
⭐⭐⭐ The singing choir, the NYC meet-up groups, the commercial groups ⭐⭐⭐

Last year.

(Thor singing in the church choir with those dress like Table Knight 圓桌武士 )

That must be a tradition in every world.

Panda, good morning.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/K5Mg2hyObjY

Your wife here? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-EFtbJgBE94

Why is your husband dressing panda a girl? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3pePF9xtI7E

"We know each other from the student clubs? "

The New York City Meet-up groups a lot of them its at night, because the regular people work until 5 and commute in NYC.

Ronan? The birds keep calling him. The manager?!

  • Last year, some you find out.
  • Some is not a concern to them.
  • Some is guessing.
  • and me.

I ask you then, are you planning to be a youtuber? As not necessary the commercial groups to sing, here is the commercial chef? Is that annoying you? 


Here Soup  |  Here Fried Rice |  Here   |  Here   |

You imagine a niche, its out of the thin air, or you know you can do it? 

If you aim as the youtuber, are you planning to enter the commercial world as such 

1) The musician not in Korea, but the international.  

2) The commercial kitchen the food franchise, you ready to distribute a sauce on the store shelf where, in Japan?  

3) Any performing art such as the dance, or the speech or the public teacher's lesson, are you planning to distribute to then how to further that teaching on the television, your resume to prepare...the next world when the audience enter your life.  

4) The housewife in a decorative house in somewhere, no intruder those idea, how to carry the next step, other than the subscribers? You gonna turn down every civilian?  Here  

5) Otter - my first finger hurt, left hand last week, + 2 weeks ago, or 3 weeks ago Here.  I am not using them, but when the otter decides on their own networks what they gonna do....you think they talk better? Not they and me sounds like, look like, or imagine like.  

You mean the otters as the group, they all negotiate better....

Are these like the Victorian Cooking? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F3shPnI7AOU

Meaning when the England Kitchen calling you, you ready to display? 

You don't care whom targeting them...... 

Do you use your brain to think, to plan, to write it a draft, or drawing last year? 

The niches you demonstrate its to further the next step, all of these the subscribers supporting them because they look a lot more professional?

They make you happy, they make you laugh, they look friend, and trustworthy. And you are not? Those are the presentation, other than the presentation, you selling what? The book, the instructional, on chemistry? You ready to draw? 

No, when I started the organic chemistry? I starting at the home idea, and then I went to UB chalkboard + the CADS, I never gone any further. I wasn't comfortable. When you doing something forward, you roughly have a plan, but that plan as you go along, you sense it...and I do those things. I feel something and then I want or I don't want to. 

Most professional people they have the professional team, when they input that Youtube Business, you can see all that. 

No, I wasn't pressured by the money most instant thing, so I never left some of those "I do what I want, when I feel like." I use frugal money, until I scream when I get back....seeing these TV, I scream. I got told, and I just push a certain direction. I was not very alert or aggressive in that life. The organic chemistry....where do I want to go with that ? 

If I would say anything now? I think there are a lot of the space and freedom as the Youtuber on that side, the teaching, any local white just picks up a textbook and freely roaming, they give you a lot of the freedom if that is 10 books open and close. If they connect to behind, I am not sure, I think that is a very very free, freedom, roaming space....it could be they always do the education or they wish to see even from the Congress, too. My mind got something else behind...pulling, so, I could tell this is not the life I keep pressing on it.

If I gone to Heaven, you mean yesterday that little monk video?

No, that is not a niche.

Go back to this blogger post, you becoming a Youtuber are to accumulate the subscribers, so you can be, or becoming or enter a commercial world. Explain to me you understand this by what.  One of that commercial groups will be near by, its the European artist and the American artists where each of you coming from. You will be saying you are the solo artists, or you have some other artists together to debut something on the weekend, sometimes the night clubs like Square's mother, she used to have a career. 

You can become a local TV artist without the Youtube first. That was in the 90s, we didn't have the internet. We don't have the mobile phone, nor the mobile phone gaming as much as today.

The singing choir, the NYC meet-up groups, the commercial groups.

You are not going to tell me, the American NSYNC or Backstreet Boy, or 98 Degree, Disney the female solo artists, they are all a threat to you right at your own faces? 

Its a singing !!! 

The melody they create, people like them.

Its a song, with the lyrics that the fans like them, it related to their life, or they make the video. ITune has so many artists now, its easy to search and purchase and download.

You seeing you yourself doing any of that?

Its a singing !!!  Its a singing !!!  Its a singing !!!  Its a singing !!!  Its a singing !!! 

Your points are those Team put together. In the movie, you want to figure it out.

Not the animal experts, they are saying the first things: Death behold. Its Heaven endow, or whichever they all packed up and saying the group all together. You leave that to the police, not on purpose, to imagine the money with them.

The Daily Life

Shane goes to work.

1 me, goes to 1 judge, currently that is 1 President Biden to 1 judge, too.

They just happened to get the throne = me, to process that court room everything and can go without the supporters, no one even knows that, because none of this is legalized. Meaning, I = 1 person. I never declare, so its 1 me, to 1 court.

Biden may not realize that yet, but it will be on the next election someone will realize, that is 1 him or 1 her, one court room judge. That will be the realize.

1 me getting the classify material through the movie, and from my internal stuffs, you happened to have the otter, or the real life, the real photo, the real name + the geography, so I tell you per item list. So all that...its only you believe me its on the map and on the book structure. But that remain = 1 me, goes ahead.

Because it never declares. I am still getting this movie on my own judgement, I just by the way explain to you. You never have anyone show you everything, so you thought there are the supporters going in. No. Its at zero. Not even me, if I didn't step in the court room, I am still figure it out the AI on the Mission Impossible 2 opening, that trailer....and Bye Bye Bye NSYNC MV is changing to the current new movie, Deadpool and Wolverine. 

If I am in the Heaven walking (like yesterday that video), that is not at the court room? No.

I just use my time, watching the movie, and strolling things, thinking, I can go in, or not going in, that is not relevant. 

So its actually no body else?

Shane goes out of the house to go to work?! He goes to the company, but his recording studio supposes to be....at his own house, he rehearsal, he is a singer.

I am at the kitchen, or right now, I am home, he goes to work with the other Westlife.

Do I know Westlife? No.

Do you know the President has an income so...he is leisure to do that?

So is me? 

The next throne if that person is done, or pass by, or what he has done....I know whom did what? You all know that? 

You want to watch those things I put yesterday, I say it very clear, anyone can understand some of those English at the court room currently how I seeing that.

I can go to sleep, relax. They going to Japan yet?!

You just think about some other time. Things I say, things yesterday I say, or the last 3 or 5 days says, the listing and all that. The 10th typhoon is coming, and it has a name. 

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