
Watching 3310

Just random. oh ~ you cared about the inside, meaning its what happening in the celestial world, or you mean the physical dimension, here or Europe Upper Class with the money world, those people you cared about it?

If those UB, just cut off and gone. Never will ever be near this celestial idea. Isn't you all original attitude be not less than "they are"? 

I watched that before. You are the first time seeing yourself inside the movie or the TV. A lot of people felt that.

Walking in the people's world like the traffic intersection with the thousand people scene, I tend to forget all these movies meant and tell.

With any people to chat you whole day business, even a person talking to you genuinely, it will never feel that closure inside the big room, a telephone, or an internet. Its the actual human-to-human dialogue.

With the money, you can get that life here but you need to learn Chinese or Taiwanese. They promote the local culture. You seeing more people, less than the internet, you don't feel as bad.

I cannot shut off my head channel, so these people are everywhere, not just the downstair when I feel like to walk. You gain the freedom to do that.

Hugh, you get up in the morning.....?

How my birds talking to me. This is about the TV image, everyone is just a decoy? 

You starting at Ep 01, you don't want to stay up to 12:00 sleeping and hydrate and watching your TV until you move your family 10 people sit with you on the table to eat, one of those table? 

oh, the Ep 02 ... sneaking out. The shortcut.

I never had the time to watch all these, just everyone watching me to short cut? 

You can retire, no more burden to learn the local language. Not the guys, not the girls, not that every business meeting you seeing things stable or not stable, or too many agenda on those trivial things in your life, in everyone else's life.

Taipei Building - You Hugh wave your arm at your mother + 2 body guards + a secretary with an audio recorder.

Is this a lot better arrangement?

You need to coming out of some words other than wave your arm with Olivia standing there. You say, "On this Taipei map, you see where we coming from, from the Taxi, there is the road name of 忠孝、仁愛、信義, I learn those 6 tiny words in my writing like 20 times a column how they learn the local mandarin method, calligraphy, these 2 parallel road, just coming back and forth to reach this W hotel. 信義 Anna made it easy its 588. Local meaning, Wa = I, bye bye. I don't think she is on purpose doing that to omit the translation but even her cannot breath when she seeing that how they change that line to bye bye bye like NSYNC song. "

So your mother's secretary once he records that entire paragraph for 1 or 2 weeks, she or he will go and proof reading, when your mother in 4 weeks return, she is more fresh up, she reads all that, and you travel or you went back together, and she will tell you, she understand what you are saying.

When you were 10 people on those restaurant table.....

You say, "I have never thought here there is an interface line. Never put those words or thought when I go about my daily life before. I probably heard that, but that....doesn't register in me on the map until I got in, and I re-think this."

You cannot talk more than 1000 words in 30 seconds you verbalize to the 10 people table. You got nervous, but you want to cut in that conversation, with your chest breathing straight up your back, and nervous with all your family members there.

And that is far away from England, not at England in-line you wish to speak that, so you speak to all of them here in Taipei, you don't know how you saying that in those Black Tie. Whatever these all happening here.... 

You Hugh, .....

Never mind.


These birds.....

He is a law professor and the physicist. He can only understand those when you are on a physical planet. As long as you don't get in the traffic, you will never need to learn he is the Commander-in-Chef idea where you stood on the Earthly sphere ground. You just be happy in the sunshine worlds, happy the family, or the retired life. Never required those too many traffics, and where this Heaven or the physical world having any one connection.

Everything else is not too much concern.

You go to Venus, Frank and Francis, those Tesla words are not the common things to say in this real worlds, they will tell you that. FBI confiscate everything after he passes away, probably. Like 430's founder, that would be CIA managing the drifting boat on the sea. 430 grew up from the sea. 

Right, the very short guy. His name is David (Scientology, next by Tom Cruise)

Babaji cannot switch his brainwave, meaning.....imagine you yourself, thousand places. He has a heaven home. But correct, he knows he supposes to be the Master, not just the inspector on the microphone or those certain physical dimension rank in military. Not from Heaven. 

They just know in the future, I write my own speech fine. Everyone heard that.

I can write my own writing. To the public I just tell a publicist, but on Earth, I don't need that. I can just retire.

No, I don't need those title, you mean....those UB theft mine title to those Disney princess? That is most ridiculous things I ever heard, seriously. 

Its not legal, if I don't declare, and I make money, and those money disappeared because you make me a title you use that TV to scam my money. That is not justice, I actual know that.

No, Babaji will never agree with that....but....

Just forget about him part, but don't forget his teaching parts.

Mark and you, right now you imagine this celestial heaven, or that Shane idea all that. But...you are in the mist of 3C all world running about, the food, the Taxi, the actually talking to another person almost in the most immediate, walking to the distance, and seeing you the purchase, yes, or no?

Right ...

Mark probably stays in Ireland. 

When Shane, Nicky and Kian coming in....I tell them. Right now, I am not really talking to them. Shane is busy, they had a tour or some other private function probably.

You will like....my mother's these building the elevator, you stuck inside the elevator and talking none sense about anything or everything all around your property all around happening, nothing but the garbage language Mandarin or the Taiwanese.

Why don't you accord with your mother, Olivia, and your in-laws, and your table of 10 people you have to literally saying why you are absent where you go. You need to go to Maryland with the King or Washington D.C all that.

Its a ....discount. The nigh market or that Simon's stop, or some of those vendor, but you are the nobility of the noble person. Not those beer winning the scissor, rock, bon stuffs, the local Taiwanese those garbage no culture stuffs.




Sorry, I say 15, I change my mind.

Well, you just be happy, you get 2 extra luggage, these 3C stuffs, you cargo with your luggage when you check-in, 2 extra luggages the air shipping with your 2 other normal luggage, you can cargo another 3 luggage just stuff those products you see. The juicer, the blender, or...the camera, those phone company their products all that. Yeah.

There is a lot of those junks, remember my Hour Glasses?

After 5 oclock, I don't think its 4, its 5. But you have to go out by 9 oclock in the morning to walk. You can just sleep until 11 or your work, and you walk around after the lunch or the nap, then by 5 you are ready.....to....all of those junks I tell you where, you learn that first, yesterday.

You can check the PC game, you can see the PC expo, you can see every kinds of the expo. The PC that is very very very long line expo. Its all the guys doing those Hank playing the games.

The Taiwanese local langauge

Pi gin na = bad kid

Wa shi dee = I am Pig.

Taiwan South you want to go to the pig farmers?

"This bag you say were 1200? I used to buy in 800 here before....1000 I buy 2. "

You want to walk in the morning? After Oct.

I like to walk in the morning too. My whole autumn, the winter and the spring, I was walking in the morning. When Shane comes here, we can step out more often, like.....those carts, or the bags, each person bringing something home in the morning.  Shane likes to stay on the computer? 

The fruits = 水果

Grava = 芭樂

What kinds of the juice do you have? 你有什麼果汁?

Nicky carried a bag, and I carried something, Shane probably just get his drinks in the 7-11. We walking in. I show him. He.....maybe learning some words here or there. 

100 NT = gi ba ko.

Pork = teeh - bah  ( I heard from dee, the dictionary here is tee )

I tell Kian to come in too, but Nicky and Kian has those Ireland TV jobs, I can read the newspaper, its just not right. 

You don't have any of this, the road, the block, the plaza in England?

They do garbage planning?

They are Asian, probably one of those classify coming it down, they will never dare to do that, but they put that on the map, right.

You will need to tell your mother, why or what you gonna do here in Taiwan best. Not just you walking around in the morning market, get too hot, to be healthy, and what is your correct profession, or your future outlook to assist those upper world in England, or Royal idea anything they suppose to do in America or in England itself.

If you gonna learn Mandarin or local these Taiwanese street language like the governments are promoting this culture.....you gonna getting in a lot of these street conversation laterly you have been doing for 1 full week. Everything require you talk, or asking some question all that. Not at home seeing the PC only, you just slam that door to go on those bargaining with the street or talking gossip. They do a lot of those gossip asking question.


I mean me. If I want to inquire anything, one of those gossip channel stuffs.

They are bringing in these suppose to be 194 countries commanders, if you planning to learn your Chinese in 2 or 3 years, and coming back again to say next 20 years or 30 years like you told me that might be a plan, you want to be put on those spots?

I think you have a talent for doing that.....literally speaking. 

You spent 10 mins or 1 hour I say you install your PC software that 光華商場, leaning on the counter, per words, or per saying to that Asian 3C guy? In English, in writing, and you just lean on that counter until you finished?

I say to you that day itinerary, you finish your PC install one hour, and you coming out, that is the bus, jump on it 3 stop, so there is a Hallo Kitty in 2:30. So you purchase something, did you ask them the software you like.....I think I see you lean on it. Meaning you literally asking them or going back to ask them on that counter and waited.

You like those things? 

And your luggage to go home if were, you get those 3 extra luggage you walking in those 3C store in the Eastern (Tom World or those vendor's all around to buy small tiny things), you done those air luggage wrap up and ship it with yourself, other than your other 2 luggage, that is 5 luggage you walking out of the airport. You done those things before? Yeah, you get an airport carts, and you stack those 5 piece of luggage in your own cart, and push it, to the taxi and go home.

Those things, you done it?

And these things you purchase...you gone to before somewhere any other country to buy those Expo products to go home? 

Is that your business? Export and import of the demo products?

Not those 3C, I mean the expo, you didn't go in yet something, that is just a furniture expo, right. But you done something similar?  

So if I tell you.... BTX, I land with that pheonix from America map......to an island.

Then I describe to you its from China Silk road inland, to seeing outside....where Taiwan would be.

3 of us fallen, they got told, England got told map, the building fallen map outside the Taipei Station, you understand these maps on the Earth sphere...take off, landing in.....

Fou Lafine - playinig a violin telling a history


You understand this map on what's the countries at, their location? China Silk Road


Westlife is from Ireland - you know someone's face looks like Kian?

Picture in My Head (Lords of Rings)


When you coming in Taiwan international airport, you know we are the democracy passport? Hong Kong is not anymore. But when you try on that High tech train, you gone to where Hailey they put you on the video? You know the high speed train?

Meaning going and come back? 

Well, when you go back, you remember some of that. 

You mean Shane (Nicky and Kian traveling on their own, that 2? That 2 human walking and traveling on their own with those 7 pieces of luggages....me and Shane stack on the airport carts?)

Back and forth, similar like you.

There is nothing happened, but they are just the traveling merchandizer.

They don't know that consciously, no. They come here to live here, that 3. 

Only I know. 

It might be 20-30 civilian Irish or English, near around them as the friends. Sometimes they come in to find the girls, and the guys they buddy together on the Friday or the weekend here. Taipei here.

And they travel this route, its that airport landing to England, and some goes to Ireland from there. Taiwan has this straight flight to England now. 

Yeah, everything I told you. At the moment, no, none of them consciously knowing any of that, of course not. We are not that buddy to be honest. 

Next - Keep walking, have fun. 

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