
If Lauran knows ... you mean both them know?

About in Madrigal the wedding before them? One of the taller her married to a military and got ship away if not one week immediately, and so were that Adam's brother came with a gf. 

The stage, that singer is Davis' side the eldest son


They talk like that. American the graduation before, always have the prom to go to. You England has any prom? Your father should be this one small tiny things to talk about it, if not Laura, or Ashley? 

Your father dance with your grandmom? Your brother dance with the King?

They used to have no video seeing the paper works to be done, or the shipping or the passport holder means. Its all on my channel. The UK is the top 3 Pharmacy school, what's wrong with it? To participate the National Chemistry exam to waive that course works, what's wrong with that? And to rejoin the honor class in UB or the PCAT, everyone does those GRE or GMAT, too. 

They are the hotel design lobby, those conference room and the chair in UK. Another mushroom professor, I forget its a man I think looks like the long hair wave hair, or a women. I think its a man. Those students are all taller too in the middle of America where they come from.

I was from Asia, the Asian making it in the white world. Where? The medical school? 

I think your father can handle one conversation with any girl in your age, Lauren, Laura or Ashely or the roommate, these college dorm scene in the movie were like 20 years ago. I only had lived in UK dorm. To be honest now seeing all this....

  • The medical board
  • The law society or the law board annual banquets
  • Someone's husband's pharmaceutical annual banquets, that is what I mean. Carol

I imply to them long time ago, City of Hope make it, Roswell Park or the Buffalo Gen, make it. I wasn't forceful, isn't it? 

So you enjoy the debate with the judge, or the going plan, to have more banquet to debate?

Where the future, why we are here arguing?

I do the most paper works, so I didn't need to be there on any dinner table. There is a difference, right.

No, the most people is on the similar step. The UB them, so I response to them the same time. These piece of the papers you written them, and the first file-ing was through your lawyers, he wrote them, right?

No, I just found out, yesterday. I am asking you again. I found out UB or whomever you or somebody else, might be all doing the similar thing. If UK got told them, included.

A similar thing.

This, one piece of the paper, style, each additional show-up to the court room?

Other than the original file-claim you and your lawyer at least sit down, get through that, to get through the very first meeting. 

No, UB doing that too. I am asking you because you have a father.

Do you literally just add one piece of the paper in that each and the additional time meet-up?

I talk funny....

So you join the chat room service with the judge you paying the court room fee at the first time, 10 years ago. You chat the judge not debates. I talk funny....

What, 20 times since the first file-ing?


So you enjoy or looking forward more get together if were all of you combine together to move to the North East, UK or UB, literally live there with their parents the first 3 days or the weekend they visit, whom stay behind, one Emily, one Jonathon not the same home, its one commute to enter the Washington D.C, every single day, or when they buddy on the phone to join the guests house?

You all will be in a different session, or go to Mably, near Middleton, or why here ...to say...

Its one weekend one of you plan to fly to the D.C alone. You imagine those things without your wife. Its one of you moving in there alone. Join the table. They entering the D.C left about 2 months ago, everybody, just left one Emily or one Jonathon.

You seeing the future, the chat room box on the banquet table, you have to ask them the AOL service....at least open up your mouth to get somewhere? 

Is this the reality you describing to me, and Olivia....with the girls power its with the heel, here....?!  Or once they finish here, they will lead that Mably he didn't go anywhere because he has to station somewhere?! 

They will be the youth girl power combine to serve 1) the King, 2) every Head of Nation service 3) The King-like, or the senior officer with some thing I never knew. 4) The celebrity guy.

This is what they putting it through not testing them, right? They slowly bring them to some sense, and gradually hoping and will interact with Mably, and doing something for him, when they the girls finish here, and they will try that again "alone", in Tokyo all metro station or the food ordering all that? Is that correct?

Or they gonna tell me, they live HERE, to go to the hospital, not their grand kids to go to the American school, no more Japan?! This will be whom lived here?

Or this is not.....here is the seriously 75 Hunger Game, those saying from the movie, to prepare any future in 3 or 5 years AGAIN? Here, the metropolitan the finance and the political world, here?

If I have 100 otters all stand up talking like the human, because I had about 25 2 weeks ago, now might be 35 + a zoo....then I have an environmental act or the animal protection act to imagine why I show up in the Washington D.C, with the correct data and the result, but I think somebody else they can all be doing that on their own. 

Do you like Westlife, or any celebrity why you seeing the top 1) 2) 3) and 4), I introduce to everyone saying. The reason you given me why, how you move from CA chat room talk local to marching to the central, that will be the federal and the state combine in the USA, that is Washington D.C.

Give me the full flow charts with that 1) 2) 3) 4) in mind, or daily training you all grown up in your title, for some reason. All this flow chart in your verbal or the written statement, clearly telling me other than the chat room box, or the chat room service on the eat-out table.


Give me a flow chart, not whom indicate to.....

You can knock knock 2 girls leaking and the waist line touching and the shoulder at the conference room entry points, other than your wife, or 10 girls all in the same room.

I want the first line be clear, other than bossing on the table without the 9. You know what the Power can make the dream all coming true, we have 10 camera spot light, until you get the correctly, you willing to learn, you say it, you willing to correct, you say it, you willnig to becoming better, you say it, you willing to bet, you say it. You willing to becoming more stern upright, and good, as long as you growing tall. You will do everything else to proven the worlds is without the college, not 100 people against you, you knew you knew you knew, say it.

Say it, say it right.

I tell you one line here your court room might did say, you.

You explain to the judge, some of you, or you regrets some of this movie story  [ that meant to be the classify material ] such as the schooling and adjacent of all supporting academia resource. Those are not your words, but I say to you similar.

Cross all that show-up court room for the last 10 years, how many lines like that you did say?

You don't go to the court room to redeem (redemption), you go there to debate.

You go there to chat when....in the end of the court room session. You have a question.

If that is 5000 lines in 50 mins interval to per court room show-up 10 years pass, I got trapped, I got hurt, I got caged a bit, I got nothing but problematic in front of all my peripheral = I got trapped.

I cannot do one things for you, that is 5000 lines you mistaken the court room function, other than you doing an oral report to the judge without a correct submit file to adjcent to your original file claim.

Not those UB just copy my every sheet and leave it next by. Those are not the original file claim, its none relevant. 

What is this line above, about 2 or 3 mins you read is? 

You gone to the court room activity by yourself, without a lawyer present. 

What are you doing and where you going to....Washington D.C, or Taipei court room here?

When you decide to give me a flow chart .... I check your lawyers head, or UB. You all doing the similar thing because he or she doesn't know neither and you all have a free will, to get the second opinion to this trivia court room entry scene was a very simple the civil court set-up rules. 

I say the flow chart, not the Washington DC banquet table to eat, or dining out. You didn't hear me? What is the correct flow chart to this simple civil all court room activities by you yourself or with a lawyer, are you going to the DC to find a lawyer? 

How is Mark?

The indicate to whom? The answer is 1) 2) 3) 4)

Again.....the flow charts, the same thing I am asking. 

The external factor

No, you would be 1, Ola = 1, Dean = 1, Wing = 1....

No, not the Harry Potter under all world zone, no, not all witch all world, no , not which 2nd world lord, or wing, near a religion all world.

No that is ....the first line, 1.

No, its not the debating points. Why not?

That is the bad people does the bad things got found, and sent to the bottom of the hell and you asking the judge a consequence act to counter-act, for saying, its easier the bottom of the hell in the end, you have a conscious, why or why not, ruin it. 

I think you care to listen at least what Zawanna says in the correct scene to the correct reason why those plot had that says.

"This is the guy!"


You want to put yourself down, or they all UB too many people down?

You putting the judge down in this case in front of his or her faces. That is the truth.

No, its....the court room drama within, its not known to the outside world. That will be the judge be the ruling hurting him himself the court room system in America because the tenuous nature of the court room set-up mostly is the intellectual debates at least ....you all 1 person trespassing this time, without a presence of a lawyer, assuming that is you all thought got lied to, this is not the real time you putting a judge down to this religious debates and the evidence across the whole monitor saying the classify material is the most divine and the righteous nature, isn't it? 

You want to read it out loud the last few sentence? 

No, its my preference (my family)

I ask you the flow chart not about someone's initiative action against the family members, or against the world itself, you all doing it privately behind in the court room, saying your own prayers included to the judge.

None of that is the correct court room activities. I already comment about in the beginning of the year, I cannot do anything, immediately I have so many other problems, because we stopped it at 2022 or 2023 on the all court paper file-ing, and the people moving out, the system people relocated, and again...."relocated", you didn't watch the weather channel. NO ONE can deal with that. 

No, there is no ideally. Its Sunday, you all coming here, or just happened to be here.

In the end, that ideally you would all be dead here would sound like the perfect plan it should? 

So why are you all here? 

You all go to the law school, to get every terms clear. You use the drug so well, your memory will forget by the next week.  I already know.

There is no such things you forcing someone literally use their feet walking to the court room door, there is nothing happens !!

There is no such things 10 years ago, you all doing things ill and some got sent to the jail, and I continue to get worse hurt, and the home got destroyed by this Earthquake was the immigration policy 25 years ago in process and now you all finding it out your mistake were the 10 years ago, were the claim or the again and again wrongful things....you mistaken.

Now the next step were not wasting the 10 years plan, it was....what? The initial action plan. What is the initial plan?

I can file anything other than "any movie." The family assault can be an arbitrary view, its not the real court room. There is nothing about the movie. 

None of this says has any written words down for your next proposal bill acts? You go to where to do that? Your flow chart? What's that?

The last 2 hours have not gear toward one claim, your existing past claim in reflection we talk about it. 

I am asking you the flow charts, not the claim, I am not writing or helping anyone any claim, or any adjustment when you walking in your court room drama, you literally one person put up that efforts, you mean that?

Give me a flow chart, not whom indicate to.....

Give me a flow chart, not whom indicate to.....

Give me a flow chart, not whom indicate to.....

Give me a flow chart, not whom indicate to.....

Give me a flow chart, not whom indicate to.....

You want to spend 1 full year, just doing nothing but 9 words here literally understood the last 2 hours. Its Sunday, you all can have fun, I watch and I read the news. How is Hugh? If you are not here, or here, or the friends or whom....have fun?!

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