

That is what you say? You just told me the last post....I ran out of the money in case my whole life time. (inhale my airs heavily)  You mean .... the religious offering, definitely not. You mean I am a real God all that, definitely not. 

You tell them to focus a better future, and that future not sure how it will look like, because those people it means to them. Until that day, that is what they mean they strive to live a better and the healthier and a lot more responsible life until that someone shows up, all that. 

I am not that SMCH, she might be handicap, I am totally normal. I am really from Taipei growing it up, that is a capital city sleek, you know those people look like. When she starting the 30 years old, or that is 36 years old, there is not one thing me and her anything look like, sound like, work like, organize like. Zero assembalance, I would never do those things, ever ever ever !

Not the offering, the bank, somewhat we already talked about it. The court?

The hunger game? oh ! The Hunger Game. No, I don't go near, not this time, no. I go to sleep.

The guard that kneel at Biden last night my time......mean, "Give her more free will with her family.", I got so angry.....you mean they go to China, drop Taiwan. We are about to die....he doesn't have any cognitive reasoning anymore?!  No, they go to China, of course to me is fine. Something strange. He considering me and Shane / Nicky, or me and Nicky, or somehow the whole bundle together is = a family.

Tina, Pang in East coastline, that is in America, that is not my family. Correct.....they aren't as near.

But what makes him believe, we are so close to be a family?  Like he trusts his own family, that kinds? Its a tragic wiki....and he and King Charles III stands next by this morning, or overlapping image, this morning I got so mad. King Charles III rules the America?! So angry....how do you move him last night, all these Middleton and Hugh. 

There is AN Ancient AI !!!! He just drew a line in the middle of the Earth, called the equator ~~~!! ( how many times my internal agony to scream.....)

They are not my family, maybe he is too old, he feels better, me and Irish aren't really the family family? No, not like that. They are all individual guys, with the guys or the girls, in any age bracket, has to be very very very careful. Seriously. You tell him, he feels better? The human doesn't put another human next by to say the family, especially if they will never be my mother, or somewhat an obligate felt the near by. 

Still at the President,

  • A 124 toy vick (painted Japanese girl)
  • A black chulby man tall on NYC metro holding up those rings + a white eye glasse frame taller girl giggling, near by their faces. Hugging, too jam up.

My heart.....you know I need to lose 20 pounds after this one full year, you all doing this to me.  Is that the Sweet Nov, ( the door slam, my head. I need to wash my hair)  you have a twin like the movie: Island yesterday, or you mean your daughter, or you guessing Dean is never end the issue? He is ....a very problematic issue. 

Your twin, everyone knows already, he should be dead, so you keep alive. You will never had those middle west, a smoking human women to say blondie, the hair too thin at the hair follicle skull. Your current wife looks better, so it is a legislation family like it should. That is a lot healthier image for the America.  You are not talking about .....whom?

This is about Nicky or Shane?

Nicky acts.

When they are in 4, they are stronger.  They are not as that Simon to say the stage macho guys. They are probably all nice guys, I just don't trust them 1 to zillion. Shane has those character in the leadership himself, correct.  Like I say, they are in 4, they work fine, they work together. Its not just one Shane, no.  This is one of those Iron Man, Avenger behind the real scene?  No, I don't separate them. I can see, but I ask Shane some question, I will.  4 or 5, they are younger when they started to be each other's best friend.  I finish asking him some question, he can go home, right. 

The Sweet Nov, they giggling the taller height couple on the metro, kissing and hugging....so you mean Westlife came here the second time. But you have ever seen a NYC a tall chulby black getting near a girl's skin tone, because the subway too crowded and jam pack-up? That's called: the romance. They get together to die together just like that Titanic the old couple on the bed, together. Their dressware don't look like that much difference, the movie you can tell, the real NYC, that is a heavy jacket and a hat on the black.  Some human really believes that, probably.....

You don't have a group of the best friends, they were the European boys

You have the ladies and the girls, your family. 

That is how many of them worked. Your body guards will be your only best friends, best. Not that kneeling guys saying they are the family, all that. Your body guards are looking for you. All of you, the last time I say, Close Gate.

They might.

All looking like that every groups, or similar the American boybands. So you don't ever knows there is a band, Maroon 5? Your Congress Floor plan, they are your best friends, too. The remaining months + ......your body guards your best friends, they know what is for the rest of their life, and your rest of your brand new life after coming it down. You didn't listen last time, they are looking for you.

The American medical boards owns Ola, all of them

She has a lot of in-room patient, her mother, or they get old, she worried, 10 things that literally happened in her life, she doesn't know whom to turn to. I say close gate, so she can.....1) stationary better per patient profile to 100%, right not its like 15%, a visitor coming in.

2) 3) 4) 5)...

You talking about them the real life inside, and close gate OR, you mean Iron Man, Avenger, Shane looks like the weak & feeble stuffs? He is that short to you? You check their real height what they claim ? 

If Shane walks alone in winding road, and me from another direction on a different road...We both look at this otters, the tooth brush, 3 of them doing this.


You as the American President, on the 3rd fork road coming towards us, and seeing this video. You tell me Shane, me and your brain, we tend to operate the same thinking inside our head. Your body guards agree?

Maybe you should buddy your congress floor them all together....just a several months together. 

Is Ola calling Shane, that means on her own, or to Simon, this things you heard about, one of those the kids they fight and hurting each other, and if you think about, or you talk behind with your girls all around? You would talk to them about....those gossips?

sorry + Lalla channel, you mean the Taiwan Youtubers, you seeing the background they used to be, up to when Westlife came and all that. They used to be a boyband, correct, and they grow a lot more mature in their presentation, in probably different ways of all handling and if there are some other business behind, they handle one by one. 

No, he is not Dr. Bing Shen, no. He is an European guy, or all of them are. 

He told everyone some of the contents when he creates his all original concepts, every kinds of the presentation. 

Do you know how you be a president, the American president how to process this behind, for your own liking of the knowledge... "Can you get me....someone whom used to be their fan club from Ireland or England over here with one of you on the phone, the next 1 months. So I can get back to my office works, or I can use my means to find out, you write it all down....find out."

I think he says exactly how he means it!!!!

You asked the medical board, about if that Avenger (End Game) when they going back to the past, that one scene, whom are these people? You talking through your congress staffs, "Can you find out with them, they have a list or not, I don't need to know, but I want to know, if that is the list from her UB that group." 

Did you do that?

"I don't need to know the details, I just want to know you put up a list, and that list is packed up, jam up I mean."


"Sorry, you are the American medical board, here is the note from me sent to you again, I state this one more time, there is a movie, there is a scene, there is a details it has to be the End Game and a past. I won't be the past if don't have a future road, so now you answer me...about this list is completed with the correct photo, or the description, because I won't be back here, and that list I can pass around, when I have the time to get back, other than my book tour exactly like that Obama, and the speech stage without Trump's incident. You understand? You call my staffs these number, email, and re-write them, you tell them too. That list. No, I don't need to know the per name, I say, do you fill up the name slot with a correct description. I am busy."

"Hi, did you do one list, or you get smart, its every list?  I drop by calling ....because I was in my chair thought about it. You diligently motivated by yourself, on your own, and I wasn't? What can you tell me? "

There is one pair, Prince William and Mark from Westlife, its something you should care about? Prince William and his father. Mark is also another Westlife bandmate, having a character of himself, seriously. They all have and developed of a certain trait in this industry. 

He likes about them, long time ago. People grow apart, and left in a different genre of the professional arena to face the crowd, in each own unique way. 

Like you yourself, too !

The fan clubs, you asking him William, as Will, or as the Prince William like your own son, about....

"You used to join them, or join the fan clubs, those? There is a difference? "

You ever met someone looks like Shane 20 years ago, or Mark those look of the guys, what they used to do running up or down the stair, with a bigger space, my is the state school and only the student union is bigger enough for every height of the people to run about. You "seen" these type of the guy's all worlds, their characters, and all that?

In your past, you cross some people look like them, not looking like these otters did? 

There are a lot of the questionable reasons how you gone to the law school, and meeting someone look like them in 5 people, but even if just 1 friend, or pass by, one guy you knowing their character is as the guy like you yourself, run about in life, to rise to the top. You are in the political world, and they are in the music business world.

You get your nose in because you need to learn how to handle the young people, but you are about to retire, right? Just how to handle your family the girls part?!

Why don't you all go to sleep in American time, my TV news or lunch will soon come to pass....

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