
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I think your father consent that Harry to make a mess in the US so he got evicted a little bit

 1) You dress up that day indoor at your palace hall too …salute. 2) you got on the Captain- in- chef

That’s active duty. My book…those words. 



Your father hides things in the palace so, he went to ask the guard…but that guard doesn’t know what he was asking. He just answers him the position as the guard. It might be the things he wants to ask him - he hides stuffs in the wall.

They want to bribe that Lee Caroll, both the girls part, my ear before I gone to sleep - 20,000 US dollar. 

Your brother and you or Dr do little 2? Is that without you, middle of the America to meet? To kill or to bribe that Kryon how to “unethical” doing things. So Kryon told him, you are all doing things unethical, that return will be the unethical treatment to him, because he did that. 

You never seen the underground water museum, do you ? The human below the water sea? Mimmo with Connie and Alexandro with a farmer tool, 3 walking close ?

Without you, William?

Your father, your mother and that Harry. The Pirates of the Caribbean.

Your father doesn’t know how to talk to those tall hat guard. He talks like that …right, but he is too busy all these seeing the parliament to those people. You know where that guard to be ? Tall hat you cannot see the eyes? They literally dress like that walking there ?

Your father and Middleton needs to gradually fade out your life, William. 

You go to one of them and say, “I think I step up a little more, so I need to handles a lot of this things including if my father and one of you having a conversation, I think he was asking for some help, he lacks of the words so he says a certain thing, if that one you got mad or got concern. But I think he got an issue himself. His image overall since my mother die. If he comes to you, that one of you, you can find out? What does he wants? The junks process in his room ? Any furniture he wants to replaced? The utility water facet? Or he shaves his beard how to use those toilet, did he fall inside the bathroom? Can you get me that one guard he comes near to talk ? He doesn’t do this often …I need to be a little bit alert on this. Can you find out ?”

You call the secretary staff, anything in his room, the shirts to replace, the furniture to take off in his room, or add-on the toilet handle not to fall, did he fell inside the bathroom, is there a whistle or a button he can push to say help ? Did he cut his nail, check his foot ? His beard on the jaw, did he cut himself?

You check his fingers nail and the toes nail. His foot not on sneaker, did he have the blister ? The entire foot back and below. Check per toes.

Lately I keep saying mine ?

Can you ask the doctor check his vision, his night lights. I have the bathroom night lights …he knows he unplug and plug back in -in the morning ? That’s far away to the bathroom ? The old people drinking the water and stay on the bathroom. 

You learn yourself well, you need to help him. He gets old and that Camilla too. They got too old. 

The nail is almost every week you trim, the fingers or the toes. I am a shorter girls. But my bathroom is next by me? My water is next by me ?

Nick’s toe nail is very very hard, I think. Mine is young. My time. I soak in the water. Me and my mother does those things fine, we stay home and that same routine is day-by-day.  We go to nap, we eat, she goes shopping, I stay home watch the house. She cleans her bathroom, I clean my bathroom.  The same routine everyday. 

UB or Shane’s parents, I used to talk all the time, their kids are doing …run about the court room things behind their back, but they get old and will die one day. No one helping them if they have a conditioned or the environment all around. Let’s say I say to Shane, I watch his parents here and he runs back to handles his house issues, that was I thought not Nicky them. 

I then become to Nicky them. They have never be with a girl check their nails or the organization of the visa or the paper working running clear. The sorting, the file-ing, the hygienic. They are the guys don’t know how to do a lot of that personal thing. 

It’s the food, it’s the bed sheet, it’s the pillow case, it’s the tidy up the space, the travel how to organized, but I just be one human with a mother here. She does everything her nail and the hair. I find a way how to warm her circulation. Right here, the hospital, the senior care. I go to caged in there to find a better furniture ?

People learn once, they know how to do that.

I went to organize the near by all these goods organization, the water delivery or the food, the transportation in the city - but it’s just me and my mother.

Your father is a guy

Every guy doesn’t get along with another guy next by.

(He had a music ear phone pieces, 90s put on his head )

So I drag that nick’s ear or that Nicky’s ear out of there….the Conan best friends police story ? But I no longer can do that too far away, I need to care for myself.  You all need to be a little more harmonious with your parents. The money talk, the professional talk. 

I have a career, the money talk, the power, the photo image, those UB garbage classmates, the sequence not just DNA. You are just a spoiled rat everyone fear you or your father. Those pink all around or the guards?

You treat people with your pride up nose, those things to say the capitalism or those white tall guys world, you step up more each day, everyone falls away. You’re one lifetime preparation. It’s those million people’s job.
Those talk ?

You getting your way and you happy? Or that’s just the career or the money talk?

You didn’t do that on purpose so everyone falls away. Of course not.

Are they going to die ? You improve yourself health wise, you can go and critique each of their hygienic statues everything I taught you. Warm your 4 ending nerves torsal, drink the water, stay on the toilet, eat your fruits or the fibers. You learn it right, you teach them right. You keep the confident in them.

I kept saying those same things other than the singing …

I know.

Your brain…. Why don’t you go on your life, we are truly too far away, in this one lifetime we may never meet on this Earth on any evolution. Some guy’s real mood in dense it’s those black hole dense dense dense. No one sees those in them, heavily dense to that bad bad bad bad mood.

Inelia Benz has a book in 2014 winter freaking me out. 2 side image.

The massive shooter gun men sees him having no weapon in his hand.

The dodging bullets all scenes.

Your father needs to be in his age cooler friends than, these kids younger than he, we fight between each others kid’s life. We are all the similar age. As a higher England Class, you want him seeing you and your brother wearing a sun glasses, a — line on the mouth with the most beautiful and friendly girls near by will do anything for you. Those classmates were not coming near you, just between themselves she made a mess of herself with them, the guys or the girls.

You have 3 kids yourself right now. 

This movie, is continue …on my TV.

Hugh Grant.

He is busy !

A certain girl in training …never come to compromise in the middle. Those girls don’t make those personality so how do you cut in that personality to say coming near to get a job done? He knows what that personality is ?

He plays in his life or he trains himself as the King, or you training your father training near by? They ought to train everyone has the military active duty ? You can no longer play ? Tighter or tighter …

No one is good enough for you

No one is good enough for anyone

When you becoming a King, like your father, starting young …that plan on spending. Not just copy the checks.

So did you check the movie sequence inside the movie ? 
Each them has a doing and a name, or near by Kail. 

Are you too eager to find out? There is a difference everyone in strangle seeking an exit way. They the other guys found out they care or you cared? In the midst of all her age classmate alone fight between Taiwan to America, we are another side of the Earth. In that thousand people, one you in a different color.

None of us know. We never talk about you.

I am not an AMerica, we don’t like each other. And not one of them gonna tell me they think what these guys saying in the movies because I Anna too busy on your father’s side, from Taiwan toward Europe, it’s a direction. Those places countries still exist ?

Next movie: Blended

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