
Washington D.C? Not the court room? The court room drama only.....the residents whom live in the Washington DC? Still appeals up to the Supreme Court?

Funny....how the power of the groupy means.

  1. "Teach me, please."
  2. "Say it again, what should I modify"
  3. "I always wonder about that facts, right. Its a picture and a fact."
  4. "You say its a fact without the evident, so the picture is the evidence? "
  5. "No, you have to tell me again."
  6. "Please."
  7. "I always know something was like that probably you mentioned."
  8. "Say it again, what should I change the words here, the last profile, so its the same, not the addition this time entry the court room?"
  9. "Say that again?"
  10. "No, seriously, tell me again. You want me to change that line, cross off. This is the same last time 2 page, or the first time. Here is the date. You mean you print me which one?"
  11. "And I need to cross the line.....between this words to the next line. Okay."
  12. "Say again, this is which date? No, I don't have that here. You submit yourself 5 or 6 years ago, you want this file to be added or change these lines? Right. Okay."
  13. "Why don't you hand me the right file? Right I saw your request, you mean the first print, or your first submission, you want to re-edited and you have the update version of this file-ing?"
  14. "I need to edit these line, cross off, on the first copy, the second copy, to these date XXXX since 2014, should I check each file-ing court date, 10th times? 25th times? Do you remember that many? And why each days I need to manually change per line?"
  15. "Please, enlighten me."
  16. "You speak with your lawyers?"
  17. "Wait, what did you say, the red pen cross these line off, and next line? Sorry, okay, that is a mistake, the initial and the cross off. And how far we have to editing these pages?"
  18. "You don't just give me a new copy?"
  19. "The 65th times?"
  20. "No, you can always re-submit, other than doing these 75th times."
  21. "When? 40 years, of course submit for 40 years long, re-run, the editing service maybe you just change it in your next copy by yourself. But I see your request."
  22. "Correct, I spoke to your lawyers, he called or she called."
  23. "No I know you say he says or she says, but this editing per line, you can change that papers all together, in the next submission, you just want to come here this court room session to re-editing these per papers?"
  24. "Why don't you just re-submit all the files, without me editing."
  25. "Cross that and initial."
  26. "You doing that here....I see." (the eye glasses off)
  27. "How long we keep doing these, 40 years? You can just re-submit your new editing papers."
  28. "No, you want me to do it in front of you."
  29. "oh okay."
  30. "Should I put down what? A margin notes next by."
  31. "Oh, okay."
  32. "Do you say, which names? Its not the original name."
  33. "The original entry party's name."
  34. "You mean the original.....beneficiary...."
  35. "The original and put the dates here?"
  36. "The original."
  37. "oh okay....."
  38. "No, from the original content to where the original location to be found, or found a controversial evidentialrary...."
  39. "And why legally blonde needs to put the dates next by? Its not your submission's date, is the movie's date, not sure if they change the original movie airing date."
  40. "oh, okay. You mean these per line, we keep doing all the way down."
  41. "Your last paper."
  42. "Your lawyers I spoke to, right."
  43. "Say that again, please."
  44. "No, I know what you are saying, but you can re-submit it the next time."
  45. "I have to be the witness seeing....if I am the witness. I am the judge."

You want to try another 45?

Once of A Millions ( Ms Congenality )

  1. "I was wondering what she saying that for......This line to this line, she says I can just ask the judge a question."
  2. "This is she wrote? Not you write?  No. oh okay. The highlight, or the underscore. Is this the today's new submit file.  "
  3. " Do you ask me this? Of course you can ask me.  "
  4. "Say that again....you mean she says this so you want to elaborate these, so these are not what she says, but what you thought? You talked to your lawyer about this. Right. I have a note here last time."
  5. "Say that again....you were saying."
  6. "No, she didn't need to submit all these theory, she puts that on the public domain. No, its not the universal truth, no. Its just her theory."
  7. "Does she submit this against your file-ing? You using her argument? No, you don't need to use her any arguments, it you writing these."
  8. "You ask me the last time. I have a note here the dates. Correct, you have asked me the last time, I put the initial like you say the last time."
  9. "Correct, I remember that. Its initial dated and a margin notes, you told me. I remember that."
  10. "Say that again.... Her stuffs in the public seen photo, when you asking your lawyers...its the universal truth, its people's opinion view, if that is mine opioniate view, not the witness, if she is the witness in the movies?"
  11. "You saying, she says....don't use her stuffs, but we have been here looking at her every saying. and I agree to that. No, I didn't agree to any of this stuffs, but we go through? Correct, we go through all that correct the last time. Do I need a witness? You mean by what, the theory? She wrote this?"
  12. "She wrote this, she is the writer on her blog."
  13. "Is she a witness to her own writing? No, not the case here."
  14. "Do I need to submit to that her file-ing claim if all things are on the website, you can extract the later date?"
  15. "No, she needs to submit herself to here."
  16. "So, it didn't affect your judgement if she leaves all these on the website?"
  17. "She needs to re-submit here all of these you submit it for her."
  18. "To affect my cases?"
  19. "No, to her file-ing claim."
  20. "What's her file-ing claim, against me?"
  21. "No, whatever she claims if she goes with the legal process."
  22. "She says she is not file-ing."
  23. "Right, I heard that the last time."
  24. "But I think we have a lot of the people try out and file-ing all together."
  25. "Right, I heard that the last time too."
  26. "In all different location but all of your original location is Arendale, the UB dormitory, that is the evidence from NSYNC?"
  27. "Are they the witness? Its...none relevant to your cases."
  28. "Are we obligate to ask them, or request them to be showing up to say the witness account?"
  29. "They are not anything you claim in these cases. No, they don't need to be here."
  30. "The original file-ing, but she saying that to the public. Its affects our creditbiliy with the public image?"
  31. "What is the public image your lawyers told you? What did you ask her?"
  32. "Can I keep these? You want to take these back? The last file, these folders?"
  33. "Can your father speak for you on these?"
  34. "About?"
  35. "The overall situation, and the original file-ing entry dates and the original people, I think they all change the face or the shape."
  36. "Right. What is the original file-ing here, he says?"
  37. "No, oh okay. He doesn't need to be here, if you submit this you as the plaintiff. He knows what is that? He is the plaintiff along your file-ing."
  38. "No."
  39. "oh okay."
  40. "Do they obligate to testimonial to these movie scene to show up in the court room?"
  41. "Right, you say that the last time."
  42. "Your subjective views, mine subjective view, its objective if I were to ask you a question, is that the subjective view or the objective destructive to the justice you all seeking?"
  43. "Right, I heard the similar last time, or from one of you."
  44. "Do you say ....what...these are her pile of the stuffs, and these are your new entry this time to the court room. The paper-fileing. I see. And your father would be? Escorting to you and your mother. oh okay. She knows about this, okay. I understand you saying."
  45. "I don't need them the witness, they consent. I know. No, they are fine. I am the judge, I am not the witness, correct. I know those are your parents without standing in front of me. I am the judge, not the witness they were married original dates. Right, I will be the judge, not the marriage witness, at these dates? Which dates they told you? oh, okay."

I am so sick right now, on the bed, laying it down.

I get up, I do per word per line, per crossing.

No, none of this the file-ing claim from me Anna. No, I don't need to initial. No.

90 points.

  1. "Teach me, please." Not that attitude to make the judge saying that. EVER.
  2. "Say it again, what should I modify" Never her words like that, no.
  3. "I always wonder about that facts, right. Its a picture and a fact." That is you claim from her proves. You are using her photo, she is the original author to that finding.
  4. "You say its a fact without the evident, so the picture is the evidence? " 
  5. "No, you have to tell me again."

You are all using my finding, I am the original author, the original writer, the original theorist, the original evidence collected, its her work. Its all original, meaning not from others. She visits the sites, she collects that, on her website dates, she is the original creator of that content and the only pile up the evidence. You theft my works to against me. 

That is 1-90, or 1 to 1000 in 40 years you keep doing it. You extract = you theft.

I was wondering ....

I was wondering ....

In the assertion of these argument, we brought forth, me and my father (me and my parenting the first guardian since my state school tuition as the minor or the dependent starting in 2003 )....

 its a fact without the evident, so the picture is the evidence?

 its a fact without the evident, so the picture is the evidence?

As we discussed these cases before, me and lawyers have compiled about 100 hours in writing and 100 hours on the work site searching the evidence in relation to that location, and the concern to me, would be the countries lines to where my Visa can permanent stay, that is in America and in Taiwan. These piles up pictures are in these folder, the lawyers has some label professional done with these, the actual writing were we spent together in the consulting hours to discuss this case over.....what we prefer to trace that evidentiary supports were that according to our file statues in 2000, in 2010, in 2015, or in 2016.....we counted for these assertion why we coming to the court were never changed on the first day we entry these arguments, and for these write-out, I have put some margin notes to the time, because the weather is not bounding by the year, its every single year. The human disastrous scenario is every year, these listing would be.....base upon the calculating year here, these column and that column coming it down. We pile up since 2015. I collected it without the lawyers that time.

Whom is the Jury? (Legally Blonde)

All these, so you saying the public is the Jury? 

No, every time.......

That Legally blonde was Harvard providing a case, it might be a very very real case, and no one really knows where they got the classify situation of that leaving on the movies. So the Harvard Laws, they are nothing but the laws, they handling all that, not the Jury, you do on purpose, Harry....that is your piles of the stuffs together to compete the next 40 years with the rest of the throne line, and you meant I should not talk, so you will not be murdering over this exactly Legally Blonde implication cases?

Of course not. Its all separated cases, and its Meghan got married with you in front of the television.

The original file-ing plaintiff, supposes to sue the movie industry over anything you use them power on the judge and on the judge hurting me.

The judge is not that stupid, and you all keep doing that. That is First time (Power on the judge), second (Power to shut the court room with the movie,), Third (Power to kill without the judge present or command by using the military fakeness) Forth (murdering on claim by using the media power to hurt the judge and the other Party not showing in the court room)

That is felony, whatever you all think these ending at.

Felony belongs to the federal jails. 

Your brother is psycho, Prince William.

Tina only cares about her bubble tea, and the high heel off her feet I think. The comic book life, and the novel's life, those kinds.....I remembered she had a bf, but as I can see now, I think both Tina and Pang might know I had those comic book I borrow, I select them.

I selecting them of course.....how do they know I select them, they just walk in my room and see the comic books? 

Panda and his father


You like the comic book, I used to have in that bookstore database. Its the computer sign in to deduct the books rental costs. But I don't have or remembered any of this. You tell your father you like the comic books? 

( "Is the marriage laws like my brother....how do you say these?")

You say the marriage is a contract in the legal worlds when they present to the public, that is a lot more contract than the jury to agree you don't do these double marriage life, such as Taxus laws and California law differently. While you are in the current marriage, to go and witness the second marriage together on the eat-out.

("That is the marriage laws? So the jury cannot just put you 2 together to say the movies was real?" ) 

Of course not, where he found these jury, by the imagination? You have to have a literal case, or he just imagine the public is the jury, and claim that. That case is handled by the Harvard Laws, someone just go there and kick the high heel to twist around, that case might be very very real things to put on the TV, they find out way to.....see how they people work that out, or finding the other evidence or how to solve that. That is very very bad, if anything comes near there to guessing that, those are 1 person's life, literally dead near the pool, or how many more? I read that. It was a black sport arena man, and something something on the news, this year or last year.

("So if you conflict the real case, that is a separate case from the movies case, you cannot use both, or any of them?")

Of course not. every case if went to trial, that is all individual cases. He didn't go to the trial proceeding, the jury will never got called for. 

("Why would the jury be called for?")

Someone got murdered and literally dead in some very very clear indicator......in that state of California, they local resident they make up that jury to participate that cases. The details I don't know, its American way doing that.

("I think its the local UK residence?")

I think he is killing his father, that is the first degree murder, no matter how the UK they citizen imagine that. He wants a first degree murder, so he went somewhere to ask or inquire, or whichever this jury might localize his power, or his book power......he got it wrong.

("What could be wrong, his IQ is the high school other than?")

He is not careful, that is why he is wrong all the time. He puts up a very clear fight I think on the CNN to Camilla, but King didn't put that away. We can see her. His intention is her off, and him off, and you off. Everyone can imagine that, not literally having his plan unfolded the step by step.

( "What is these step by step wrong?")

His attention is always on 4 of you in the palace location inside per room. The walkway, the room, where the entry doorway, you know how those walk, like that Harry Potter. Of course, he can just ask me. His entire head is onto that UK, he needs to go home, or he needs his food, or he needs his life used to be......he is panic when he let out, he was promised???? If he relocated, or doing something right, after wrong? But that schematic things never stop inside his head. So that peripheral is your mansion map, his home. He used to walk on the stair to the swimming pool, the free towel, the free comfort, the free space. He doesn't even know how to use a door, or lock the door, or ring a door bell, how to answer that sale's man. He gone to the local store how to use a bag?

His brain keep drifting that way, or he needs that way. He is not balanced.

There are a lot of these pride got hurt, he keeps putting these sun glasses on his eyes. You know what that is? Did he do a laser? When?

("you know anything about laser?")

Of course, I cannot do the laser ...its a part of the structure when you say the near sighted, not the double vision like this movie here, "double life". There is a difference how those theory comes out, so the medical equipment to facilitate that, there is a difference you do that when you were 20, or 30. The eyes becoming more stable after 30 years old. 

("Have you done the laser before?")

Of course not.


You Prince William and Richard Braden, my Washington D.C 5 Letter

Keanu Reeves Thanksgiving one week John Wick, one person dead on his shooting his rocket science, was his elbow over that Eben Pagan.

How do you spell the "elbow"?

So you seeing things from the visible standard points of views. You can letter Washington DC, possibly receive that letter to Richard Branson 2014, that case? 

How does Tamang uses Wing, uses Dean, uses Vicky to Kill Bill Gates.....is that you thought that? 

What is this Eben Pagan (EP), to do with this Richard Branson 


Hugh's wife looks like Monica, so Richard looks like Vince  in Friends?


oh ~ Flower Thousand Bones !!!! Eben was dead.

You can kill Mark on the newspaper just not Richard Branson. oh ~~ his Youtube is all red.

Yesterday your heart beat with these felony SMCH and on exile Harry all the time.....

One day you are normal, one day you are not. 


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