
None of us gonna all be put together on the same table to talk about it.

You Ola are like that Harry?!

You believe......one day, not today. Rachal is the main role, you sacrifice the entire classroom muggle human to your 1 talented witch through that Dark Lord. We are not conscious, you are not the threat, you pretend its the same MD program, but you knew what that means, you are the last one. You never heart towards at it .....You already changed! 

Its when Dr. T retired. Those are in every movie story, someone enters the door.....

oh ~ if Dr. T dies, you Ola won't get cut in half, the word?  Its a thriller, you like thriller, you like Kian?! Prince and Me.

You don't like the movies story, because its me Anna says those correct step like the black swan ballet, the good girl and the bad girl. So, we just take the movies most stories out.....to the real visionary story I Anna describes, those the real works, someone will die. Very similar to the piece and the bites of each movies and in combine. Where the police will not find you, you have no evidence sustain that person dead, in the mental sphere, or in magic, or in the physical location.

Have you killed a cat or a dog in your real life? A mice? A frog? The witchcraft and the period blood, not just the finger blood like the 花千骨? 

If you Ola is the radiant beauty    vs    the hidden Mummy holding the knife blind.

Then Dr. T would be ugly     vs    the young quicksilver

So Dean got sue, he is not doing his jobs?  Sorry, he is died. 

When you are no longer the radiant beauty, you gonna kill Tamang and Simon.

(The Sailor Moon and the Iron Man 4? The new one Tony Stark was dead and come back, genetically....?? I saw once very brief, not sure which movies was that. Not Iron Man 4 here trailer. He was in the coffin and brings back.  )

Its not the mummies, its the Sailor Moon? (Tamang)

The otter and that is the zombie?


When I Anna to be ....the mummies (suck up chi dead like by the Zombie)


kill  Guru gi  like Yogi

Tamang is the guru gi.

You will be the = Usagi, the bird say (not Usagi next by Tamang line above )

The ending of Sailor moon, no one comes back, Tamang with Fatima. Like Dean used to but Dean die on the monitor. You are planning to kill all of us on the map? 

You wear the eye glasses to "left hand" cut a fish on the board, not the right hand.

You round face with the eye glasses with the yoga pant, those one left leg straight lift up, bend right kneel on the floor mat.

素錦娘娘 maid. The hair style.

  1. You are using all of us to kidnap someone.
  2. That someone cannot come back (Prince of Persia), Darriel. (hit the door downstair)

Is this greater purpose, that someone is ????!

You think you have the quality to enter the medical school, the dissection of that class, or you have practiced all that before you entering the UB when? K12? Ola, that's 22 years ago.

When the movie turns real, you are the greater purpose, you believe that, right? 

Everyone dead, or everyone got kidnapped for 1 you, to ???

Why don't you report? Ola?

Every single time !!!



okay, all of these Youtubers, or the healthy musician, or other boybands because those are a group, it would be everyone unheard of, me Anna never heard them. 1 person those independent and successful artists or the businessman in this world. No one has a fear to live, and you are not envy everyone can live healthily, and make the money legally, and creatively to embrace the life ahead of "every age" of young, or the old?

If I help my own UB facebook, its not killing them? My facebook?! UB those were my facebook. The health wise, right now that is the 4 hands /feet to warm. Get healthier ...and put some UB group activities and almost every single step they will give up before another 20 years imagining.....they don't need to use the brain, other than me using my brain. 

No, you don't care about that Catherine, NO! You report every single time, every single position, if they indoctrinate you one doubt, you don't put that red hair girl, you alone to deal with? To lie to me and Dean?  We don't need that, we need to hear what's going on? Not all my entire facebook ending up on the map and on the movie monitor screen. Dean would know most of them, too. Right? 


You are not born to believe....anything like the primate, those classification with the 2 eyes looking at you, you kill them, you feel you have the religious practices. That very day, or the next day, not to say the human. Your relative or your family included, the day they disappear out of the accidents. You are not careful watching that Wing, or Dean or Eric, because you are too busy to murdering everyone else all around.  22 years pass, you want to wait another 20 years those UB gave up the plan I say Washington D.C, every single road, other than the guests house? 

Are you not envy, every Youtubers, don't know Kerry them

They can live a happier life, without the classify, without the movie, without the background, without the boundary of the blue child if Wing step out of that zone, what friends for, he is not leaning towards the White, or he is the Asian, until now he realized about 3 years ago? He just stepping out of the "boundary" WHAT line like that SMCH, behind that Ashram, the dumpster place in Lovely Bone in front of that house Catherine and Indian classmate. 

You have to Day and Night, a different sailor moon? Or that is the Sailor V, the Sailor Venus with the red eye glasses.




The doctor's path: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ELPskkEx6lw

The beginning, this is you? Sailor Moon, you telling Mat a story?


So the group session in UB, that will be everyone knows whom they staring at, with which story, they make a list, and so that ground to meet each other, is this story? Between the girls, just forget about those guys, they are too tall. 

You are not planning to get along with those girls? You don't have one girl friends from that program? or your graduate school?  This is not the time pretend you will be dead, and so saying your prayers, and they are yours to keep, against the Greatest of all Evil?!

Rama 1/2


You are = She is All That ?

Sorry, its HE MAT is all that.


No, Mat is every guy's position, becuase he is the only true love, that's why Dean ends up on the movie? and dead? 

You ever seen any other human other than

1) Your family member

2) Mat

3) Mat's center, one friend?

4) 1 human in the UB that is not Dean.

You live in America, and if your parents die, your brother is not going to live with you, right?

In America, the community of the family live close by, its because they use the car to help each other and that is the church groups near by, helping each other in needs, or the medical, or the shape, or the pets, or the baby sit, and all that?

The eyes to see, to drive, to fill the gas, to pay with the credit cards, to afford that $ 6 gas now? So you need to go to DMV office to renew that every 10 years of the driving license + every 2 years the car plate. In Rochester, require to shuffle the snow, the roof of the snow has to come down before they freeze, that is a piece of giant ice, by that time later, if they slide down, they will kill everyone coming near that house. So Dean moves out about 15 years, he knew that life, other than....the snow on the top of the roof?! And the driveway, the ice means slippery, if he gets too old, they all gonna fallen on that piece of the ice, not getting it up. 

Do you want to just tell the police clearly, if that is the legal, or the dark organization, or the movie behind whom.....allows you to make the money, if you follow the movie's evil plans?!

Make everyone's ruin on the website, other than....following INTO the monitor screen going inside, every plots of theirs? And has a close book. < The End > 

(2) and (3) is gone, seriously.

And (4), other than Dean. He is at Texas. I start to believe, have you two talked somewhat in the program after organic chem. And your brother is not home living with you and your parents.  There is no one real on your facebook, before the college year.

Whom did you call on your Facebook Chat Room boxes, other than those Bieber, Shane or Simon....whomever, you know they will never call you back with their bank account opens. Or you believe you can make them, and all of them the guys kneels before all of these movie stories, and kill them all? I found out.....these ending is all ended up, you will kill that True Love. Its not a romance story? ! 

Washington D.C

You are not entering anyone's UB side, or all those Ph.D / MD / Pharm D......their 1 human together or saying hi to all ending up Washington D.C, other than the guest house?  They know what that stories or the W Two Worlds, or the Central, or BTX, I keep mumbling never stop about the same thing? 

No, after the cooking seasons, the American has no England Royal one problem, so when they grew up, they like that Washington D.C, other than you are on everyone's nerves, you know what that means, and you keep your ego high, was for the Greater Evil's plan?

I am not putting them all up together, I have a very bad head pain, for so long so long so long. 

They are wasting time to cook,

Or they are wasting time until your mouth opens to talk? The guys cook, too?!

You scared all these secrets behind you?

If not Wing, that will be UB Bill, that Scott whomever side has an Asian looking like Star Trek Chris Pine those movie, not Wing's position. I told him, he has too much to aim over....the System outskirts everything else.

Did you be honest to tell Judge by the way, when you were there 10 years ago, all these secrets per line, "someone does that to you", to carry movie a theme? Did you saying that clearly, that is a scheme inside the movies with the darken plan, and you knew this per act, by 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) .....-30) plans, you lay out all the writing, to the judge and to the police. It shouldn't be looking like that, but you wish you can make it clear to me. Never those scheme inside the movies to delude a life, everyone else hardly understood that is what happened. They don't even know I suffered. I actually care everyone else knew I suffered, the whole world can collapse, because I suffered, never those inner brain plot, to schematically put another plot to every other conspire stories, one after another, in that 20-30 years to plan, in that 40 years to testify, and my life has no purpose and no friends. 

These UB my facebook

I don't need them on my facebook, or Mike collects them. But if all of them exit your facebook, including that little few people from Mat, you collecting to, because you being honest what are the schematically all possibly killings plans, no one wants to live in that fear, its you going to kill Dr. T, or you coming up another unstable plans, everyone for 22 years never thoughts going back in time, to believe that freshman life ALL OVER again in collage.

That is Harry England does that, and everyone stays FAR AWAY from those England human.

Someone from these UB, you copy all my notes here, under "Ola", someone needs to come out a better plan other than I extracting all these from the black water. Its not a job, you get back to my reality, and viewing from afar, so there is a computer invention, I type type type, you all each have a movie, and staring in front of that one lady in the UB common ground room -if that is what they make you all do, so your attention focus,....its that lady, she says, she knows, she plans.

If that is true. I have no idea, anything I see, which thing is true anymore.

Each of this UB, Ola....has a brain, to come up a better movie screen per line, that is 70 people, 1 line each ten mins, make up 70 possible things you one Ola imagine to do inside their own movie, or perceive that movie. 

No one needs to spend too much times, but if that 70 lines, no one does 20 mins job, if that is one person per line. 

You better coming up some reason, why you are not collaborating with all of them. Everything I written for the last 5 written things  (3 days here under you "Ola"), you knew these, or you pretend to know this, or you continue to hide all of that. 

I don't want to hear anymore this, HOW SPECIAL you are.

Other than per word, per plan, per doing, done.

You are planning to gamble 10 years, 20 years, and 40 years on.

You spell those plans with Dean or your parents. That one MD road, not everyone believing its, those small tiny things = you didn't do your intern somewhere, to end up an international medical school, how you ends up that Louisiana.

WHERE or how you gone there? Per year, everyone clear knowing their road map, many were that Early Assurance program, because UB has that and even Dean might take that PCAT, and you? When you fail doing that 18 years ago, and becoming everyone's back tail so....no one knows the UB common grounds all these movies has...1 YOU.

That was the international medical school. Tamang is not our plan supposed to be. 

Everyone has their per yearly how they strive to end up the higher education other than : You. All these movies its to step on EVERYONE inside that one classroom, that is very very very dangerous, no one can feel the life to breath because you gone to the international medical school. That is 2 human screw it up everyone's life?  We flip that entire international medical school with the license board, all suspend, or all under investigation? There is a difference, its all get killed one perfect Sailor Moon True story, Ola !

You want to kill them all under you, with your hands, or you will imagine a better confession at this time, Ola. I am not them. The American has their own American perfect worlds how they proceed those.....the barbarian methods, Ola. 

I have a night to sleep. So tired of this. 

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