
Wake up, its almost 12.

My mother wake me up, she is going to nap. 

You are bothered with the presidential or the drug human Harry those on the map + the gun man and the rest of unlicensed MD? No, they training them. They are not planning to do their jobs until 40 years later. The people retired like my mother those age bracket, were, or is, or will be. They get the MD correct license, they can help a lot of the youth age, and doing the things they like or meeting or talk maturely. 

No, people don't like to see the problems and they are the problems. Harry, you mean. He is not UB, he is regretting his bragging nature to lose that Harry Potter year 1997 the first time he reading that book and fight on to his brother or his father, this things gone up and pass by 25 years, you think like he does? He is seeking a lot of the approval, right now or before, or being accepted. His way of any life thing, no one agrees with him in the palace, I assume that, not I knowing that

Mission Impossible 2  - yeah, he is targeting to kill. Correct, he plans all the time, he thinks he gets away, or his Royal life they told him that, or he already succeeding, or he never stopping. 

Tina and Harry similar would be when they find out the love factor in their current world, in America, they no longer making so many noise at Taiwan or UK. The freedom to drink, to live, to breath, to social, to join something meeting - the freedom to say midnight is not the curfew, or the kids to watch the neighborhood watch, or watch the property to stay home, to stay sleeping, to stay trusted, so someone can go out and get things done. 

  • Smoking, drugs, eat eat eat, eat the junks, eat super spicy, and drunk, laughing hysterically and no one limited them with the parents manner, all that included.
  • If they get jailed, the social workers in America they coming near to set up the meeting, or a talk, or the police baby them to talk.
  • No longer, the family strain where they gonna kill the homicide. American knows how to do those things, I don't really know.
  • They can escape, the flying to the freedom place, to hit, to phone, to argue, to lawsuit, to test the water, to keep flying the domestic flight, or go to Canada, or anywhere Tina has a bf when seeing if me and nick does that behind her back. When me and him just met
  • The home chore, no
  • The laundry, no.
  • The baby sit service, no.
  • Free lending, free talk, credit to borrow, to sit in the bank to look like a big shot. They feeling they have more purpose, no sky is the limited. At home here, Tina is limited by us, but those people are dying out. 
  • Movie: Raising Helen, fly to a hotel, or a motel and use the drug, and that freedom no one behind them with that car tailing service. You seeing that Helen NYC dancing reckless, pretending the smoking free with the Ben Affix is the school teacher. With 3 kids.
  • You censor every movie in pieces.
  • America provide that freedom to all of them, including the social workers service, too. Someone foster them talk, sit down talk, the mentor sitting in the rehab talk, in the Big Sister Big Brother program talk. 

No, they running, its a happy, no one nagging them, the curfew by 12 oclock. Tina used to do you know? Drunk and love romance, this one guy carrying her, nicely to the door and push the bell, and she is vomiting, those life. Near here, the 大哥大 in the black gang middle school. How to be the girlfriends of that, like the comic book: Loving to Cry Little 愛哭學妹. That Dim Sun place (2, across each other, after the Daan Forest Park, immediate get off that bus). My one of the elementary best friend use to live there. She is the Snow White those princess to us when we grew up in the entire class. She plays the zither.

American done those things, so according to the movie, they find the way, we can grow, or we can manage to do everything else other than that one Tina Jojo's problem.

No, this next 40 years, no one verbally telling them the details where they end up.

I happen to play the comic book of the childhood hobby for a career, the photo making and the statement sent out. We are different. 

Yeah, they both will practically telling everyone, they know the difference, the comic book is fake. And I say we are the snail pace. They find the evidence, and they proven the court room, they are freedom wise to next landing flight, any 50 states, for a drunk and smoking buying, no one will ever find them, doing one more thing to ruin the family image, and THEY will prove you, they are whatever they feel like.

When those people lose the school manner, they hate to be blamed by the real judge, so...they do the report format like the elementary school, they should have done at that time, they are making that up, because they never had a real college course curriculum to say the height shrinking still, or their height is not enough, one of those. 


Same example, Annie Lalla.

A couch on the camera in-door camera set, all light shining.  A high heel, how to kick high in the ceiling up that fun, to land down on the sofa, every sofa is a hard arm to lean on, the fabric cloth, drop the head, dead.  Its an accident. You can re-write that, mid night, the freedom life, drunk how, 10%, 15% drunk, how do you ban your head on that fabric width arm, re-write 10 incidents, film 10 times, put all these movie next by. Its the biggest name of the history. A cup and a hiccups and vomiting

No, they both hide in the shadow person / the personality.

Account 1    |    Account 2     |    You save those copy, very similar. 

1. Checking the phone, someone does that behind him, he find a plaque flat piece of steel behind the hidden door, flight to Connecticut and hit someone's head from behind. England is small, Taipei is smaller. America, no longer possible, too far away, too tired, too long distance, be found, and sent back to the mansion near Opera. She got a call Harry has a piece of steel, its to band on the people's head, and dead.

2. A hiccups, with a cup in his hand, those big transpassing party, no one talks to him to cut in the conversation, was a drug in the grass brush / Princess Diary, and walking out to those door frame similar to his head, not to ban on it, the door width is small too. No one talking to him anymore, everyone age is younger, he looks too old. Going somewhere? A sun glasses put it on and drive home in England.

In order to do (1) and (2), never on the public stage too long. Number 1 is very very very important starting Harry Potter 1997, or 1998 the book or the movie. Run off to put someone on the wall like Cinderella, his brother. 

"Do you remember the memory? Next scene was this tall ceiling height all the way up to the top life....cease diminishing...what's that? Next year, next 5 years, next 10 years? "

Someone drifting away from that door frame back back back....exit, 1 kid throw another kid to the wall, all Royal interior design, shine-ing gold looking.  Tall tall tall indoor frame.

Harry Potter, someone's whom....the memory lane? Shi...no one knows ! 

You bet, if I really knowing it well. 

Tina? She wants to marry to Simon until 商鞅妲己 that....she will know forever impossible. Mrs George Westinghouse and Katherine, that might be a very historical karma, she is too lazy. It will be 2014 - 2021  I say Simon is 商鞅              妲己

She is the mummy with the knife cannot see....she was trained when we were little, so that part is a little bit public performance. Harry was not. She and her best friend 汪星, but I think they wish she does that seriously to end up that Amazing Road behind, someone's ex manager. I am guessing, or saying I see. She cannot do that anymore. The music? How many times I say the music is a business, and you need a real talent in the music? Starting the elementary to the middle school, we, I had an entrance academia all preparation to go to, NSYNC, the Music of My Heart?

You all reading that the ice skating comic book, you have the book 1 ending? The examination list. 

Tina never carried a tone, she can never never sing !   That ex manager? I think she was really asking her to sit down and Tina needs to wear the eye glasses to 視譜 you scan that music sheet, and play out, or sing out by the first try-out.  Correct, that is what I see. 

Do I believe it? No, she is signing a contract ! She cannot do that and that, and she is signing a contract, or its after that, the ex manager finds out? After that, correct. 

Composition means.....writing the music, or writing the lyrics in the proper English, that will be the pop music. If just playing the piano out of the random piece, that is the classic music teacher.

The science museum, that for me is already too much.   (Boss & Me), maybe they find out, that those interior design, it looks like those, it has to be the science museum somewhat similar. 

I seeing every categories except the music world. I don't think the music.....is in it. They have the music screaming on demands, those interface. Do I know for sure....which door to entrance in that giant categories. You know, someone creates a very very very gigantic stuffs, I am not sure its us the Earth or someone else. Someone did....so if there is music, correct, but too far away from the science entry door, or my main core feel...they done some other music studio last Feb when I carried them through. The exact....I am not sure. They finding the pair, the partners to say 1 and 2 and 4, the difference about 10 months.

Cannot see.

汪星 is the dance,      Tina is the piano (not the flute)

Nicky is the dance judge, JC is the dance judge.

Tina's Boss & me, the first job, or after many jobs in NYC, she gone to is...the flute resume to the wedding reception, its a CV very very very long listing her music talent and performances, and she gets those accounting firm jobs early because she didn't graduate from Hunter, all her extra curriculum makes us believe she is very up to the concert performance was in Flute.

(down stair door slam)

Boss, like she went to give him a suggestion - White, the Asian Ancient Chinese tradition those.. loyal to the heart, the Asian has those kick the sneaker I say Wing on those comic book, being funny, and on your head, too. Warning you. (Wing and Tina has a 青雲傳)

Citi is no, Asian, all Asian 2013 I seeing all of them in NYC, no more White. I think her Boss on the first job reporting her, did that. Publicly gives him a suggestion in front of the desk, or everyone around, the white taller man or the guy.

What about it? How does Tina get that first job, to that every job after....its how special she could do the flute on her CV resume, every job after is the listing CV. 

I have never...worked. When did I work to know to build a CV, the last time? APO Big Brother and the Big Sister humanity project or the graduate award, Merick Index book.

She does that to me and Hank never stopped 2013 / 2014, no one can live with that. She is doing it for your own good, and makes a mess in everyone's life, until everyone follows her own suggestions. - its to pay her rent, and baby sit her kids, and she and Hank goes to the fitness center, just me and Aria wake up her nap, to eat the dinner, in the house with Mokie.

You cannot possibly telling me, its the dance judging panel, to do what? The music judge panel to....all the way til Babaji?  Not the Bible has a Eliji, all the way to Ronan, and that is Jesus means?  There must be something I am always ending up right, its those nothing about the music, nothing about the dance.

Their profession is the accounting and the lawyer, their parents invest on them, they becoming their extracurriculum, on their.....family tradition in Talents? The talent shows you mean? 

即興表演     improvisation

(  My mother woke up, the facet. My head.... )

Its a permanent performer? 

Maybe they are joking me. I don't believe a word of those, seriously. 

Tina is very very very sad. (hat in, Princess Diary), jump the darkness abyss, those.

Harry would be he did that dance, with the Queen, everyone walking out of the red carpet, I remembered. They all just graduating from the college? He suggested the Queen doing that?

No, I didn't see, the jump the darkness abyss, i just saw. Not sure whose eye. 

It doesn't look like the identical cases, Harry vs Tina.

I personally think the music world....the musician those needs to push their way through something to sell their music, or talking the deal to the record company, alone, or as a group, having those character in that 1, 2 and 4....like last year, those military finds out, the Avenger, or Iron Man saying the leadership in the music arena in 10 months, that has to be a real thing.

The solo artist, would be Taylor Swift, you see she can talk, she can convince...to get a VS deal, or like Adam Levine on Ellen Degenerate's shows.

Westlife would be 5, Backstreet Boy would be 5, they convince their own agent to represent them to get the Westlife deal, or the Backstreet Boy the deal, through the manager that would be Louis Walsh and Ronan Keating (or that time was Simon heard)

Once the band forms, they have to go together to convince their manager to some record company, or the music world the Ireland or Europe, or American Radio City, whom does what deal through their agent, to becoming ...that stage public performance through the television. I think its 5 having those characters, all together.

I think they are, Tina and Harry is those burst to cry for 10 hours those.

Let's say we go back in time like 15 years old, and then 40 years old now. 

They wear the eye glasses to keep crying, and cover their mouth (Tina) to the wall, squatting it down, like that Leo's video, on the wall, and cannot stopping the throat up or down, those hiccups crying and every word coming out of her would be....hiccup those.

They go out fighting the world, no one knows.

They go out fighting the world, no one knows.

They go out fighting the world, no one knows.

They go out fighting the world, no one knows.

They doing only the good thing, the good suggestion no one knows.

They doing only the good thing, the good suggestion no one knows.

They doing only the good thing, the good suggestion no one knows.

They doing only the good thing, the good suggestion no one knows.

Shane and me might be tears....dropping on our eyes, we were like 10 years old, or 5 years old, the pride got hurt those, or Brian those too...all of them probably similar. We lower our head down, and the tears coming out of the eye gland. That is in front of the scolding, everyone cried.

But going out of that door, its the brand new world to celebrate happy ~~life.

Usagi has a hand pat down on the hair (head), like someone to Harry and Tina.

They brush their face red, and knod and quiet, and writing on a piece of paper, like from the older people, they Harry and Tina are like 60 years old. Probably both are the queer personality. 

Like the Asian cannot understand both the Chinese or the English, because we are the weak race. Tina is. They got nervous in listening both in English and in Chinese comprehensive.

They blank out.

Other than the Justice League's personality.

"Uncle snape gives me this, its the second breast lady - fuck up 26 gives me this."

That is how bad the chinese words game Tina used to play since the middle school.

They agree those Simon's lifestyle, those. Someone agrees to be pushed, to be hurt, to be slam dunk, to be laughed at, to be injustice, as long as they are the part of them, the part of the bad circle darkness / ghostly team. They don't have the friends in the school.

David Jones that world.- the contact.

SMCH black hair does that.

Let's say be kidnap to run away home, or romance to test how to steal or run away home, or be helpful with those faces someone can beat up and never say, never told, never revenge, never just destroy the entire half of the world, you will learn that terrible lesson in every eternity of it. 

Some kids like me we rising up, and near by has those dark goblin, to the street corner to get the drug, or sunk in the dark room 1 month, no one knows the next bill calling, fresh up, go out, just show up once, another 3 months darkness room. No one knows what they done inside there. Lazy, bragging, crying, or sobbing, or the emotion sadness, or checking everyone behind, and ONE DAY, fresh up, shaved, shower, brush the teeth, and go out. Like nothing happened....

America and the Western worlds have that culture - outspoken

"Hey, that's wrong.".

I only been to America, I think....it should be the same in Europe. Not Asia world. I come to America, I get worsen. 

"Are you out of your mind?" 

I never seeing the real people, so I never require to cry. I think maybe....they are all rural sadden human, they do cry. The negative attribute to lament, to vent, to negative nag nag nag, or something somewhat just....anything talking strange, the tear, or they care about it, or something something.

"oh ~ you just look so big and shining ! "

"I am?!"

"I didn't know you could do that."

"I am doing that !! How amazing?!"

Hey news, Titanic near Sisican.....

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