
Fall Asleep

should I eat, or go to sleep..... Chicago and Cold Mountain 

They were young. Zeta Jones and Nicole Kidman.

Reading ...

Can you shut off UK those gossip news, you imagining things not right, and not staring at the right news. You wishing them well, not I wishing them here, or what happened to my facebook last night, all in combine. I wish you all doing the right sense, so reading...isn't helping you all understand.  You have a CNN news, except UK anyone key-in words, because I am reading an utterly different universe news channel in Chinese. Something is not correct...anything I see is very disturbing. You are focus on your career, and be helpful to your parents around the home, but you have to get back to your jobs, I wish you close my channel, and focus better.

I c.    With Shane, something happened last night....and this is not what happened?

okay. No, Shane or Westlife is the personal life, if we decide to put together. Me and Shane. No, I don't need the space projects, just the private behind life, go to eat, go to sleep, go and talking with them.  ~ Shane !   You all guessing ....what? This is not about Iron Man and Avenger those?  No, just like I told the President, every word true. Its 4 or 5 them not in the movie.

Dean, Lee  (nick raccoon or someone I asked for the French helps, very short)

Seth (or UFO Seth) talking "Whatever It Take" with Justin   (Ice Skating, whatever it takes)

CADS tutor girl (VS Airplane, in green hat )  + Nathan ( the librarian science)

Tro = I don't know. 

If King, his father asked me....I will tell the King I am not sure if his son got mix up with Mark. They depart that those years, many of these boybands are no longer those teen pop idol. I just look like I am not looking at it. 

The King is busy, my family used to be busy like that. I got nothing going, that is what I will tell the King. UB they are busy. Because...all that, I got hit by the Ancient AI, if I talk like that, probably the King understands what I said. 

I never get that 5 extra points for presenting my introduction in French. I did it in the NSC building those professor's offices next by lounge. Its...airy. I didn't have the courage to get those extra points for that class on that day. 

Je ma pal Anna

Mark, they are the celebrity from Ireland, and to Europe.

I will talk about, is Shane.

Are you (you guys planning to settle the same age) with Mably? Do you guys find out that guy is real, he lives where? 

Mably, not sure the age, older or younger?

Middleton the similar age

Hugh and Olivia

I let the military just die on the fruits vendors....eating the fruits

Sorry, Hugh and Olivia is my brother's age. Their best friends coming....3 or 4 each side, not the family members. Their age be fun, having something to look forward?

Their second day on the capital jewel ~~~

The otter says....https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T_bGj9fgJnU

Your car to go to ...those 士林官邸 near by has the 士林夜市  ( the night market )

North of that giant Wheel, its toward the west. The BMW govermental lives in residence, so there is a night market there, and American School and the American Club, I think its all that way, on near the north side 5 or 6 stop of this red line (after Taipei station)

6th stop = 士林 

Your official visits from the military? 

I think you all need to go to...the tent in Japan. See?!


Some just arrive, their first day before the weekend on the ABC cooking studio, how to be the capital jewel, no one probably tell them to use the phone?! Are they arriving there "before" the winter comes, like.....here is too hot outdoor summer, and still hot all the way to Oct, and they move in the snowing part in Japan?

oh, no, those not yet arrived yet from here to America anywhere on the West coastline, not that fast, no. 

Japan calling them, too. Correct.


I didn't...

When you going back, you come from where these mapping places in America? They are not the real doctors yet, not yet. But you can check their Vita Health review, every medicine practice intern, they all have those review. I never learn that clear how people leave those reviews at all, but you can check before you go if your parents home are there. People believe the TV, I just say those are not correct people to go to. They spent the 40 years to get on the correct practices. You go to see a doctor is to solve your problems. Here we have the hospital and some other kinds of the doctors if you stay here and learn the language. The health care is a lot more affordable. Will I go and see them, any of them at works? Definitely not, its 40 years I say.

But can we go? Yes.      And the people get curious to go? That is fine.

You like those TV and the movies? Definitely not.

But people go to them because of the TV and the movies? I think there are, but I think they also find out. They get noisy to go there, they don't believe the wrong things so some of them probably have all of the name lists and can visit 1 and 2. 

What happen to them after? Nothing happen to them, they got noisy, they want to find out things, and try out some of the health package let's say they provide, they are curious.

Anything affect them? They are not the real doctors.

There is nothing happened to the people whom just want to find out thing? No, nothing happened.

Because of the TV and the movie?  And some other things, they don't believe a certain thing, they get noisy into all around this scene.

And our president vanished?  You know how long anyone willing to be noisy, guess?

As long as they are there? One whole lifetime.

So its not against us? No.

Isn't they be a real doctor urgent, or good for them, and good for us, to do the right things? Right. You mean they rather to make some other noisy than being a real doctor. I know what you are saying. Correct, those are the right things to follow the order, go along with the medical profession better.

But its not going to happen? No.

Just you have 200 countries, and its 20 of them on the map, something like that? uhm ....its the health package they cannot use, not literally they travel that far to see something they cannot use.

So its not for the flowery shows those kinds? No ! But I know what you mean, too many people. No, not like that, no.

Its to create a healthier environment if saying the 40 years down?  Its to assist those whom need the medical care or the medical package.

To assist? Be the real doctor and feeling more fullfill to help anyone around, their family, the relative, the near by, the friends, the society near them, and everyone comes to them. They like to help people, right?! You like to help people.

Watching the news.....its pouring rain on my roof, if you are indoor, you are hardly feeling it !!!

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