
You all eating outside or just the banana fruits.

Save the budget, so it will never require you all to hold a cooking pot.

If you really want to be with a guy, you don't prepare him, 1 or 2 or 3rd things in the fridge, some of those decent idea, why you are a human, being humane. That is just the white clean rice, not even the brown rice mix. A washed green onion....https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jUf08MUjsZ0

The eggs that is not over done, not soggy. This is the Asian we eat that, but never the American eating those Chinese/ Taiwanese type of this 番茄炒蛋 ! 

With the 2 boxes of fresh eggs you get from the shelf, you need to get them all cooked, boiled, done, the Korean breakfast, or the American omelet style, and Shane lives and breath on it, for the 7 days, + the scramble eggs, or the boiled 2 dozen maple syrup BBQ marinated eggs from the facebook. Whatever some guys they doing nothing but the BBQ grill those human. 

You guys all going to Japan tent, when?!


The King has spoken ?!  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CNC0ocQ4bgM

Have fun in Japan ~~~

Is that Hugh's pet?   https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ix6W4mV19Eg

He lives here, right. The pet usually has to go through the border all those vaccination paper. 

Imagine you take the love ones to the hospital, sit there waiting with them, buy some bottle of the water for them. Drive them, prepare some paper towel, some wet paper towel. The ladies' bags.  So why don't you all imagine the correct things, when you land there?! Order the food, order the menu, seeing the menu's listing items, the vegan or the meat? 

Sorry, for myself. The soup.  At least staring at one thing you are good at. 


The vegan cheese, the vegan ice cream, the vegan mock-meat (Japan 30 years ago has that technology). The flavor or the engineered into those vegetarian taste food.  The individual fridge where....my mother's fridge in the last 2 months.

You organize your bill for them? The real estate, you know what is NYC ( or other than....it can be SF, LA, or TX, or Seattle, or Japan, other than Maryland?). You custom to face the City life, the metropolitan means you walking on the street, and there are these company or the commercialize idea, where you seeing all these LED light, the advertising, or the business center, the business bureau and all that? and overpopulated crowd.

If that is the west side in Japan, or Mably in Tokyo that side.

No, my jobs would be in writing, and logic processing other than (2018-2020), 2013-2024, because I am one person holds the public data + the writing on the twitter + the movies near + the 11 + 花千骨, the ancient Chinese that is not the regular Chinese mandarin, so the TV programming......well, I processing all that. 1 person in the room remote somewhere they assign me to go. They might move the entire things, because that is the real court room power, at this kind of calamity, or you say the I-Ching Holocaust all that enclosed. I don't need to convince people in the banquet, or vent, or saying the hurts, or saying the description line I favor myself and all that. Its a lot more I comprehend, knowing, and the Chinese mix with the English to the ancient Chinese. NASA those are the physics + math for Sailor Moon book 11. 

Sometimes, when they get serious, some important congress members wish to see them. They need to go alone, or as that smaller visible groups, and doing their own things. I say too many from my side. When they question them, they assign them into those banquet position. They doing those individual care, you one person what you say counting more.

That is why I am not needed there. They speak with their own language, because they are the native English speakers. The congress wants to hear that. They do that very often. 

If you going with the King?

You mean I won't be there, correct. I don't go there, the congress can hear better. You going with which prince, the King or Mably....that is starting from Japan you all meet? That is nice ! 

They do that in their palace life already, meaning at home if not their palace life, they invite to those cozy wood cabin, and everyone sits, or talk, or meeting. You know those meeting lifes? 

(Whom is going with the King? You....ALL. One of those selection statues? )

I probably meant you all becoming the prince's those mothers, or aunt near by all that. 

They all talking like that. The female chef.


Japan eats these: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vHXq7-3W89o

You becoming a Korean female singer niche, you make your own happy money, you never need to becoming like them. Your target is whom again? 

You get your life organized with another guy, not with them.


Going somewhere: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aJdB0Nce3N0

Milk is fat, and sometimes they are allergic to it. America they use the post office like Amazon.

You don't know anything in the vegan / vegetarian session : how you ordering them?  Does it have to be the vegan restaurant fully, or you mean the meat place picks and chooses Ronan's a dish? 

okay, I remember now...Ella Enchanted (2004) and Prince & Me (1234, 2004)

We have nothing to look alike ~~~any of that inside. Now I understood, I c. When was the Harry Potter book or the first movie, 2000? I remember when I read the first 2 books. The year to take the final exams....the last 6 months I was free after UK admission from the college, I remembered.

Catch Me If You Fly, and all throwing each other on the wall, within 2 years the mother died, and the Pirates come, the 911 comes, 

Ella would be in my year UK. 2003 spring time, I transfer in 2004 Fall semester to UB. (I am not even graduating), 2 years more. That is...what in the imagination in people's head those.

I tell you none stop: The water statue of that property all line, the property lines. Seriously.

There is 2 things I cared about, my money + the water statues of....when I rise up. Never those "artists" paint to clear at "She is All That" and Karen's movie rising from the East, "The Beauty & the Beast."

The tiny horror I told you about 1992/1993, I was starting in that half initiate, and they took us run about in the car, and in the near by Taipei somewhere for the night out the group meditation. We were very kido's age. Tina and that Hong Kong Lawyer best friend, probably....never paying those attention. I had a middle school.

1) The water statue when you seeing the cloth.  2) The System talk in that Valentine's Days. 

Is that V Day? You know the D Day means in WWII? 

So there is a V Vanredda, Simon in England looking very badly on his skin cares those.

You flip that page Loving the Silent Tear page 1234, and that would be Julia Robert flip that toilet seat, I described in that movie (on the right column), tag words.

I don't care about the dinner or the lunch. WE WILL NEVER be possible. Now I getting my resource so later in life.....I have the brain I used to be. The beaver and our water den, because....to create the water den, you destroyed the natural environment, and...every so often their home at the down stream be destroyed, but at that time....I wasn't very clear when I was in the middle school. That water den is the tape water factory. Its for the human consumption and the vacuum water in the TSMC. And all the animal including those beaver lives in the synthetical polyester world. 

WHY don't you ask me, in the mist of ALL THAT. 2018-2020. I say that the water factory underground? I think I know the birds in 2021, I start to hear them.

They put up my major, put up the past leadership, put up all those cloth looking and saying your professor are those paint inside the tubes....all that. Tesla is from South Africa, Canada, to Tiny home built. He has no more residents legal anywhere a permanent residence? That is very very very bad.

This? We only had this, I assuming, 1 apartment but my mother thinks we got nothing.....going. She worried about it. She is too too too handicap like the video shorts tell me. I don't do those investing idea. Here Asia is a lot better than in the America, correct.

We outsider...right. Its not selling, maybe its the confiscating means, that is what I would think. Your heart will not flip out if you owning those 10 apartment, so I got none of that, right.

Have I ever done the real estate investing, or the borrowing? Never.

You mean lending ? That is what those relative and the kids did? My brother those on the 花千骨?


Ella Enchanted is on the TV. Already 10 mins maybe. The prince and the uncle and the snake talk in the cart.

Yeah, the elf is nick wants to be a lawyer. His divorce paper, his ex wife has 3 lawyers brother in the end of 80s. But might be Shane? He doesn’t sing ? That’s not right.  Pang’s financee Rama 1/2 was a snake, not the dragon. Dr Bing Shen at. Maybe you all find anyone in the City of Hope since 2004 as fast as you can.  All of these congress meeting you all… that’s what it means ?!

Maybe I think Prince Char used to…learn his property laws right ? I took the Family Laws and the Consumer Laws in UB. I didn’t permissively believe that is …without the staffs. 

The fire place, Truman’s show the second guy in the 白色圓舞曲, the original marriage proposal. She gone with in this movie. 

The species ? Inelia’s word in her New Age to Classify, fear and psychi sense approach. 

Evolutionary biology

Homo Sapiens 

Thailand nick and me climb up to see the suite, that’s a rusty place and I hit my head on the top of a roof external, one time at the head, very hard. She whomever that ..did that uncle says, gonna he dead. 

98 Degree Christmas album was in KY I bought it. Rebecca’s time. They sing, “Gift”.

My right shoe sandal broke top, left side.

Dr Bing Shen !! The central or BTX near by …with Lee. Toby’s guitar roommate on his phone looks like this actor Prince Char from Duke University. 

Isn’t that Shane Westlife MV? The prison and the wedding ? 


That’s the reason you all…..going to see each other in Japan and Washington DC?

Ending credit songs, 2 songs but I only found one.  https://youtu.be/xQhhsu6GV4w?si=TXjhgfOpJ1R0fZla

Bryan Adam is famous but here says him on the sound track. The movie ending rolling credits, 2 songs. 

Darren Hayes? That is the Savage Garden guy's face? In these playlist? His name is ...Darren !!

One day you all gonna age to get old .... Fool...I keep hearing the fool, that's why I come to look for this song. At the credit rolling.    True  ~~~~~~~~~

Next movie: Revolutionary Road. I don't care about the movie.

She is the country singer, sounding, you can hear?!!!! True ~~~ like Truman, isn't that important. Hear and sing?

The vibrating tones ~~~~ The singing ~~~

"Feeling two...."~~ 

"Believe the voice inside you ~~"

"....the dream make them true...."

"Through your....."

"          free~~~"

How do you keep vibrating per line? I think that is why they all saying the country singers, that time in the Madrigal. All these English words design in the lyrics.

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