
Sex (Ola, one bf, or one Dean...Joey, NSYNC a kiss. Mat)

You pass 40 years old. You want to meet the magazine Joanne, not about the sex parts, about running away from the home 1) The court room any verdict, you waste time in life since 2009 or 2014 , sabotage to proven Mat your worth  2) She is a social worker major, meaning some talk as the European girl, she is from Sweden.  3) Is this revenge to Mat, when that day comes, to kill him? You knew about that kiss, or that is the story NSYNC told me?

Not Dean telling me?  There is a video.

Tina wants to win, too. So many girls cared about that first love, its a word in Chinese ( about this Ella Enchanted) 初戀.  The Day You Found Out, the Sonia, the First Love. Meaning Mat was your first love, down there. Joanne has before in Europe the bf, but she got married to settle down next by her sister, all in UB near by those worlds to live and breath. This magazine, you want to talk to her? She eats the yogurt, probably similar to Nominji, not so much believing in the cult, or whom that practice all that. They have the competitive heart, but the first thing to run off, they will all together going +1 you.

Someone talked to you and Fatima, the last time I got hurt so badly? So...you decide your competitive heart again, its from Dr.T's general lab, something went wrong at the lab, or that guy saying it was 20 years ago he was a freshman from the high school? 

They make you believe the evidence to win.  None of that the medical board will agree. You want to WIN, right? Desperately, you will NEVER be a MD, because its how you feel you can do anything you want, make people fear you, and all that. Your family, you never stood up a higher end until the Mat given you some shading face, and this time is Dean?  You don't want to find out to the medical board position, they doing all this to you....what they think you run off the door to hurt everyone or make everyone fear, they have the authorities right, to get rid of you. You are killing people, that is the police job. Not the evidence sufficient to change your rural girl a what? A diamond ocean heart? 

Find them, and sit down with them to talk. Its a licensed board. The sooner you both party understood each other, you telling them you will never be a MD, right? No matter what. You know you are an assure win? Jonas next by that volleyball girl is short. I think she will be one person going in the DC banquet table to eat among the others. When she was in the classroom, she never mingle neither, her height, and she wasn't very expressive neither. You want to tell her, the day you will be leaving to the DC? I think she would at least telling Jonas that. She get used to, 1 person ending up everything to stay in that Pharmacy early program, or she would talk to Wing? I am guessing she was. 

Or this attitude, its everyone oweing to you one Ola? That attitude? The astral noise? 

How long this, 3 years? 2021 Oct, which year, 2023? My head was very painful. You and Fatima. She is a very dense mood, something must have happened with Dean, but she is that hatred and jealous mood, because she is an Indian and very short. She deals with it, not because she wants to, its....every motive other than be helpful, and I think she had some issue in FDA, or realize, I was the chem major, she was the stock department in UB. Her temper is very bad, gaining too much weight. She used to be very small.  She cannot control both Jonas and Dean. She is desperately wanting to do that, she has the literacy to speak to sound like something, and probably both Jonas and Dean meant the height is not enough, just shut up. 

I saw you at my high school, that swimming pool wall to hit the volleyball, but that entire places are taken down. The whole things disappear and you need to keep hitting that volleyball 100 or taken the 10 subjects book lines in my high school to graduate ? 2014 I had a video at Isebel's house. - the volleyball.  In 2021 I saw or 2022? You were in there, but the high school video doesn't have that swimming pool places anymore.

Learning the Chinese or the Ancient Chinese like the middle school, me? 

Are you learning the Japanese language? For Dr. T, or for Wing?

No, because my volleyball in that high school, was speaking in Japanese langauge, their practice, their entire formation and look, it was not one thing I understand what had happened. Both our that Class or the previous Class captain is long hair. My hair was long, too.

They realize 2017 magazine, you will keep running away, and keep appealing, and MD 6+1 will never have one supports, not for me, why all these process having one you trouble maker, so you becoming similar like me, pass the Taiwan high school, or the college methods similar to Hailey, pass the Traditional Chinese/ the Ancient Chinese all curriculum, until you learn someone given up those things for the troubles makers you all slut machines to say, gamble with the court room to keep hurting me?

One lesson one whole lifetime?

Or this is the cooking hours ....you sleep in the day time in class, with all those volleyball practice, you can keep staying behind the grades, those? You get to know the captain or the vice, or....any University Team, will have the nose up to flair, saying the grades never sleep through the morning hours? 

The physical, or the physics they talking in Chinese, you don't need to hear? 

George and Aria doesn't have the education I think. Not sure....

No one needs to do the brain jobs, just heel high to pretend, the jaw high in speaking the English ! 

Those MD 6+1= 7, you are the 8th left behind....meaning they ensure your supports have to be 100% according to the medical board license standard. None of them access your situation only hearing me screaming. So if they found out you are in such program like if that is true for Hailey...including continue a YouTuber world on the 3rd world country the new missionary, other than that Adam's new Iron Man fairy tale....every world langauge study and the grades keep up, to know how the IQ brain someone like you used to be .....were?!

Hellish ?! Sign in the court room and going to jail? Being supported mean? 

So...those were my facebook, none of them can access your situation, but someone got punished to that worsen degree the program, year-to-year, you must done something so so so so so so so so worsen. Very bad. And UB they just need to find out, if just 1 you. The last straw supports in another 30 years, I think. You are not going to pass the Ancient Chinese, that was ...a whole class since middle school. My brother doesn't have to grow tall like Wing K2. Those ABC bad attitude issue. Or they both play the volleyball too. Pang and Wing.

When the MD real licensed human to be that smart....becoming a MD and reliable, they got scared they volunteering your program, or get on the attitude, your case must be truely truly anal. Is that the English word saying SUPER bad? 

When I seeing the correct number MD 6+2, to say, you and wing not? or Dean not too? Or Tamang not.....they play, but do they repeated the curriculum?  You are all best pal together in the end?

MD 8 -1= 7, 3 guys 4, or maybe all of them have to play the volleyball.

You are the one = Hailey's program? 

Between the physical, between the IQ, between you fake, or you sabotage, maid looking, no coming out of the brighter day to saying princess like....its 100 times on the wall to keep hitting. The competition heart to win would be...not the class...everyone is fake. Just the Captain and the Vice....they are? 27 years young. If you would remember your gym class in the K5, or K 7 or K9....you are the last degree of the less popularity in the school itself.


How to re-word that every 20 years, your princess dream at the core?

Mean Girl, all these movie makes an IQ is not necessary the society Vola like that Steve Jobs, right? Now, they are no longer my facebook or no longer you could see, whom is the spy...this TV saying You Ola is the spy. They going to their medical school program, so they diagnosis and access one YOU? 

I cannot talk about it, because they fear, or I fear, one of those? Being a MD, someone has to fear? Not confident they are the MD or that program is fake to be a real MD, not to send to jail, every routes must be in order with the clear classify TV materials, how to investigate, how to access, how to watch you to die !!

The morning air to breath on that desk to sleep.....

You cannot see the enemy.....so they are all the enemy?  They got punished to hit the ball, no one talks about it, if I talk about it, you told someone to punish me? Someone could live in fear of the democracy society. Not confident....why I should live and breath? They suppose to be the correct MD, you just don't know whom is whom in there...so they are not the spy, you are?  The TV says....what does mean you are the spy?

No, they are similar like you, but they used to have an Intern, not Kodek. Is that glasses technology, not the Sailor Neptune has a mirror, Tina angry like Annca.

If they know their program is not you, and you are the worsen degree of hellish. What exactly they can access you, worse than anything of any kind, or any world to contain any of this, they cannot conclude or must investigate all of them whom touch the ball, but one lifetime, to even forcing into my high school? That princess tiara, so badly you desperately do, you do anything....including slaughter a cat from the attic, how to climb up the wall...I should draw it. Its a horrible looking ...wall, just the white wall in the darkness flat.....you have a white wall flat to reach a rectangle to climb up in to drop a cat?

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant, the Greek worlds white flat taller structure. Someone could have a flat, nothing coming out, completely flat wall? 

How do you climb up the wall from where, with a cat inside your hand, no flashlight?

You have no gym talents ! Its to jump on a guy's back?

They censor the movie, in pieces, that will be a very strange look-out of all of these. 

Spanish Ana EF, and my prom date Andrea, short german. She was on his back, he is short, and he plays the piano. Frozen real story? He was the pilot. Adam's house those water play next by Hailey. I am very sure what I see...its just the UB how to censor these movies to put up ALL scene.  

高塔公主 like Tangle ( the High Tower Princess) 




None of this is Ella Enchanted.

That is a scary night story.

Westlife - Evergreen, Lee jumps. I jump in front of Tina, no, inside my room reaching my top cabin, the chair fallen, landing in front of Tina.

The Day You Found Out, Tamang and Class 10 English meets again in front of a tree.

Scene 2, the graduation wall, getting a notice.

How does Dean and me meets there, you drop a cat at, from the top, jump at me, I die, and Dean tried to save me and you kill him from his head lowering down, to hit his back head?

Lee is not Mat, so "Why are you here, Lee?"

All of that is the Conan Story, outside in the bush....you are all Intern inside, I say check all intern, inside the building structure. Even Tamang is. 

Re-wind.......the tapes re-wind.

Coming back to the real reality, 20 years ago your UB Freshman year.....Your attention focus is on Mat. Its me and Wing enter the Dr.T's class. Me and Dean never talked, you feel Hira is very annoying, Dean talking to them a group. Your entire inner core its the dorm walking, staying in the dorm, how to call Mat, and his Weekend home Rochester center with that Rochester black lady, or which lady, to......practice the magic.

You never join him, because there is a class to go to. You didn't go anywhere...just the dorm room, a phone, and that Dr. T's class you seeing the human crowd?

The dorm room, to the bathroom, the desk, the bed, and...I guess you study, or you eat. Just one Mat, your entire focus is how to go home and be with Mat. You are like Simon. You kill Mat in that process when he arrives where, you go there to replace him. Because Mat is the main role. (W Two Worlds)  They give Simon a main role, so he stays there until the System called lawsuit he set back home, like a mimic useless human, you will never reach America, until the pamp boy away from all the drama, like that Harry




No one knows you want to be the main character. You want to be in the main role of that cult belongs to the Rochester lady - the magic group. Mat is TA there. He knew you were in the school, until you show up. You want to replace Mat or killing him unknowingly, that Rochester lady will find out, or you testing her....you exam people's high pride of yours to hidden win? 

So ...We are not the main role on the map?!

Which one defines is the main role? 

  • We all have a story.
  • We are all inside a main role story.
  • We all had an Intern
  • We all have one Dr. T or a professor we had talked to.
  • We are all in the professional school, Master, Ph.D, Pre-med, Pre-dental,.....
  • We all getting a reference letter from ....Dr. T.
  • Dr. T knows your middle name is Ana? (Anna) He called me Ana.
  • I happened to have an invention, he happened to tell me to talk to another white professor. 
  • You want to kill Dr. T ?! 

Its for fun, or its just a random aim?!

Just calling everyone to check per item list of these.

A hidden witch no one knows, something your lip can curl to mock, no one knows you magic witch to will someone's death.

                Bill Gates, Prince Charles (which time?!)

Dr. T

In 20 years. What's in 20 years?

We don't care we have a main role story, its the profession school, from the honor class, or the honor program. If everyone staring at each other's facebook, everyone progress its to progress in the society higher ladder, that is what the facebook for?! Like the Korean TV. You look at everyone's resume, and spot......

              A correct ladder to the positive outcome in life.

You don't believe a correct ladder to the positive outcome in life. 

That is not an intern, that is you getting a job off campus. With the chemical reagent. 

Did you fail your class, or you drop out of the Honor Program, or drop out of your scholarship program, the breast too big (Ms Congeniality). What does that mean? 

Dean heard me that organic grade, was.....you Ola got extremely well that one test. He would have remembered, or everyone? He and Jonathon been to CADS, Hira and Alice were on that UB medical school idea, or the application, Jonathon was on the UB club forming, or pre-med club.

You were on the phone with Mat, far away where about college to replace him? So you never cared one thing in UB campus, and you can only go from the bus line Ellicott to Dr. T's class. His office was in Cooke. You want to kill someone, but that was not UB convenience, its Mat out of the Rochester too far away places?

You want to get rid of all UB, to go home in Rochester, right?

Mat is in that center. We called it the center in Toronto. The center fight nick got himself into, that was he retired, he had a professional work.

You want to get rid of all of us + Dr. T.

To do what? Something as worse as the First Degree murder? 

( Jump on a girl holding the hands to that Dean and kisses him like the black swan story, touching his 2 arms, and his kindness to that girl die or hurts, you back swing to kill that Dean. And both are not dead yet, were thrown to Lovely Bones that trash dumpster, and burred "Little Fucker" in the wood. Unconscious, suffocated to die. 2 life one night outing in the wood.  ) 

The bird say going to China (north), not the Japan north (straight ahead of me), that will not be Legolas replacement. 

T = in Chinese = get rid of.

You saw that Black dress Catherine, so my name is Anna. You thought about its to kill people....So Dr. T knows that.  

You find out the name in the classroom, because of that black dress Catherine. But Mat was always on the phone talking, you are in tears with him, you need to go home. Everything in UB, you don't like it.  In 20 years, its right now, you finding all of these....your conclusion was to kill and make it in the classroom, and your claim would be?

That is why you don't have an intern?

Everyone has to work hard in life. You have the shortcut - magic?!

So you conclude why Dr. T moves or shift to SUNY Brook?

Lee shift looks like Mat?

Your conclusion was right? 

You check everyone's facebook.....to see the killing parts. Everyone is aiming to aim higher ground. All the Honor Program, not just that class?! In 20 years, its us now !

You always believe its to kill people, that class?!

hira = hi = hurting, threaten to killing at....upon to.

So the X Man Future Past story were true if....you are convinced!!!

You use UB Bill to kill ~~~~~ you walking out Free ! 

Its called the Kill Bill.  You never met Bill, you are guessing it ! 

So if Dr. T is so sure, he is the one getting killed.

I would agree with Dr. T....he is the real professor for saying that out loud ! You want to kill is Dr. T?!

The cat with the flute


My captain? You want to play the central role is Dr. T, how to use the chemical reagent, you are good at the general chemistry or the organic chemistry, you mean? You went back to check your real grades with him or with Dr. Chambler?

So this radiant beauty is Mummy (1999 ), that Ankeheseamen, you know what it means...all of it. A knife with a blind Mummy dead corpse. The Radiant Beauty means in the OU Language? You wish to tell Dean, you are the radiant beauty ....

There are so many people like Dean, or on the map, and you never thought to ask one of them, your grand cosmo plans, its to kill one Dr. T? You have no friends after the college? Exactly like the Harry Potter movies, the background Snape's memory stories? You didn't have one friend, and everyone making it the graduate school, that pre-med to you, its impossible.

But you thought about 20 years later down the road, you trying to find the evidence, that is correct? Or you saw the Frozen, it means all that? Prince William got married, that included? 

Yogi Bear means Yogi...and that will be your same target affirmative, and you are not planning to talk to the entire UB just on my facebook, the rest was not on the honor class chemistry, its in the Honor Program in UB, just one of them.....all of them, some of them...if hear your theory, you will no longer that Snape's memory.

You never open your mouth to talk to ANYONE, inside this UB classroom, because

We all gonna win?

You can just now call Dean to say Zoom All US in America these Honor Program not just the classmate, how many can Zoom host, 10? You talking your theory with all of them? The facebook like I asked everyone where I am going with that National Archive.

I didn't feel right. So....something typing in there, just...later got some response, not sure. I need to go to Canada. 


Jack Hughman puzzle, all the sky, complementary from one side to another.

The translator uses the word, "parry"/ Not "Parle"? Very cruel like the pirates?

Its Ancient Chinese both sentence. 


The birds meant those bullet points.


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