
You want to leave this side of UB any conversation.....yet, and focus your Netflix those real opportunity, not fake things so that popularity real thing?

The real thing.

Okay I understand. No, just stay away.

Tamang has this 斛珠夫人 stay away. That's it. 

England is PM, or that is 2 twin looking short thin guys, they taken things like you the drugs, you come to America, seeking the medical help will sound the only legal rightful things, you imagine you going back to England or trash this Meghan, you feel like. You thought about? The reality in front of everyone.

You go along with things.


You are a boy, why that made you mad? They taken the England worlds? No, that 2. Smoking ash urn 2 in the sink 20 counts, that 2. Ocean 11.

That is not Nicky and Kian?

Its Kian and Nicky, no. They both are the black hair. 

So....you travel from England to California, then you have a few continent before reaching or will reach here my land, to quest some teaching. All this you gonna brought back to show off to your family, anything you ever heard or know, if this newspaper how they move you, when they feel like? I have no idea what is the current things to them or to you. You are aware of your own traveling routes? 

When you say they taken over England?

Just the upper class, people like them. That England is PM's.

Are you going to do that to Westlife in Ireland?



That is a girl. That 2 boys younger looking, or sweet in nature, they are in the stress mode, but that is the landscape, I tell you exactly what it is. Its in England not in Ireland. 

Is that we all looking bad, they seek others?

Draw a circle and throw out. That is what it means.

How about UB?

How come you cannot just focus at your own Netflix, do you have any other friends outside that mansion with Meghan, do you tell her you are not used to all this? Start with you are not used to her professionalism, her networks, or you imagine that before you get together. Being honest. You were the student formats, not her Hollywood sleek. You getting near, not one thing in the imagination, you cannot handle it all by yourself, 1 person. You never think you never think you never think you gonna meet THE REAL PEOPLE in America. You thought you thought you thought....its....I don't know what you thought. The gun man doesn't see he himself holding a gun on the mass shooting on my land. 

Across the Pacific ocean, so that Tamang is on this university called SD, you care what I comment on their wall all this time, all along, the last time?

You never been to a university (Crossing table to hit)

Is this 2 weeks notice, the divorce table?

Your low IQ, the low air, the low sensation to when you gonna feel....you strong again. I don't care about a humanity to say why I care you existence at all. That judge, is not me. 

Harry Potter the Great Wizard, the Harry Potter the Funny jokes.

You write that?

If Netflix given you both a job, and don't require to read the extra English or the literacy or the wiki, or the movie content per line....those English. You just BBQ to live until the age 35 reach those losing the line and square sounds like you manage a household until the kids grown up.

You teach them in their school English.

Like Hook got told, starting the first grade. When some information being put through the public air, no one cared you hear once, or several times. People don't talk so you hear it. You beg them will tell you everything

If I were you.

Meghan is the university, the sorority girls in combine like Pang's world. Correct. 

Are you a little bit too busy at your mind?

Pulling 1) England 2) Simon KR not attention you, but something else on your mind. UB all of that. It must be me 

3) Asia pacific, and you saying if (1) was which order of what, is ruin your overall plan, you are looking at Asia Pacific with China interest or I Anna take off a bad name anyway, to try and error, but they look like fighting. You happy ruin or not ruin. And she does this movie none stop. I think she does on purpose. Westlife know?

Does Westlife know? She does on purpose, or I imagine its 1) I got told, 2) I got told, I see it second they are still on the map, and the end of year, or Meghan round table, the movie table You like these IT no one hecks your computer, you can read anything you want it? Not in England? So are you too occupied and busy, choosing this 1) scenario.

Tell me what the public think, you would be thinking....its your father, or its your brother? Are they difference?

The birds and the otters included.

You are not too busy, this otter name Harry channel, why that channel you name after, or you buying them to do that? The otter.

I read.

You reading this much English with your own news in America? 

Where is this Lords Justice Bean on May 23rd? I didn't do that. Of course not.  This guy's name is Justice David Bean  No, of course not. In UK, of course not.

Your father just complains, that is not a lawsuit. About your uncle. The security fee up to 7 millions, right. He complains that, he complains the wedding, he makes some saying in the public. You reading by picking, or you reading by your own head interests, I want to know? Tell me.

He is the England King, he complains.

Now he is the England King, because you need to win? 

You need to win, because that is your stuffs?! You talk like that?

You feel betray, you mean...you keep reading all these none relevant news, you go on your own life, the rest of the lifes you cannot control; and UB has no news, its Anna has no news. Westlife has no news. Bieber and Keanu or Simon has the news?

You need a brain to read in English to comprehend your every plan. You like your drugs still? 


Wiki those movies its a plots that you say the movie story. You keep browsing this English website left to right, there is a difference that and that. And you didn't go to Meghan's world, or together to make a world other than the reading, and pushing those reading in some ways.


The birds say... (blow my hair)

You didn't think the things would be that complicated? Fabric? You don't have a brain, you are just the high school, not even the age. The underaged magic means.

Do they only recruit the people with the brain?

You go to heaven, you see they ever recruit you. Is that a better answer?

You are not mad at my father? Ruin you and Westlife or their entire public image?

I don't think he is talking to my side, the Asia pacific, the world so large. He talks like you, or I imagine you want to play the sway games. You can do that with your brother. I am not your brother's IQ or his bimbo any of that IQ. He just puts his issues open, and everyone can access. He never asked me to come near, or find out, or leave it there. 

You care this is Kian/ Nicky, or Shane one of those we all changing back and forth? Ruin me and Kian and Nicky, or Shane. Here is not the public forum. Everyone could see things not looking right. A girl like me, believing all that? You are careless with your life, you intend I go careless with my life or I give 2 cent about my life?

Looking too pretty, hurting our image. I told my father that.

I am at the Asia pacific. I already say the last 10 years since 2018 on, every coastline between the ocean label on the map, needs to trigger between the youth on their own, to the neighboring countries, side by crossing that ocean activities. They don't' care what activities, not just this Pacific Ocean - China and America.

I never think they give you that much of the power.

You never remember what's the chronological timeline only you move in new land, everyone makes easy on your life only. People other land cannot do their own things without your entire family image, on your greatest wizard on High school IQ how to do a Wing trick in the middle of the map, how you making a pull ball pingpong table.

I have a title, mind you not. No one knows this chronological timetable its what I say, exactly what supposes to happen and required to be attentive, only.

( he hates I got a title, climb table crossing table, to hit? )

This is about your wife, or about this Two Weeks Notice? Hugh Grant England PM Love Actually? Yesterday had this Music & Lyrics? Living the shadow above your head, the crown photo?! 

I say rest your head, don't reading all that English. When your brain missing, you use your one whole lifetime to recuperate and not to damage more, because.....whether you like it or not, when you get older, you will feel it. Older and older in time.

My news time.

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