
3310 - just one MV, that one story? In the TV has so many story.


The review of the last 20 years, where everyone has gone by? Something like that? He is that known in the real Western Worlds? Yogi? There is a word in the America or Europe, you all hearing those the Yogi Bear, the Three Esteem (Indian cosmology)? The fruitarian, the liquidarian, the fasting and the meditation, the breatharian or the solarian? 

Right, okay.

The Will is not mine, those? So if that is the case, how you re-phrase for Babaji, this such importance jobs, a modest outfit, the open toes sandals, or the ankle necklace, or the tattoo, or the artists painting on the wall, those?

Yeah? He is a guru, and the heavenly....???!  oh ~ you mean I have no life anymore, those? How I never get smart to imagine that....right? You all got inspired by the Airbender, or Chapattie (2015)

You like Westlife, each of them probably has one of these kinds MV, partner together. 4 guys usually, never happened with the girls? They running around? Get and move, and dress up, and a bottle of the chocolate milk without telling Obama, why he was a fade out, or it was polite, I am in a rush....

Still Here


As a guy, you want to delicate a lot more what is original God creates the human's plan?

As a girl, you want to be more nicer each other on the Sailor Moon's tale? You all cared about it? Your Line App groups.

Or this is they are the Ireland local TV, Ronan is in German Voice

I am in Taipei, Taiwan those.

Ryoya is in Japan those saying?

There must be one thing really bothers you, what is that?

Those are the music production from behind. The father and the daughter's duet....

In the production manner, they have the production company. They were each child star like Kate Hudson or some background gear up they have the music talents up to this street groups hanging out, and Shane goes and find Kian, or talk him into as they were about 17 years old or older, to make a boyband to attract the female girls fan base clubs.

This is the thing bothering you?

I live above the clouds, never leave.....so this entire world, anyone does anything is not for me to go and get jealous or pine on, all that? 

People like them need to really have a talent, the fan selecting them.....all of this.

Or this is Ronan Keating?

I wave left, wave right

Hi hi hi hi hi ...left and right, hi hi hi ~~~!!!!

In America and in Europe, they encourage those talents a lot more than in Asia, you know that? In Asia, people in my Class Year, until Tina. My parents time are only go taken an exam, and pass that quiz or the exam are their only life pursue.

Right, but I becoming the Universal Hierarchy. 

A girl has a period pain, and I cannot stand long, how me and Lee met, or this part has a Lee ingredient in it, everywhere?  Because he will be a lot more country side, loving you all the way, those?

What did I say? The education parts? 

They encourage those talents a lot more than in Asia

So the books have to be per word key in their brain to pass the exam, and they will? That kind? The food, the water, the tea, the lunch box, the containers seal, here is the fridge, I have to go out, be back. Here is the phone Line App, this is the buttom to click, don't let go, and talk ! Like me. This is about your Prince & Me table across or this is the library which scene, table cross-to-cross, how to use the library, those stuffs?  How interesting I used to have a major 20 years ago. 

You mean me? My family found out how special I am, I becoming a what?

You mean Tina and Pang treats me differently? You mean you imagine you are, and your family will leave you alone, those thought train stream, those kinds? The family leave you alone like they were all a part of the family?

They are, 4 of them when Pang is back (Tina is also away), they have my father's side of all people, they join that Pang to eat every single year he flying back and forth.

We grew up together, right.

The millionaires in Toronto, or Woodbridge, like Michael Vartan is from the US, Vaughan City, Ontario, Canada.

Westlife in Ireland

Ronan is no longer in Ireland, he is in Germany, okay.

I am in Taipei

What's wrong these American Hollywood, or some known IT giant worlds, where are those people at, populated in the 50 states?  Your Presidents.

American you yourself that worlds, they are not the threat.

We leave America, so we are the threat inside our home to live and breath. My parents or Shane's parents on hanging, that kinds?

Those field you cannot relate, so if I delicate to this Peyton near by, not him.

"Anatomy and Physiology" near his father. This whole scene changes? 

It has to be something you can relate to, and someone pick one thing next by just happening to be "one subject" and in a pavillion technology. That will be the CADS tutor, now that was used to be useless, those? 

Some people like me is not hurried up with a plan, so I go and get jealous to them, and one last year I didn't do anything?  It would be the Backstreet Boy I think, last year. With the guys, you can just talk normal, the initial meeting with or without the money. Sometimes too many guys, one of them will find out. 

This is about SMCH becoming a singer, or her property everywhere I said I get used to since in the 90s, that is not the thing I want to pieces her in the million stabs those? Her Singing audio or the app from the phone those SMTV included. You imagine your case to be = 1 person. And this has nothing to do with my Anna's facebook, they didn't agree anything with or without me, the universal truth, those? Getting the voter's right, those within the UB? I don't think that is what you got told, are you?

When she fails that big, can she put the property under her name? 

Toronto center was not in her name, correct. NJ, probably is not, but its the Master's house called, and NYC never had a center, its a school like the BEAS. They rent on the Sunday.

What is the Taipei property those terms things again? 

No she is at Mia oli.   = 苗栗.  The chicken farm next by.

Is there anything other than the chicken farm?

No, just the chicken farm.

The city and all that?

My mother's friend, the SMCH disciple bought a brand new apartment in that new built building near the only Metro speedy train. And ....


You been to the Himalayas, you will find out, without the civilization, the Earth is no noise felt. Its right next by the Metro, they had their inside 7-11, walking one block, the only standing things there. When you need to meditate outside, not indoor.  Without the civilization means.

What did you say?

That is not the chicken farm near by.


So its better with the chicken farm?

The wind has no noise, not even the electricity best at to meditate ~~~its sunshine ~~~

The Universal Truth

And anyone knows why I used that words? The public validates and universally agrees the traffic light is the red or the green. Those are the universal truth means. Tamang does that to Mark or Shane to the location here in Taiwan, something his face image is above it. Until this Hugh comes in, during that time.

I talk to Middleton now, if she wakes up England time here or there, now or tomorrow morning, that kinds.


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