
🍵🍲 What I gonna do with you, Harry, your family turn into this? 🍵🍲

Are you serious?

First, you would be happy someone far away never cared about you, or your family. Your father ever told you that? They are like Meghan's mother, whichever his family image so giant big one of those?

(ghost, you say? )

You doubt your father half zombified, what did he do to himself 15-25, what did you Harry do, do you know, do you find out, do you check?

Is that the cancer or worse than the cancer?

That England entire platform news, he can just make them thousand errors in it, his world, or his power or he lives in England, to live in shame. You believe the news, or you believe to get near to cure them, or you just already killing them every step the way, accusing them the family image?

When I freedom wise to say my comment, I already know that is the sin to thousand, I am the only person didn't wishing you guys that ill, because this ghosty don't quit ! (You have someone fist and jump up)

This is goodness forward your TED image those, like that Khan academia.

People die very early on in life, not inside you yourself say, you thought you thought you thought the life span is real, the average human longevity year you might be on 80 now or longer. But people you look at them, they have a different expectation in life, or be found in those held up hostage situation. I am one of that situation....

They might be all having something inside the hospital before. You didn't have anything in the hospital? Like Square, I think...the stomach ulcer. 

My mother had some other thing I can just listing all here.....you say the humanity you think....

She had 3 times kidney stone when we were younger, the ultra those technology to remove them, when we were so small. When I am more stablize on this account, like the money, she is not that withered or that scared to tell me a lot of the problems.

Another thing is you American eating those salad. Those things need to be washed very very well, her stomach cannot take it. You see my mother are thin? Those are some kinds of the bacteria to her stomach is not agreeing to her.

No, that is not the cancer. Its to keep thin. 

You didn't read that Dr. Christopher things, how the patient each enter his office that time. Everyone has some kinds of the alignment, all that?!

The people present today in our society, do get the cancer in their 40 ages bracket. You never think that is possible. Its very possible. The day she saw the Lake House that world or knowing I say, she understood something?

Where did she come from? Other than the public air those photo?  No I heard from the same channel at....that documentary they were high school, she was to move a new house with something or that was her home, they prepare long ago, they meet, that kind?

That decision it was your father made, or your grandmom made for William?

Ghost says me, of course its me, its under me regime.

The correct English, that world, even the PM at that time, none of you suppose to ruin that one girl's life, like your mother. But you will all most likely ruin her world when the times come, or when all the things put through it was, it is now, or to the future. She needs to exit the scene, you let them to exit the scene.


You say the ruling elites wants to use us to control my father. 


You believe that or they told you that?

Everyone knew that, in my that side sphere. Everyone.

And the UB those will never knew?

How does my facebook erase? 

Is that the crystal ball (Harry giggling laughing)

The TV says your grandmom to your brother. I didn't know it will, but I see him doing this....he begging your brother inside the mansion like having a fatherly talk. He is the real England King, your brother keeps playing the tendrum. 

We all playing the fist on our side.

You all need to really do....bowl, kneel, flat to that new King and new Queen, if you lay down low, and listening to me quietly exit every scene. No talking, no discussing, no waiting, no games, just like you seeing that Mummies (2023), when Eben left.  You got scared by me, or you got warn by the judge, or the combination you have an agenda, so Meghan next by, she just smile-ing and you don't. But your PM says smile....he is young, right. 

I think, or we think its our show.

Do I look like I am trying to stop going first to him, or saying anything to him....that kind? Between the Kingship to Kingship, if I say how I am, or saying what things I gain in America, either the medical, or the law court, or even press that Ronan...I can do anything I want. I just look at him, look at you, look at the President, and I mind my own happy world. I need to make the money, and clear in the law terms, and now my new play toy in this Pinterest. Hate these birds.....do I go look like I do on purpose, do on suggestion, do on phantam of the opera, its I explaining to him at the same time to all of you? He just new to that throne, it was very rush 2 years ago.

No, I didn't think ...we...

Just a show front cover?

We think, or I am...because, we gain the popularity to the public and side by you almost identical, that kind. At least we believe that is how it goes, we make him coming it down the throne, or be honest, whatever you say, that is very complicate or the scary worlds how you put that. He is never scary to us. My father.

The first time I talking to him, I think he puts a stunt, or that is him reacting on my per words, I say Hailey dad, or Brian, that sequence of human has a giant pride like Dean. He didn't put the news on the public, so that is him? Right now, I sense nothing. There is a psychi, or that is him?

I don't know.

This world has a certain order, if you determined.....like my path road, I say that is MD board, the law board, and in my married life ever, not sure. I don't lose my emotion to my IQ to tackle the correct humanity, because that is a regent, or that is me warning from Heaven, not those attitude. They take it all that, swallow it. If my whole life, just that medical board, and the law board, and be clear that movie or the TV when I remember. They know I got pulling everywhere similar to you all 4 + King and Queen, its very similar method....I don't need to be in that New World Order thing, whichever you will see that hallway, your brother....the time comes near, or similar to this New King world, the end of that Mummies (2023).

So you were not the New World Order things?

Right, I saying that, did I? I show off....of course it not me. 

I think we won, I think (stab stab the grass yard)

Not those age, Harry. The age line. Respect that lawful made, its in Obama time, you didn't see him how he begins there. 

So you didn't need to do a thing, like finding the boys to play?

The medical journal, or sometimes reading, that is a thing.

I or We (We, or I) thought, this is the popularity, how the public perceive us. You would mean the Order perceive us, is that the correct way saying it? Are they the order?

They are the mason, Lee sits on the name, correct.

So just like I thought, the rings?

The main stream media is their belonging, I saying that to Ronan. He never learns one vocabulary of any world, and he is now....got put on, or step on. I am not sure 10 years, he learns one word right. That is a trouble.

Like us?

No. Not like you all flair human, he at least knew there is a diagram I give him including....all other things he might be imagined, on that side....he probably keeps that standard having some values in all around performances. 

I thought, we, think its the popularity contest (trash the dump things)


Is nick in that thing?

I am not sure.

You never explain to him what you read in America, and go to Canada those things you say?

Never. Of course not. That Kerry and Bill wasn't the people I reading at most time. There is a pyramid on the top of the very....top logo, money at. A logo, or the banner, the book. They make that "eye" very shining radius design.

That is where you met that Inelia Benz, we....(I think its funny, not we think its funny) sigh...

Leave that to your father, pay attention what he puts out on the newspaper, I tangle next by. He knows I am not done on purpose personality. 

That 2 spider things is not good for neither of us image.

Again, its you 4? Do you talk to Meghan about it. She agrees with you, how to raise those kids, none stop running by herself to the airport, and no supports some other women support groups, now? 

No!  Of course not. 

3 to 1, that is how you makes her feel? If not add the 2 on the very top? You married to someone that one lifetime, and Kate says, and Cinderella, and the grandmom died, and the health news break out. You want to stop doing anything you are not supposed to be planning, thinking, or imagining. Sit there sleeping, lay down, or just doing nothing for sometimes. Go with the flows in America? Stay away from that palace, trust your father, and trust all around there. 

I think (we) we success for some degree, its the public likes us. 

Some stuffs with your father presence, I wasn't lying to your brother neither, you know. You both used to be train after the college. In America, and with Meghan next by, get some college degree in it, you make a lot of the money in the book, put that through some betterment. Don't use those attitude why the school is fake, and vola is the best, or that Harry Potter you fear, or you have any agenda. Make something different, they understand why you per step doing what things in your life, you sound to have a sense. Put your foot down.

(Dump something with the 2 hands)

Shaffle is better, not the concrete road, the grass.

Is the media with us?


That is the American media or the England media?

The media is a puppy, it does have those selling degree, you saying hurt your family in the past. The law made, or the situation preventing. You are in America, you stare at England BBC, or American you suppose to handle one Netflix? Meghan is by herself, I never insert a word far away. Not even seen the news all that?

(knock knock knock)

Power in the ruling elites has a ladder, it goes to the outside, or never got told its part of it. 

Can I go to the police to tell them remove all that?

This is not again, its you 4 popularity makes a gesture, and you imply your brother inform the King or attitude to the King.

We both agree, or he understands that.

And you what? I know your every scenery?

Not supporting, money.

Your father is one parents that always near you both. I got only one mother, because it will never be possible. Handle that well with him, he means to you, too.

(Chewing the gum, staring at your monitor something else maybe)

Does Westlife know, you explaining to them how we screw up behind?


You planning to tell them or Ronan?


They gonna arrive when?

I don't actually know.



Because you are what, the ruling elites?

No, but America puts my name somewhere, I just happened....to wander outside the palace air a bit, if I inform them, this is what they got this far at this time, that is as much as merits they ever imagine what they swallow things down this far.

You mean they take it or?

They take it, and got drained by me probably. 

So in the public arena, or the public media, or the public air, you never talk about this thing?

I don't think I really telling you much of this things, the clear details of it.

They made into the movies?! 


And those UB don't know, they never make those claim on the law paper, shall we put on it?

No. You just asking me, but you are not even sure what that is, or the overall reason anything to do with you, or 4, that kind.


Do something inside the home with that Meghan, makes her feel some princess new title air, not you that monk says things on the facebook. You might face things in the future, whichever this come first. Make her realize she is marrying to you, not all that. Be a genuine person in the house, make it home, make it together in America. I wish her well, they all wishing her well too.

You reading the red river manga, when? Not now .....

Make that a home, not you 2 ruling each other family life scene your father done better at least 25 years pass by, how he makes himself this low with any of you.

Do you think she and Kate when they got married, they knew anything about what you say?

Of course not.

That is what they marrying into?

Definitely not that. Something else they might have heard, except that that that.

They want to be married into, if they knew or understood?

Well, if you tell them how to learn be smart, and you 2 becoming a lot lean on the man, not the boys.....because, at least they social occasion, they have seen the scenery, or paying an attention. Its a lonely life probably the palace life, not they cannot be taught or told, things on that side is beyond they can handle. Learn smart, and be smart. 

They kill people its when we feel like, or when they feel like? I mean my brother?

Your father.

You hate the boy term, or that is Parker that side, or 17, landlord side? That word, and your faces with all these beard? How the sing to her in the revelation in Cinderella....

Are you still taking the drugs?

No. (Dim down), the birds say so I wrote (dim down face)

Maybe spend some good quality money with your doctor, and tell him straight, how you can quit that thing, any substance in life, before you imagine you can be suspend by the DMV, or the rehab center, like that Demi Lavado news at that time Frozen shows up. She was the time before we all arrive in 2014. Simon works with her and 2 other girls. Right now....this is 15 years pass by those time, he used to be. He knew he can die, but he looks at these girls suppose to imagine they know what they are doing too. That was one hell of the 2014. All those Kenshin episode, except

10 years later = one curve boundary line.

(Look at each)

You and Simon wish to know, or Eben....wish to know this is the man does to you, or a women? I am just curious?

No one does to us better. ( his all air gone, broken air ball, flat)

Use your parents and step-mother well, and this ghost too. Its your family merits you keep them under a lot of the watch. No matter what, they are all near, or all surpass the rest of the others at this time, probably all wishing you all well, and his new statues of the ....( His mother stares at me) 

his age to make the worlds chaos at my time, all this.

We trashed everyone's life.

I actually don't know if that is real, but....if one of them is real let's say Nicky. The first week or the first month, all of this will go to the past waste land. I know that. They never done things to say getting married, for real. I mean inside the home running those errand's life. Someone has to literally hear my every words to make him and him life.....Per words per saying per writing....I am not sure they understood it was real something like that when getting near. But too many things happened, i put it aside. You asking your father, my 20 years sleeping to get married life with one nick, was a ghost in the closet? 

I understand those movie, he gonna meet some other gf, or they each, and....there is this problems, none of them waiting for him.

You mean you never make a date those facebook? (dump dump dump, is that trash or stab down)

I was in Canada, not sure which things sound horror highway has a name. Queeney. 

That is what these movies mean?

The last 2 days. 

You tell Westlife?

I haven't talked to them the last 3 or 5 days.

And you sending us and all that UB out for my image, to go on a date, you knowing all that?

Your father doesn't know I know that.

So its all for my father?


I thought it was I cannot see.

I don't think he knew how far I got married mean to stay in that overall....past. To comment a several things here or there overall UB, or all around Conan eye glasses or Adam Levine those songs make. Every family scenery, I hate. He knows I hate. Just not the first intuitive sense when the movies air, and we are 2 worlds apart, she is typing what. And that is what she sees, or that is 2 people knowing...every family scene. He is not sure I knew that family scene in percentage. Nick doesn't look like say.

You ask your father what happened 15-25 those year? So maybe he is not conscious that clear, if were ....he smoke or he drinks? He cannot handle it, then I handle it. 

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