
I had a brunch, and before the lunch, all the food on the disappear.

I fall asleep like I said, so there is a red cup small instant noodle, I take it and i ate it in the afternoon to wake up, and I got yelling at by my mother. If eating too much of that stuffs, its wash my kidney.

That's my mother....


That is Hugh?


Prince William


Shane ~~~~~~~~Our island doesn't read these news like that ~~~ never happened before since the day you all showing it up last year, everyone knows !!!!!




oh no ~ somebody saw that?!  The craw striker. 


The birds say gay gay gay gay gay

The night market and home cooking .....

Otter - is that the Amazing Road?


Still at the Breeze 南京店? 

Korea and Japan  (both at the north), in this direction.

Their vendor's food.

It would be .....

The legal side, worry about me? I didn't file anything, why worried about me? I am not in America even.  You all worried from those MD 6+2 meeting MD 4+2, so I haven't talked to them, no. 

You all try to think in your brain with some IQ, or you want me to tell you the answer, you don't need to worry about me? The correct logics? 

or we continue me and Shane's talk. Do they have a concert tonight? I don't know.

The correct logic? 

You like the current American news, that is the real politics. The correct logic before you proceeding anything, that is probably not what you all interested, you understand that? 

Do I require to tell everyone my logics? Not at all.

So from the beginning if you have never explained any any any any things you ever written on these steps, no one knows, and those are legal, and you just hide?


But you didn't hide? No. Its not for others to worry about me. The pandemic is gradually moving away those years, I put a little bit efforts be make clear talk so people understand I don't need to hide. I didn't go anywhere to do anything.

I would not do that....

How old you are, 10 years old? I got dragged on the TV, it will have a meaning, don't you think?

You are not scared?

Its not touching.....any line. I didn't enter anywhere.

But if my friends doing all that to me and behind my back....?

I know what I am doing, or you just want to be nosy what I ever done? I didn't do anything to them. That was many from my facebook.

Try again? You write it down.

You didn't do anything..... NO!

I tell you I didn't do anything.


You should be writing what you worry about?

Right, I would write......


It would be because.....

In these thoughts, what do you place the arguments supposed to be "at"?

The third party other than you and me.


But you didn't file anything.


Are we talking about the same thing?


So you can only tell me, "you didn't file anything."

My ground, I am home sleeping.

Not to make the other people worried, and the rest of the kids everyone else required to worry about them?

What do you think?

Is the court room must be logic contains?

Yes, favors.

Not the vent, or yeh or neh those?

Unless its very personal compensation such as the physical injury.

Can you measure your internal damage?

They will help. I handle it myself in my life. When the time comes, the government will find out, and the public defender will list down. Just not right now.

Is that the court room proceeding?

It would be.....not now. Its a lot more the governmental branch initiative.


I don't trust them too much.

If in my countries, things not justice, i go fight about, for myself or for my family relative.

I am not sure where I am....

The physical environment?


Do you require to list down all the geography every place you ever been, and all these maps and the logics from the Red River Manga, or the current Earth location to all these maps, and say you don't trust them, and you seeking the compensation?

I just don't go to them, I rest home, that kind.

Do you tell them, you don't trust them?

I just didn't go to or talk about too many. I check my physical body, there is nothing external, I rest, I drink the water, I soak, I vitamin. The same physical body only has how many kinds of the health only thing. Stop eating, I will be fine.

You got scared its inside them?

They probably list it down, pretend if they were me, right.

That is not the birds, that is....lizard (raining outside)


Here they say antidote. In too many TV, they all saying something antidote.

If the map reflects those possibility, we got compensated too?

You have to have a.....something a claim. I don't trust that because I could literally seeing it, knowing it the geography, and all the other books, the history, the current map Gaza, or Egypt all that. To do the proper claim, at the court room, I have to ask the court judge to open an investigation. No....with the high tech. 1 human me, not 10 them investigating all that. 

What do we do, if...I imagine me, by myself all that?

I rest, and I go to sleep. I don't really run to the guys, I live here (the map), and I was from more American side, anything on the TV, or I hear from the President, I don't go and imagine another life really....I am not like 18 or 19 years old. I keep seeing this Ella Enchanted, probably people thought about the high school, I wasn't from the local American high school, they care about it and all that. I had one relationship, that is too long enough. Just me and my mother, I care for. The food, the water, the vitamin, the blanket, the warmth, the heating system, the water filtration system, all of that, I have no problems. My mental sphere has no problems. How to cook, how to pack, how to air shipping, all that. 

Is your mother mental, saying seeing anything is not a testify structure?

No, I just say she and nick...both are not required to present at this time.

But that is not favor to you....or....?

I don't need to talk about it, I have my own words how to place that 2.

If you keep running, you cannot file...

I write it down something, I ensure that is done.

Is there a year to calculate?

You imagine you 18 years old doing this side by side with the TV? I saw it from TV but I was 31 starting and 34 already.... I do math, you don't....math? You are not confident anything in your life, you always talk with your mouth opens to your parents. I do tell my mother things. 

You are so sure your math is right, every single time?

Yes ! 

You tell the boybands them anything? The Backstreet Boy are from the America side, NSYNC, or them?

Definitely not. I probably scream just looking at them, my reference time were like 25-30 years ago in the 90s, I wasn't even sure they were still alive, that would be 6 years ago. I wasn't sure the time in the history, some of this before the AD 2000. 


... ... you want to write things down?  I pick and choose things what to do, because if I issue that, it means I put through a claim. If I don't, there is no file-ing.

And none of that is your file-ing?

... Not yet.

You just write it down, they know you just writing it down?


If they finding this throne 1 person, and that will be placed upon this chronological time chart in the future, and that will be the AD 2000?

AD 2000 the throne? ...oh ! I think it will be your President, or any countries President, because I went on the entire things every details online, keep writing, they sorting them. I think the correct AI choice, to any kind if that is perceivable in the darkness all outside, in any finite space.....that will be the American President.

Do they get paid?

You imagine that seated chart?

If you are with Shane, and he will be?

No, I handle all that myself. Not him. They all speaking the Irish. We talk in English, so they will at least continue exposure to the English speaking manner. We have a local Taiwanese dialogue, my ex bf their time and past, they have a North Roman more educated, so he speaks those southern accent Italian dialogue. I knew a little bit Taiwanese, so I assuming they speak Irish, and there is the English in their lyrics to be more educational even for Ireland or for the Europe overall.

Everything else, definitely not. He is a musician

What do you mean they are the musician, they hold the microphone those?

No, with the laws, you can just look at the person in front of you, and talk ....a clear statement. That one person is the judge. That's it. The musician....its they going in a studio and seeing the microphone and presenting to the public.

I mean the throne?

I mean your president, holding the microphone like Shane. You reading the current news, how they seeing the election all public join in the arena and seeing the candidate? THOSE.

And you going in a small tiny court room, that is one judge? He....or she, 1 human those? 


Do you talk like that, if X is the horizontal line, and Y is the vertical then Z is vector to represent the 3 coordinates in the visual space in front of us?

I am not proceeding in the court room, that is probably all mistaken, too many times.

I just think I look smart to pretend the throne.

No ! 

But you walking in....rather odd, 1 person, like a throne?


But the president will be?

1 person going in to the judge.

3 coordinates?

It bothers you?

Very much.

All right.

That is the real scene, or that is what you telling me?


No public and the 3 coordinates?

No ! Definitely not. 

Will you talk to the judge with the hunger game and all that?

Definitely not.

Just the debate or the court room....debates?


The 3 coordinates?

In our Era probably.....not all of this, but you kill people with that. You can.

Can you kill people?

250 years I think the modern laws, if you invented anything, they take it. 

So if Shane goes to work, and you 1 person goes to the judge... that doesn't look like the Throne by the imagination. You say 1 person to the judge? 

I am not going. 

You say its the Presidents and to the public?

I realize that....I think the Presidents, correct.

And that is the throne means, you? Like any kinds of the AI target throne, and you 1 person to 1 judge, in a small tiny court room, that's it? And including let-go, and whom the Presidents all that?

Yes and yes.

All these commotion with the monitor, the TV I mean or the movie all across up all those monitor, it real scene would be 1 and standing in front of 1. That is what it means?


Are you going to the judge to dissolve that, all that?

No, I am not going to the judge.

And what you are doing?

Sit home and think?!

You cannot go to the court room judge and think?


I go to sleep.

Otters - 2 biting a white cloth, and 1 is next by.


Good night, Westlife. Kian Nicky ~~~ + Shane.

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