Whenever you finish, I see the news how you all together ambassador yourself to the US.
Your father doesn't have per words in his order, and where is he going? Really? He knows that, or it just happened 3 of you hearing it together the same thing. Now, 3 pinks, or that is 2, because 1 staying behind ?! To imagine the end of the hallway....long castle hallway. They worry, or I make them imagine things, and they have their room to research on Google?
The internet is free, I told you last time, you can search unlimited, so do you calm down your mind, every min and second you watch your own movie? No more hide and seek?
No, you don't need to go to the library, you sit home and use that computer and phone line app, or Messenger.
No, not that Edward Snowden.
I say no the thousand times.
So you like your movie per min, per second, Page 394, those UB plots they themselves in Harry Potter, that is the Snape says. You care those details, what is 394? So why don't you use your internet fine inside your room only?
My family has that too. But, the kids them...that time they got the called back, like Irene. I don't think they learn with the elderly. I just leave, remember that? Both direction. (Not sure Nick was). The reason you learn something near your parents, they may not be the most fluent things in life, plus mine side they are all conditioned, but I can tell you the experience of it when I came back long time too away from home. Sometimes just near the family is calm enough. No, I never get involved to them. Now I have to face my reality without those help that time, not that much.
Sometimes you have to leave all that ground and be independent to yourself. I just already live in America too often, and too many classmate you can hear that now, get used to those mode a lot more than what if I grew up here like my cousin those. And this is where you are all now.
This is the time you be with your family, and learn something, hear something. Don't put your 2 cents in it. You got introduced, to see, to hear, including the judge, or the near by personnel. You have never having your parents took you side by side. You keep insert yourself in for every opinion. That is why you won't be learning this 3 or 5 years. But this is the time, right now.
You have a lot of the issues.
22:30 listen what Kerry says, or how she says it.
You can just end at her next question 23:45.
You are just the family kids. At the beginning of this video, first 5 mins, he will tell you this is for the education. (This is the old video I used to watch, 15 or 16 years ago, on my facebook).
You all know where you going?
For Good (For Wicked) - the song yesterday. You understand?
And this is for Mark or Brian (ending), they used to have a look, and all these conversation, you sure they never hear about it from me. The public access?
UK-US future you sure, it will never be that ambassador plan schedule, Hugh-Kian or that is the real wife and his best friend, goes off on the free period bound of sight seeing? That is just 2 mins interview, the Skynet is the movie: Terminator - Salvation. 2018, he landed to.....new worlds.
Breaking into Skynet
As a family kid, you believe those life in the real life scene?
I know what it means?
If they let me sit to use my brain, meaning the laws or the medical school.....they use anything else to exchange just I sit on my desk to use my brain....to X Man any indoor those simple tasking step by step, per word per line, per literacy.......that is what it means. Skynet. You didn't hear that enough, per line, per word, per paragraph?
I got told?! But I just walk 2 mins more careful to this 7-11 or 5 mins to the Family Mart, or 10 mins to the night market, we have 4 of this 7-11 and many breakfast place, when my money arrives. Our uber is not the long distance charged like you all.

If they are running outside their home, they eat they eat they eat !!!!!!! The correct things, not the salad ~~~~

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