief, people spent money !!

Starting very very very young too. They will tell the parents how to catch a bad guy or acting as a stunt in order to get the reward for that monitization. Meaning they go and trick the classmate or he finds way to get everyone kills.

That’s Harry. I think. You never find he does for real or doing for fake. 

When everyone is dying out around him, he has no more people to go to and play the stunt for. First, that’s in public, he doesn’t dare. Second, anyone near this MD groups, he knows it’s targeting the money. And Harry Potter. It’s him behind the sunglasses. 

There is a way these very very unstable people be identify. Technically the medicine worlds suppose to do that or done that, not up to 2024 don’t know that. They know. The air is very very very unstable. The medical world it has to be visible to see. They becoming a monster, to be honest. Their face. Not just from I heard, some people saying it. Because they are seeing it the public photo. 

My mother I need to watch her more attentively today on. Tina writes in English Hank writes her in Chinese. I think…when these all ends, my mother is not nervous anymore, she wants to go to Tina those, accompany and with money she can travel and never be with the guys anymore. She likes that new setting whatever she heard. 

Not this guy but never will be those American any white guy whatsoever. Tina got a bf a lot older than her, the Broadway show. Maybe the ROC takes care of the money part.

There is a difference the Ireland police or the Ireland businessman or the Ireland street rubble. They are nothing but spell horror to me. I don’t believe the street rubble, and there is a difference me and them. 

Here the food is down there and the Uber will never be your American Uber. When I say I acquire your military data since 40 years ago. I read through the black water. Not necessary your writing. I got nothing but the horror everything inside the black water. Some from the medical board. Not sure which Earth medical board. It’s a black water whatever hand in.

I can only care for myself.

These kid needs to be responsible or like you say the guys stay in the job and the girls don’t get the jail. The mothers aging issues, but they got a load of every problem. 

And Tamang he is mental, they suppose to go near watching him. It’s all nothing but the problems.

The birds need her to be here, their food. Her outfit.

Harry needs her to fly afar. Is that the language ? Fly, Far Away?

He looks like a criminal to me every image here with the sunglasses. 

His image is last 3 days, 3 dozen. Every interference. He is a very bad temper guy, he felt the neck tie so he stabs those toy, or yelling at the whatever imagination magic. 

Probably is stab me, but that will be the Ancient Chasez. 

Next - you all washing your neck?

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