
Why my last post needs to enter that 2 keywords with England on it? Ally? If its one healthy Middleton, she flies NYC alone to VA, one person lives in NYC and flies VA.

If that is one healthy Prince William, without the parents. Same.

Harry too, he keeps stepping this Nigiro he called her like that? Seriously.

If for some reason, this we cannot tell what's the newspaper mean, its one Meghan. 1 person. You got no one else, I don't understand why they got no one else.

It would be to "England military".

So Cinderella, that would be Parker, and his sister? They are in England Military near by as the Royal image when Camilla shows up? I only see these many people. You ask me, I say one of them? That is what these news have a meaning, they are on the peripheral. 

I don't care about the negative image. I only heard the name. Which name is going on?

Are you first day on the jobs?

Are you exciting move to a new land? To a bigger city NYC? The million people gather for the finance center in America, they are known as Wall Street or the 5th avenue. The Home Alone movie that is the grand plaza hotel. 

Are you looking forward the Christmas Winter in New York City? This is where Harry Potter fan club they used to have all those decoration and buying things around. All in this one bookstore. They made it like 3 floor height, the upper, the roof ceiling, you walk in, you know it, they have the big glasses outside.

In 150 years, maybe they are all dead out, its the same Christmas feeling, the white Christmas like the snowy day of the summer breeze, dead dead dead we wish you all be dead. How come not dead?

One person job? Helish....one person, one ocean, why don't you all sunk it land.?

Say it?

You 3 wants to say, numb no words as the Harry Potter got hurt, but there are million people as the fans and the TV they care about it. 2 side continent to align, with your fame to rule this water surface, and no jobs to be delivered, not even the pink. I ask you again....which one of you is the One?

You gonna tell me, none? Its 6 people, 3 pairs + 2 external unknown sibling, to 2 side water, One Atlantis ocean jobs cannot deliver? You live in the 21th century, for real?

Its worse than your newspaper news....oh ~~ I didn't even know? You threaten me, that is what you mean? With Mark?

Who is he?


Tell me, what do you see?

Your jobs got mix up. Its at Atlantis Ocean, the New York Upper Class since 1900, 1910, Titanic re-run. haha.....

Harry, you go to Brazil, that water is safe, not Bermuda Triangle outside Florida. You in Brazil, all that water facing the Atlantis, is safe. Stop. Its empty, but its safe.

Same to Virginia, right outside, that line called VA state, all that is safe. Just not FL outside. Harry Potter, Stop, Stop, Stop. The coastline is giant to the human footprint. You are not going to walking out of that VA one state, to say coming it down, or going north. Its all safe. The titanic didn't sink it because of the Bermuda Triangle, it was the ice berg.  The American military will tell you where is not safe, so just stop wherever you are. But your diplomatic facing another side of the Atlantis ocean, that is entirely empty right now, just like the water on the Atlantis ocean all around these water, its empty.

No sound, that is why its empty. You have no human on it, that is why that is empty. Just the sea water. Its empty.

You put a ship on the water, there are the human on it, you have the noise from. You put 20 ships on it x 100 people, that is 2000 people making a noise from. The starship like the Conan Detective to Singapore. 

The starship, or the battleship has those landing walkway, but those are the military use only, you talking to your PM, or your whom your father trust why those ships are in your hands? The aircraft military-use landing on it.

To transport the Earthquake relief goods. You are not coming here Taiwan, you stare at that empty water, until you figure it out whom is on the opposite side of the water, or the geography. Its empty right now, so you cannot even call to ask the direction whom or what. You have to go by the Google image to learn that geography.

How do you ask for a direction to the empty water? You put the human ship on top of it, you ASK the human. 

You meant....your teacher, whomever this, you do the shadowing here? You are entering the 4th, the last one, the real Hunger Game and Catching Fire.

You go to my channel, just 2 right now.

Re-do, says, "I am Prince Harry, now I am commanding to this situation and the sea, we are empty here in Atlantis ocean, figure it out the road map."

All my video, re-do, you will build up an audience niche. Copy everything, saying it in your own words, repeats those words in writing or sending that to some people. 

You have no time, so you copy it.

You want to re-create your own road map? Your military commanding power road map, to an empty sea? 

High school musical, break apart 2 music sheet (the piano scene)


Google has the sea ship, next by the bio that time in 2014, that Sayer. But in SMTV, there are those high definition people used to I gone to his facebook. He has the ship. He lives in California, they are all white guys tall class, you gonna ask them to ship you in Atlantis ocean by the private company. I only know that 2. 

Read it, the last paragraph in bold. 

And this is your teacher? She knows or you show her, and why she moves that sheet toward us? You saying a different thing to us? She meant shadowing? 

Did you tell her or explain to her the whole thing?

My birds say, lightly yeah.

You describe to her your family situation all the time, first. Because that is everyone can read the news. Always relax her, knowing you know where your family gone.

"I have talked to my parent or my brother last week. Or whenever you see my flying on the newspaper. I always go near by them saying hi."

You repeat those words each and every time

"I let them know where I will be, that would be last time the security court with the judge. I told them where I will be. I did tell them. I drop by the guards front door, I told that guards, no matter what. "

"I have a situation that Atlantis ocean is empty, can you help me. That is the simple way I can word it to tell you. I don't know how to explain to you everything all in once. Can I send you to someone whom can talk to you clear. Its more of this entire timezone Atlantis North Iceland to South poles, these 2 lines a marker pen to draw 2 lines, its all empty now. Anna is lending us the American Eastern mliitary, its not her. Its they....have some other time to wait, so they stay there north part, not down here, it will never be Brazil, but where you think I face 1 person job? They speak in Spanish, and that is not safe neither. 1 person. Exile won't be that suffering, but its more than exile. Its....Amazon forest land I think, I remember."

I think?

You say...

"I think my father and my brother goes to NYC, and Camillia helps that Middleton to see some doctors in VA, there is a Cayce Edgar facility near the sea ocean. There is the beach they can walk around, called the Atlantis road. Literally helping Camila or her other 2 kids, that is 4 people going it down, she one person stays there, my brother goes to NYC alone, and Camillia with her 2 kids and the King going back and forth this VA, or my father coming later to NYC. So....its actually each person has to station in all by themselves 1. Where you think I should be at, not really Brazil?"

To do? She asked you.

"I got told, these entire ocean is empty, so I thought you tell me what she meant you put a ship on it, there are noise, meaning someone to call. If no ship, its just the sea water. No one on it to call."

Blue Sapphire


All the ship, at the beginning 5 second.


No, you don't need to care about the rest of the story, not even the romance, anyone looks identical in it. Do I look like I care about this individual inside? 

I don't care they smile or smirk at it. 


Which 2 side of these, you mean Karen, all those UB past SA, I finish them on that facebook, that is the end of the conversation. Anyone else on the ship finds someone to handle all these TV, Tiny 4.0, or anything UB they drag them, 5 Lakes Fresh Water Resource military suppose to watch them. I am occupying....don't bother me.

Westlife 2000:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XTbeGU4GgM

This is about Washington D.C, or the approval to American President or Trump included, and you will be North Carolina, if VA you don't like? You mean Dr. T's school, or my pharmacy school? I tell you I forgotten, almost similar might be the same university. 

You have 2 lines on any map you purchase, ONE Atlantis Ocean. IF you 6+2 Cinderella human pull it off this one time, you wish its Europe or South Africa someone is listening to any of you, you trying to say you bossing the Eastern that side of the military. YOU CANNOT, its Classify !!!!!

I am not joining them Boyband or the entire Ireland Military or Ireland Boyband combine or American Boyband SA, if any military behind someone connected all together to go to Washington D.C.

NO! I say that 1000 TIMES. NO!

We don't look alike. Finish talking. That court room, Mathrew and JC, they 2 don't even know each other.

And that JC has a load of the problems I think. He used to be trepassing that White House boy groups, other than his band maters. It was 2016. He gains too much weight too, lost some of that image before.

It will not be this year, but the solar flare will calm down after May, we are in June midst. Meaning my weight can gradually coming it down. I am not you. These are my new photo too. Not I keep sleeping, another decades pass, I cannot see one human face looks correctly.

I never ask you, do you get the correct job description other than me assuming what you should be doing?

Your father's job would be flying to 23.5, me here 5 mins, Meghan CA, you NC, Middleton VA, Prince William NYC 5 mins each a microphone that day wire up, and he has on his schedule as the England King, land and take off.

That is his real jobs.

Talk to the military or the people collect there. The military.
That is not his jobs, our jobs? NO!

Did he know that is his jobs, land and take off 5 mins speech in the middle of the ocean? 

I tell him.

The Atlantic Ocean

You mean empty means no one talking, right? 

I see some youth in the ship traveling between that 2 marker's line, you get a map, and drew that down? You provide some exercise or the climate talk. UN is near you that side. Not us here side. Its very far from my place here. 

And the UN does the climate change?


That is...us? Amazon Forest?


Is Westlife connecting to Ireland military personnel?

You mean inside Westlife, I think they are just musician and the kids used to be. Not...I think much the military personel. They hold the microphone I understand. You NEED your England side of the publicity. 

Ireland and England not that much difference on the map?


But on the map....these 2 lines where the Atlantis ocean if....

England, Spain / Portugal. Italy, Germany.....

Not Ireland?

All your Spain Prin' cess....how do you say that in English, or those ' makes you understand their princess. Looks familiar? !!!!

Just like the history

The Spanish - Pirates of the Caribbean


The Spain King used to invite Tesla, or this Astor has these ships too.....that is how I knew when I hear them from the movie. Every Spain scene. England, France, Spain or Portugal. 

NOT Ireland?!!!!

No, not Ireland.

What are you doing in Ireland then?

Do you want to just collect those younger kids or they are adult now, the cousins like you all have, or whomever you as the same Royal circle, know what's going on, they collect their groups knowing where they are going or what they suppose to be doing? I don't have the mind for that side of the ocean. When that is empty, that is how you proven your military strength, probably they will say the real Hunger Game or the Catching Fire.

You park where you can see your England military ship. North Carolina, or Atlantis Road Virginia beach side more vocational felt or resting? They are all the beaches. The myrtle beach, North Carolina. Or your father meant you go to Spain or Portugal? 



You land there, you social. Virginia, PETA? That will be Atlantis road, and the vegan group with the military label on the map itself when you look at it. North Carolina is the pharmaceutical company triangle.  You land, you talk through, you call, you calling back to England. You social, you meet people, you tell Meghan, why you one person ending up there, and whom are parking the 20 ships from the Panama canal, not from South Poles that water are bad. 

You seriously to park ship, or just watch them on the telecom and die? 

You land to where there are the beach, the food, the girls, or the doctors, or the facility to keep them happy there. You actually military controlling your own ship, where they get the fresh water to stay on the military ship and run? Where are these supply suppose to be? Costco? 

You one person's job?

I AM NOT the REAL Commander !!!!  I am the 194 Commander-in-Chef, in MUSIC !!!!!!!! 

That was for your sitesell ~~~~~~~~!!!! You were the Prince ?!

Too long post, this was originally for your father King this morning. I change to another post.

When you live there and park your ship....(Next)

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