
Today is just the 1st day you are deciding.....you can live in the hotel now, the Family Mart is 1 US dollar to eat?!

They are all about 1 US dollar, and sometimes that is 1 thing the freezer, 1 thing on the half open fridge free~~~ but I cannot understand what they writing even in the Chinese advertisement, I decide usually when the cashier talks to me. I will usually ask them. You want to try?

You buy 2 Pizza on the freezer, and get 1 fridge free. But that is behind the Bank that 7-11. They meant they were the pizza and they require you to follow their instruction how to microwave by yourself - you can imagine a bit how to speak tiny Mandarin those process not that stressful, one thing eating not stressful, one thing transportation the bus or the metro not stressful, and the taxi not stressful, its just 6 months language learning. 食、衣、住、行

No one will ever live here as me like....the white skin, to be honest to tell you.  (above words: food, Uni Q Lo, Living Housing and transportation )

The life is not that complicated......if Olivia knows right now, you can all just live in the hotel, finding ANY location move every week in the city, you don't need to be here, you just need to find out which hotel has the 7-11 or the Family Mart, what do you say?

My air con is dripping water....again.

Ana de Arms (Keanu's Knock Knock) - she looks like Olivia?!

He got burred by a blonde and a black hair lady in 2014. After his One World One Promises those saying, a song. 

Muji's bowl too small.....so your Toronto Artistis similar bowl is wider !!!! Unbelievable, keep dripping my mother calling someone.

Whenever you two get up, and why you need to keep cooking here, again? You doing this because you two, or they are all coming in to cook? I probably will think about that in my head, you think? 

And this Titanic bothers you? That is Peyton's face, or Brian he got fat.....so just Peyton's face? And you gonna say that is your face, one of those days?

You like to do your hair ....the color, or cut, or trim, and the neck massage. They have a different stuffs in it. I just long time since Mark shows up, "My Love", I disappear far away ~~~ I cut my own hair faster, and I washing it more and more per day per 2 days.

I think its more him and his sister. You have 3 sisters?

That is a herb ( the modern human never process)

There is a can mince meat  (the modern city people don't eat other than the chicken drum.)

That is a lot more elaborate cooking, you need to carry a whole box of the eggs from Mia C Bon, or 全聯

So your living area is where you can 

1) Get your breakfast + the milk tea

PC all day
She is on her black box all day

2) Afternoon / evening, you looking for some other food in the Night Market, or the Family Mart, or sometimes you eat in between like the table cloth Thai restaurant yesterday I ordering for you.

Taiwan only has this kinds of the ugly rice cooker, but you can get the Japanese one, right. Every 3C store. You eat the rice, or the pasta, there is a difference, you need to buy a container and put all the rice in it and leave i in the fridge.

(The weather too hot, or the bugs find them)

I make Shane/ Mark (and his new bf )

Some fried rice to calm down the stomach (with the eggs I KNOW WHERE TO LOOK)

I used to vomit not eating from Buffalo to Thailand retreat. They had the rice in the airport that time. I got that from the Amsterdam airport, that is 4 piece of Sushi for 8 Euro. 

  • The coconut water - pour in the cup 123  (I taste it first good or fine )
  • Right if its in front of me. The hotel, its where they eat at 7-11 or Family Mart like you.
  • I will make the onion soup more refine without that much of the onion
  • Mine would be the clear soup ( or with the pork chops + ginger)
  • The soup: the ginger + 冬瓜 ( the winter melon), with or without the pork. 3 pots soup.
  • Right.
  • Some fruits dice in the plastic bag (the carbo box from 全聯) 
  • Shane already be around some times.....he just eats what I have, the rest....when their merits run thin. 
  • You stew those soups, the boil, or the meat usually wash off the blood like they say, or process a several time, with the rice wine vinegar. Usually those big stainless pot.
  • A container the fried rice (the eggs + the brocolli + the mince stem)
  • His containers' Hallo Kitty box, or the Spider Man's those new Japan new cartoon the material science I found them in K....sometimes more expensive, but its the new design, he stares at it.  - the fruits cuts.
  • The bento box like the Korean egg breakfast, that is 6 people, per person a piece, I give Shane 3, I keep 3 this way, too fat.
  • Some cherry tomato + some leafy + macadamia nuts (or pine nuts or cashew unsalted )

That is  1) The Fried Rice  2)  The salad with nuts or the chicken strips   3) The fruits

Home he drinks those soup. He can go to the bathroom, and all that.

The family mart has those vacuum chicken white white white you staring at it. That is the hand tear to boil and salad. I didn't add it on....sorry, too fat, Shane. But I prepare on the side, the 2 chicken boil and hand tear to the container. There is nothing in it.

They eat nothing in it? 

The Youtuber now, I have seen how they make a certain tomato sauce, its not that difficult.  With the fresh tomato too, not the can tomato. 

Mia C bon has the butter, the sour creme

Shangri La has the creme cheese and the wine

The ACE bread has to bike at near the school wall near you, my neighbor has the bike.

Right, next by Thai restaurant. Both are fine. The foreigner people don't stay around here to live, they usually somewhere else. I live here.

Next- I have 20 birds outside. I have to upload (waiting to upload on the facebook)

So you were saying....the recipes. (2 towers = 2 birds came in, each 3 birds total 6 disappeared). Its 5 mins long video, wait.

The pasta is fat, that's why ....but I find the pasta in Mia C Bon. There is a 家樂福, these chicken needs to be re-boil I will tell you, I eat that, my throat hurts.

The meat is not very good to eat it, unless its fully boiled I think. They want the texture, then once they fully boiled, and then you coating that to fry like those ASMR did. The outside is the same. Its the middle of that meat (because of the heat, the big fire), the center temperature reach to how much, that is how they are done. But those are the hand tear chicken meat, you cut in 4 pieces and boil in the water, they are fully boiled. You can deep fried that with the coating, yes. Exactly like those ASMR people did. 

You are not.....actually cooking for them, right?

Taipei Station underground before you End of Tunnel towards the Y area. Those are the train station or the high speed entry points, so before you get to the End of Tunnel, there is a gift area, with the bread, the very entry on the furthest left, its a boiling pot - the soy sauce those texture chicken drum the Chinese style. You can eat the tea leaf egg those pots. Anything you see the boiling water Japanese, don't eat it. The salt and the boiling water (soy sauce) are fine. 

You want the immune system from Asia, you eat the next by. ( The Family Mart those are very very poison, my throat, the boiling soup Japan those. )

You joking me?

This is for Babaji, or me?

Is frying hard length works?

You stand too long, you are too tall, your kitchen counter too low, the heat is right at your jaw and at your eye glasses and your nose breath on it, too high temperature to any skin, like your neck, your face overall, and you stand, and you bend your back, your head is lower....not comfortable.

This kind?

They do on purpose with the water in it I think, to be that boiling oil all around. 

You can just put a chopstick 2 side pot, with a lid on it. My kitchen table I don't have to wipe all the oil around it. I told you to get the wooden one, to throw those out easy too. 

You guys don't look like affiliate to each other......

No, the small frying anywhere China, Japan or Marylan, no, not the deep fryer, no. Its a quick thing. 

okay, next - the birds' video (facebook)

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