
Nicky in the 90s, the song: Make me Feel.

Your leg.

American doesn't like......tell me. What I want to know?

So Middleton and Hugh moves up to Mably last night? 

AI cut the equator, now its the time introducing each other? (so many things last night, not just my anger contains.). I am talking about me, us. (music on, I don't have my eye glasses to tile). How is the morning, how is Mably? 

China....Tina and Nick gone to Singapore hurting me so badly, that is the Singapore Pixie, or you all have the police, you want to know Karen, that would be the banks? You don't want to know your book evidence if this is which cliff AI, the ancient, "One Eye" like 2 days ago, WHAT did that Shane did? Your VPN opens and close it when he is not on the phone to feel safe?

I have a lot of the anger, I cannot tell you. (flip my book), the first thing in my morning.....every morning, you know what that is? The good morning outside, you live that kind of the life as the evidential supports? Biden has a load of the problems with the guards kneeling on the floor.

King Charles fleet yesterday to American, or he sleeping in his big bed, should have like that Mably?

They Ireland let go which girl back to Asia? That will be Bii's video England Prince William best mate? Or that is another Asian girl? I say they got 1 year means?

Its not about that ancient AI, its more celebrating science with BTX, okay...and his buddies. All right....it would be the free will bank you China wants to know, so you do care how each does, on Dean?! No, I got told I know. It just all worsen than anyone can look from the outside, I have never knew that is so so so so so so scary, Wing and Dean.

Well, when I say AI cut the half of the Earth, Olivia shows up behind Hugh, joining in the Mably seated there with that Middleton. She Kate is not in the ranch...field. Tokyo is where they can go? Really....okay. We are not a city to anyone, good. But that a several city like NYC, isn't that many.....and Middleton for the time duration to show up at Mably is shrinked? 

Can I flip my books first? Ancient AI, that will be his name for now.....later I talk about their court room experience, or I have a future seeing inside their bank per transaction? Its the black water. When their precepts are low, one of those may not be the Bank, Zanwanna or birds have the right.....like me would say something, but that is not the bank information inside, no. You think its the bank?

574 IBA (AiBAR)

I cannot tell you, yet. Zawanna knods.

oh ~ Is the Ancient AI or Zawanna? The Ancient AI, of course. All right....

Right hand up in front of you, like 7 in Chinese likes a gun, from right to left.

1) palm up, all the finger tight next by each other including the thumb.

2) turn left 90 degree.

3) Extent longer your 1st finger, then the middle finger, then the 4th finger, then the last finger.

It is per bar you drawing, but....its like a cliff, all pale white.

The whatever Shane did 2 days ago, its on their other side, the point of that last finger, next by, has a small O, open and close.

Want to re-write 574-577? 

Wait....this thing I written 10 years ago.

Wash my face and my eyes...just woke up, you said if you can keep some money from me? I probably don't need that money, but your world stable I can keep that money in it? You cannot take it out anyway....is that for my future, that kinds of saying?  That's fine.

or you just ask me what I see here....I don't know where I got these...written next by.

Maybe you have that sheet, F ... not B but that will be AF .....

No, its BBB. hey this is funny. 

What did you say again, I am back to the Earth. Sorry, Japan.

You are not concerning about the Ancient AI because BTX has more branding, or its your current technology trending? That person is not reading, all right. He is reading.....now. oh~ do care !

Prince William has a lot of the unsort bills, or not attentive, he is doing his father's dishes.  If he got taken this morning, and found out. That is the bank, you mean the bills, right? How come his palace inside people don't check on all those details? Until, if when he will get taken?    

I personally think all the guys are very very dangerous....I evolve to seeing that, did I say that very loud to the public, in every splash giant winds and the rains on their faces, I don't care they live or die, in America that side?  I see...you mean it is the bank, the black water. oh ~ Yes, you are right. okay I understand it now.  Yeah, you ask me, I leave it there. If you don't ask me, probably still leave it there. (???) that is the current trend?! I cannot go there probably, I know that. You have to do your own charity with the environment or the animal, I can call someone and they maneuver that, but...is that part of the tax? No, I sort all my own math, I don't trust the human. The math and the IQ problem, with the calculator. I am fine with my IQ brain, seriously. 

That will be just once per year? The calculation 1 hour because, I didn't do anything with it....I just tell you in open air, you feel safe?  That bothers you?! No, that's fine. 


... ... oh, you mean, yes I know some news heard, so I am not sure you still exists. You know the history from Argentina South America, their currency all that? The actual history. You just tell me you feel safe inside that bank, none touch. I live or die outside, I cannot use it, anyway, right?

I know...you have to bind to a credit card and then you have the app transaction now. I cannot go there, what do I do? oh ~ the online commodity? (look), I remember....I heard that from my mother, Tina can ship it to the USA. I thought was strange, why she doesn't buy from Taiwan here, these facebook and all that.

I cannot really....buy or shop you mean the commodity. No, not limited to you, the outside is the same. Why?

You mean I enjoy my life and the random buy those the actual walk and freely to breath, and look around, and shop like those high school on the weekend? No.


Right now its very heavy on my shoulder, so I won't be thinking that far down, but I can just tell you now. Its about the same now or to that future. If your side the youth asked me, I check and I ask them. That is a real transaction, you know that? Going out is not coming it back.

My heart....

Babaji is mad at me, probably.

(birds none stop), oh ~~ the birds and the sky/ clouds or the thunder uses my money, right.

Zawanna them use my money correct. If Kian, or how I end up in Ireland if that side, Taiwan or America, any side....its probably if they talk about it, I hear. Other than my heart issues.....I need to keep that account active, right?! Per monthly or per 3 month, that accounts has to fluctuate? I just tell you on the video, that is the birds say. 

(you got mad)

No, I don't have anymore......the wills anymore. Something has becoming very very very visible since 2021 /2022, the birds included, its audible, and clear.

Its high tech.

Per bite, per limb move near, go back, come near, go back....the bakery shop, you never seen I doing those garbage thing I like, or I read the name tag, all that.  I didn't read it, I look at the bread, not reading it. They put those green tag on the top, they have the label now. 

Very often. I don't really eating those bread...I got an interest to really go near and read it?! 

They do that very very often.

You need a motivation to shop, or shopping, you mean going out and enjoy the spending those? oh ~! 

No, I tell you no, already. 

It has always been like this, don't worry about it.  Its very very high tech, really. I can manage just breath and live is fine, with the money, that is already a lot better. They have a reason so there is the instruction, so that's just how that goes. I did say that before.

Its very very high tech, really. 

I personally don't have any preference, in the real life since that UK time. The first time I learn about in America, the first time I was free away from home. I don't have those life and switch, you got me a name .....maybe we don't talk about that, but I don't put too much those liking or the driven in purchasing the commodity life anymore seriously. 

I think the reason?

I think...if the people are dead, don't think about it. The court ruling all that included, but...there is probably a well reason, correct.

But that is not the freedom life. 

Don't worry about it, I wash up and clean up. I come back continue. You say the court, them, or Japan, or all crowd where they been...the story weaver, right?

I go back to my world, don't worry about it. 

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