
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I am watching the movie and lay down ⭐️⭐️⭐️

About the dogs. 

The birds say you want the dogs out? The Kogi? That’s the cartoon content. 

“It’s to keep you save.” 🦅

Your dog say, these birds so loud, they wish you attend to your own city, not my city or doing anything else imagination. 

You what ? Which police ?

Taiwan …yesterday was raining. These are the rabbit next movie. “Petter Rabbit”

None of you happy, you didn’t know, you didn’t learn, you wasn’t good enough, you evolution didn’t get here, your parents is the show, you are not. Something something you did not do your jobs?

You go home and sleep, deal the things at that moment, your parents is aging. I think you care about it. 

Me and Zawanna …

When is my life that kind? 10 years ago, no one does a living, does a job, you mean ? Heaven and on Earth? All these things going on?

They stay on the balcony on airy.  They meditate, it’s a hermit. If they really love their Justice league, I don’t think you know the Samadhi by definition. Some of them are well practice in it. I never require to ask them a thing….that’s not the standard, everyone knew. When you parents die, I throw all of you in the jail. You wants this kinds of talk 

They are living by a real profession for at least 20, 40 years. Cared for their kids or the patients it’s as long as they ever lived, or lecture a public stage any knowledge in the presentation to stand there one full hour. You stand for 5 mins. That 5 mind require 100 people to get up and applause you like 10 mins none stop. It’s whom you are, what you are, whatever you will ever ever be.

You know how the military personnel got hired to becoming a rank in their uniform that they wear? A rank patterns on the uniform ? It must be the hell of the normality they stand like a human, talk like a human, calling the parents like a human, holding a family reunion like a human or other people’s family or husband or ex bf, or patient 1000 they meant that’s every degree he burns to get rid of every humanity, you have 5 mins enter the room.


I don’t think …you wake up in the darkness over a very very long time. I hate the most when I literally going in, coming out. I have zero patient just opening up my eyes. Since all that, I don’t meditate anymore. No more that. 

They are wealthier than that Hugh Duke guy from England, and their flag will be 100x more than that England. Maybe I don’t ever think, you all talking normal when you use those LST IMF as the goal or as that beginning of IQ brain, his family training him like a normal person. 

I am trying very hard to find something normal, I waking up nothing is normal. Maybe something can relate to my environment…to co-relate all these invisible movie scenes, not enrage as your personality, everyone is insulting you, everyone is contempt you, everyone is require to beg you, every human is meaningless, you are your parents gem.

Do you know how to tie your trash can normal, put a trash bag in it? You go home and learn next by your parents ? Not every lie outside your parents peripheral because my ether here is very very unstable. 

Cooking - that girl Chinese Youtuber 


Right …I watch I hear. 

They will not talk to about the Sailor Moon, the scepter as a toy, or the thigh width for the ladies. 

The professionalism over the comic book. My 90s, that’s 30 years ago, their age so old, they probably forgotton what’s 30 years here we mean, we go to the school and graduate in America and they have a culture, earn the sweat of your forehead, normally. Not underground I being told on the TV.

I will never in front of the medical board to pretend or the America law board, oh my God, to say prayers here I come, it’s not the European medical board standard or I am a God to tell them their committee board. The license board.

You want to pretend a talk, open and close any one curriculum textbook, starting the first page memorize to the last page, you say pretending. Not 5 lords. I scream …

They are MD, PHD, the multiple education background and conducting the project write-out, your university extracurriculum, how to join a project. Not the comic book in my camera len focus on you really really cared to flip every pages of your bookshelf home I assuming. 

Their home book shelf decoration will never be the Crystal, wow ~ so cool, not even they coming out of a sound on it. 

My hair is long, they know what’s a pillow case, I can just don’t mind the human, no one bothers me if I change my pillow case every time I wash my hair, my hair is long.

The American hospital might be super expensive, I am here walking in my city hospital about how many times. And if my everyday talking was their textbook or the group activities sound like the project itself, it’s every time I walk in my own hospital entrance or the parking to look or to pretend, I don’t work there to everyday address filling in my own city. 

I aging to prepare I gonna die if I imagine the funeral on my own expense and 1800 telephone calls the giant furniture throw out ? They are no more existence, they never die !

The herbs, or the plant major in the university before the pre-med

A cooking …. https://youtu.be/ZBXclfX3UUE?si=xiWEMn3R5L5auoDu

A lab protocol because most them seeking the intern like Toby or Lee… a science lab protocol is a manual. You have to follow at it, not the cooking recipe you eating it down on your own. 

They were the medical school student too loooooong time ago… they won’t remember it. You never let the medical license board knowing you eat the junks on the Pinterests or cook the junk, or going to the junk food everyday or get drunk. Everyone is a junk except the American medical license board !! 50 states !

50 states bold caption.  I want to scream. 

They are nothing but the medical board or the law board standard because they all had the students or training others all their life. If your every mouth opens it’s the 50 states America the biggest land countries with the modern board on top …it’s the most normal conversation with this MD 6+2 meets MD 4+2 to this WWII interface line since 1945.

The license board to the 50 states in one America meaning you staying on the phone, the basic communication. Not the 194 countries, I would count as Taiwan, I live here, I breathe here. I by the way….speaking their language. The whole Earth has to speak in English, all the college textbook many are in the English version in Asia. 

Per line, per words, per page, meaning if you editing the medical textbook as the proof reading service, that’s an intern, how to publication a process other than the peer review journal, I want to scream none of that is everyday I hear the basic standard language requirement.

There is a chapter page front, and there is the vocabulary dictionary index page at the ending, you open and close at the last page. This is the reference page !! The medical any textbook to be a real MD. Not the page three hundred ninety four ~~~Harry Potter.

Someone me, on the internet access the public domain to use the words such as 『 the medical board or the 50 states the medical license board』, I would be joking the first day why that’s MD 6+2 to meet MD 4+2 the system talk on the WWII interface line since 1945, I live here !! 

I think you take every disciplinary like a joke, your life is a joke, you look like a joke.

My ipad needs to charge.

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