
There is a thing you literally imagine things, or you literally buying the 20 rings in front of you, you go and shopping.

Whatever that means to you.

Did I say that doesn't mean to you? You toss and throw things, you literally mean you like the singing inside the room, every room, they walk around 30 people, I asking you, you say you thought about it, and make it together with all of them.

I say, you cannot make it 30, so 10, then 5, at least having one group singing in front of your face, you even thought to try that, you can just get one England 5 people in the band to literally standing in front of you, to act out, to feel like. You gonna tell me, really in the end, its the new face like that Chinese girl, or that Sam guy, no matter what, they look young to you. How your father feels like you.

Did I stop you from thinking, by next week, you gonna tell me, you have a headache, just to even think about it, if you literally getting 5 people in front of you, your heart might die out. Did I push you, literally pushing anyone in front of your mansion, let's sing together, and you have a dinner with them 5 or 10, just locally England passport? 

Your hearts jump out in ANY ANY ANY world, not just anything I say you thought was fake, you thought was not real, you thought it was impossible, your heart flips out.

Did I say by tomorrow?  Someone saying one thing, change to another, you listening for 7 days, you have 35 things options in front of you, or the head. You are so dizzy just imagine all of that. And that per step? You say, maybe I should just sleep for a while.

One week, everything I say was in vain. I built you up for 7 days, that is one week I built you up. Tell me I know what I am doing, or I literally push someone's head, how many time this ever happened on Earth. Built up something, and fallen off in every 7 days a week to make the chronological time schedule, it was not real, or it was fake. 

Did I tell the public, your heart die? 5 or 10, the local England passport for the next 3 months. You gonna check their tour schedule, or you gonna stop them?

You mean I didn't do one thing for you, 7 days a week to built you up something, so you step by step feeling it the options. Its impossible, or its not reality, you care about that schedule sheet, its right inside the England zone, even your father knows about it. You doing things behind his back all your life, he knew about it?  I built you up in front of your father, mind you not, or your entire palace staffs, just what? 5 human calling in, singing one time, feeling it, not 10, how you telling me, or hide, its the heart to die out, or 3 days a week to eat a meal. That is just one hour 5 or 10 people you talking to, at the Hunger Game sounds like its a table, your father knew, that is a requirement just happened, and?

3 days a week, its not on the bed, or the on the balcony. That is not too difficult in your father's hands to do, just to see if your heart literally die in ONE FULL WEEK. By next week you will find out. Did I push you?

You want to do that for Middleton, your father does for you.

And your PM.

Literally each to die by next 2 or 3 weeks, 5 to 10, 3 hours a week, that is 3 times to meet Monday, Wedn, Friday. you just tell them, Anna intend to kill me, with you 2 together I will feel better, you knew what's going on. You meant that Middleton be that stupid to literally chase a band after that 3 hours a week, its just a touring schedule, everyone is the English passport, or all speaking in English.

I look on my right.

"Finished? Your father has a throne, you want to talk about his throne, or this 3 days venture for the next booking continue 3 months, you just get on 1 week. You gonna tell me, you rest for 2 weeks, and so Middleton and PM resting, or they going with you without you."

"Its just staring at them, 2 human like them staring at the rock band, or the country band, or the blue jazz, all that ~~~~ they staring at it with my merits, or your temper, its you resting 2 weeks, or you asking them you say you hiding to them 2 weeks."

"You want that Hugh staring too? That is him alone in a space, Middleton alone at a space, PM coming by to your palace, one space. Mon, Wedn, Fri. Without you, they continue to staring at them in those booking for 3 months. And eat 3 meals a week, for 3 months."

"Do you prepare a sheet, asking them the income, for real....the main singer or the side, you want the second main singer too? Judging by NSYNC, or you gonna tell me, your Royal guards are not staring at your facebook enough, you give them your facebook?"

"You asking them at that 3 days a week, 3 hours a week. Middleton too, PM too, Hugh too. Sit there, dining at the Palace, they 3 go first, you have the dignity to your own band, so you rest 2 weeks."

"The criminal records, the drug background, literally speaking, the Europe has this drug culture, even my maid or the kitchen staffs knows that. Its at my brother's book."

Can you literally read this out loud to the guys you like? The younger guys, the skin issue?

You never listening to the boyband, do you? I want to know...those loud music was a rock band kinds of the lady killer's band, so that Adam Levine enchanting you, is that the English words, you like about him? You being amused? Getting you interests into it?

You plan to have your own step, the next plans. By the age 50 years old, or by the age 40 years old like now. There is a difference, you looking at that Simon, and imagine his heart going pull and push. You want to look at his face, and imagine you called, his heart going push and pull.

The current photo and his age next by his profile, you written yourself a giant number next by it. 

You as the prince, cannot say hate it, and wait 20 years later to do it, I told you now the first time at the 40 years old. AM I GOING TO BE HEARING about this, why I didn't force you in front of your father, in front of your staff, in front of that Middleton, or PM, at this hour, at this game, I literally push your head on the wall, just like I EVER do to anyone all around me, you imagine you will regret you starting at 60 years old?

Do I diagnosis to your father, "When did you say you ruin yourself progressively your entire body in the drug statue 15-25 years old, you talk or you don't want to talk about it, can you move your eyes, or your language or just go to sleep, when? Age 30 ? Your mother knew about it? "

"You hate the human, or you hate yourself that kind.....your mother is here. She is very upset all of you 3 turning becoming like this, and I hear nothing but that every single day. That is not a normal conversation because when people die, everyone weep. I got a headache. "

With you, and Middleton, PM, and Hugh be busy that 3 months, you literally make a plan, or you wish me to cover your face, to tell them, don't talk about it...you need the excuse to live, or having a join, 3 of them with you on the table, each reflection on the reality, that their heart push and pull, to what might be your future, you cannot talk to your dad, or me. But them 3.

They 3 have their 3 sheets on their income, their drugs, their background in the music, like a judge in the panel. That is not a science museum, or you want to say Nicky and Kian does the panel, Nicky was or still is? They are different categories. I am not sure Kian is on it. Brian was.

Do they like the musician, like you are? Or you only say you are, or try...but you like the politician? That PM, is sitting next to you, you have 1 hour every 2 weeks the staff meaning, 

It will be this much works to have you a love? Someone is input it in your langauge, in your head, not the first day to do it. I just give you a plan, you imagine you doing it.

This is not the first day I am dying on my jobs, and your entire England never say it was for a rock band dialogue, I found out things about them on the same table, to cover your face? I like them.

Smile !

You need to literally doing that much of the works, everyone knew about it, my plan, you can talk to your father, just try to imagine. I never stop you from imagining anything, to even putting it through in front of everyone's eyes. Do they feel get bothered, it was 3 hours a week staring at it. Do you want a camera lens to film them, you be in your room, look for close their faces?  The professional lighting? 

You go on that Lee's lady, or Tamang's side, older lady for the date after?

You go and compare your reality, do I stopping you? You doing anything without saying your life is limited.

You have no face?

Because the entire England will look at you, HERE?

I cannot even tell them to turn around, that is John Oneil's word. "Everyone turns around, I want no witness" to that Riley looking.

Listening.....Harry Potter, you 2 walking out....you mean your classmate to wishing you well to get married those kinds, or?

You are a Captain-in-Chef, any new friend?

You want to get close to see them? I think you get a brighter light, and having a crew really filming it. You are not going to get in the bed with them, to go that near to see them wash off their make-up. You gonna let them retired, or you mean they all still on the tour schedule? So you knew every angle on that camera, almost like you manage them?

You care about it.

They are the musician, that is why everything looks like that. 

So they gonna be absent if they are on the tour to my schedule? Of course.

You cannot kill them every 3 months, if you found out the every 4th months, because you can literally doing that to 10 boybands inside the England Passport limits. 

Those SA, they retired many many years ago, or on something, its not 5 people getting edge on each other in the tie van to going on the tour the location to location?

Are they circus? Shouldn't be. I say that to the Ireland side.

Are they all separated? Correct. The American SA those.

Are they still in contact? You mean their show format, they will be having a new all around staffs, the world view, or the associated friends, for about since 2012 Westlife disassociate and NSYNC disassociated about 2002, I think. They have the 2 main singers having their launch their solo album, I remember Justin. That I remembered, I just got to UB.

So does that mean, they aren't retired, and still have to be constant in the music production?

That is correct.

I have a wife I don't need. But I want to know.

You have a road in front you don't know, correct.

And does the people know?


So its okay you Anna just publicly wishing us to go to hell those? Her, I mean her.

They, someone else they know different thing, but I would be knowing the throne things, that is correct.

Those people know the throne things?


Like what?

The razor below the cooking pot, soupy.

So if my father ruins himself, and usually....

You mean why he doesn't kill himself to ruin everyone in front of it?  They are not what you think, when they meant you listen every word carefully.

Does the UB know?

Of course not.

You know that before you exit America for this BTX?


Why don't you go to the police or the court room? If they are so useful?

No, that is not what I mean, they doing all that to me. No. But ....they are all mortal like another human being. I happened to seize a certain power, that is not them, not them the American, or anything else.



And if we splash this bad image on the news, my entire family image all that?

They are talking to your grandmom and your father.

They gonna do that to my kids?

If they alive.

Does the UB know?

Of course not.

You never want them to understand you, they are your classmate, and help you?

I don't think...you imagine what story line that is, or every bracket of the society that took place under the structure. They are legal, that's why they exist and because all these materials is outside, I probably remain outside, if Shane or Ronan going in.

And so if I don't follow this order like the OU lady on the Royal Channel is all over the world, this kinds of the news? They talking through us?

That is a public channel, something went really wrong, that's why it looks like this. The public knew that, or they know its the royal issue, because Elsa went on, or they find out in the democracy world, why that persist to hurt everyone like you all did to everyone all around you?

And why they allow that?

Your grandmom and your father.

So they give us free will to just random killing?

You think you doing an approval thing, like that Harry without the schooling, like Eben those. When people trepassing a certain reality, someone will do something to shape up that personality, he knowing it or not knowing it.

So its not necessarily to us, 3 of us?

The upper class included, there will be people associated to all of you, correct.

They want to talk to us?

Not really.

What kind of the lesson they gonna make us learn?

Your appearance will fade one day, your kids will be the only peripheral for everyone else.

Are you planning to tell UB them?

No, I implant some stuffs as I force them to do something, they probably done it anyway with that freedom lifestyle.

Are they going to be dead?

I need them all + my mother to be dead. That's correct.


Zawanna says.

They find out the reason, or?

When I am inside that zone, I knew it it has to be done. When I am opening up my eyes, I won't feel like that anymore, its everything high tech, the slow pace in life. I don't get like that, that is a lot of the hurts inside, when I close my eyes. Am I planning to tell anyone? Like a doctor? I already did. They improve it? They found out a certain thing, correct.

Is that Heaven or Hell?

I don't really know, to be honest.

Is that Westlife?

No, I don't know. I am not sure why those things are relevant. But when I open my eyes, I kinda just drifting. I don't think I can be with them, really. I try to make a sense they doing that. They aren't those guys to say the family, next by, and saying near by to help. Not those kind of the cherish to hold they would ever promised.

Is that hurt?

No, they are just not like that.

You wish them to be like that?

No, I already know.

And why don't you say anything to them, they are not like that?

They may be like that, or they may not be like that. But by the common sense, I guess they aren't like that, so I turn them down when the time comes.

You hate?

Of course not.

And they allow us to be this killing all around, or imagine, or something, or beat up, is that they gonna tell our kids?


Why is that?

By that time, you will have no more classmate, or the family anymore....they are the only pretty things the whole world love. They done this never ends, long long time for now.

They threaten us?

They wish you to learn, to know, those are not correct. Follow that correct conduct.

So they watch us fallen?

No, they give you the free will to be a little bit pushy to yourself, all around, and all that. You heard those langauge, they hear that too. They all too be frighten as well.

And why don't they save them?

They will. But they both need to die, your father knows.

So they saving them?

Yes. If those cancer news are real.

I feel dying to witness them like this, our entire family like that, the photo art, and one day they gonna do that with our kids. Does that mean, they make us feel dead dead dead at that time?


And you are saying it?

I am the only one saying it. 

Do they really cancer? I want to know?

I don't really know, I don't care about it. I already say to everyone, should be dead.

But can they fake it?

I don't really know. I assuming its real like the news say.

And what should I tell my kids, why we should be dead, because we have the grand parents, we are the royal under the democracy world?

No. You say there are some incident that is not accordance to our time, someone makes a world scene somewhat larger than the life in itself, we suffer in it, the whole royal family all around.

And the kids grew up, accept those answer?

I am not dead, amn't I? You going in? They will manage your kid or telling you how to manage your kids, you think?

No, I don't know.

I think they will, like your father.

I don't think we care about our kids like our parents would care about us, we talk about it.

Yeah, I know. Tina.....she has to put up all that, correct.

You never talk about it.


Is that wrong to feel that way, about our kids, or about the parents, or about the world all around?

Well, you talk to your doctors about it.

Can they be sue?

They probably process that behind, but....its a lot more what you didn't do as the family head household, there is a difference every time bracket of the public fame or the classify world, everyone suffers in that you all doing it, or your brother's pair keep doing it. And I look like I don't know, those kinds. 

But we want a certain thing !

You are dulging the bullets not to do the only correct thing. They found out any of this, that is no and no.

What will they do to us?

You are not competent.

Just read a few time, sometimes barely remembered it, its fine. You have your personality free will, none of them can restrain you.

We feel guilt or we feel being responsible.

Right, but your head is only that much of the big, you got no education equip to face anything. You want them to say, you are the romance fragment wrapping the rock hard core music, to say Princess Diary, not the Iron Man, you lose your line and square or your education degree, that is why she surpass, she for some reason, she could acquire a certain knowledge, and in that split of second, she can turn over this entire world, no one ever in this one lifetime ever done that. 

And that makes us responsible?

You don't actually require to do anything in my job, they will tell you that. But they wish you learn some of the correct norm things anything she says. You pushing yourself, instead of taking care of your health. Or this movie driven you to your original plan, and you keep dulging bullets. Whatever the evil plans to anything you got punished behind. You are inside a mind state.....between

1) Love on the sight, they got married again.

2) They have the kids again, facebook.

3) She surpass with whom? 

4) All the photo stream, I have a mechanical works, all of them look younger.

5) I hate my jobs

6) Deliver a speech, endless people, and spot light, the same chatting. She is tiring next by.

7) What's wrong with it.

8) My father.

9) All England, or my face how we drug everyone kill her and UB on the map, the justice, the UB agrees to us, they like us.

10) Dulging bullet never end.

Is UB all of them required to go inside Mason?

oh? No, I never thought about it. You sound like they...I c. No, I never thought about. They don't have a brain to make it, I am not sure what I see. That's bad, right. They don't have those qualification to say, get a society ring those. No.

Are we responsible at it? Of course not.

What is the best thing I should do? For real.

Your father is still around, you asking him? I think if you close gate with that Harry. These movies is your intention, and you fear in it, everyone knew. That is very very very bad, your intention and your brother being caught none stop, so the whole world people don't have a life, everyone staring at you two how you both continue to screw up everyone else's life including you yourself.

We don't want to be seen like that.

You both have an intention.

Are they gonna hurt us?

They wish you are not like that, and its not 194 countries, no one gets a life, so saying this is your father's time, knowing that is 70% ruin at the age between 15-25, and you both turn out this. 

Is that our fault?

Your father and Queen's fault, they can probably kill you both. He re-married to America. Lower his attitude. You 3 believes you are a big deal, because someone let you to ride on the TV. None of that is correct. None. 

Our kids think we doing this to Elsa.

I know, every kid, you will tell me you meet on the road knows about that.


Find your kids a better mom, and educate them. Middleton she is not a good person, they tell me, its by tomorrow she leaves. Your PM says stay one of those. She needs to leave there, like you say, correct. But you want the kids to get out too. 

Joann is an European type of the girl, when I was in America, most of them are the local American girls. The Europe might be really those EF culture, a lot of the guys or the girls, they just tuckle inside the same bed (sheet).

I don't need to be with them, but my whole life probably has to stare at that Ronan every once a while. Correct.

Is he psycho?

I don't really know, they have to bear the industrial pressure, so to be honest, I don't know whom they find to keep those jobs in the appearance or in the competition. 

You like those jobs?

No, just....one person kinda of like my brother left home, and America keep them there, or I got my money resources, I need to bring them all back, and maybe I move.


No, here.

You telling Nicky they are?


And my wife gets the romance, dying out?

You aren't a guy anyone likes, or someone like her, you care about it? She speaks to you faithfully or those attention, she puts up all those efforts to like about you?


So, for the lady, you wishing she well?

Not really.

I won't, but she gonna die out without the romance all those years too. When she is more stable with another guy, her personality will come to those staring points more easy at herself, to pretend at those jobs this long.

To like me

To carry every conversation other than to like about you, I guess.

You like to parenting Ronan with those guys or with me?

I get rids of Ronan, them and you. My freedom life, if I would, correct. No, I get rid of all of you, but watch that Ronan myself. Correct.

You like about this guy?

No. When he was younger, I understand his personality, when I seeing him older, I am not sure the same person, because they keep sending in the 007 or the Jame bones, of all kinds of the faces, and Seal with the Kiss, or Ronan has a friend die in the 90+. He is on the news. I say something to him. But technically by now, I am freaking it out, just about every face to think about this Ronan guy. And standing in front of we surrender that scenario. Probably never stop screaming that kind.

He knows about it?

Of course not.

So you would never get married?


If you don't have any of us on the monitor?

I sleep. Tired. The birds quack. Right...the birds or the otters, I cannot really get rid of them, no. Its a no way out life. I can get rid of the every human except the animal kingdom.

You always know that?

Now I understand that, right. Not the first day when I got told. I written them down, just not literally seeing it in front of my faces.

Can you call the police?

Don't worry about it. Go to sleep, I lay down too. Just ate the fruits.

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