
Zawanna they bothering you? You mean my sequence got it right? How long I am really doing this decoding......process? Since UB time?

After that Ella Enchanted, how long was that? I say Sammy....

Biden does education last year I know, or which year I heard. He is not the correct leadership, always been? 

Home House - Wireless (Housewife's jobs)

  • The decoding, or the math
  • The data analysis
  • Going to UB (university)
  • Going to the career affair in ECC or Toronto ECC
  • My mother's home chore
  • My sibling oversea
  • My roof birds (ilegal), Tape Water Factory & The underground water process
  • The tax building here
  • The home purchase, the neighbor talks talk talk, my mother. I don't.
  • The grocery make it easy for my mother's aging or me, investigation. Not the last min.
  • The hospital visits and talk or inquire, or just listen to my mother anything she wishes to say, we go out to eat. 
  • The kitchen plate put it away from her washing (I used to just let her does that)
  • Her water boiler, filter and boiling.
  • Turn the light on, carried the water to fill up my room water all by myself without a bf, my height to my container.
  • Wash my mouse, wash my keyboard, wash my boiler handler, wash my door, my floor, my sandal, no more Hailey's father mention, so its one of his kid, or his grand kid. 
  • I am busy.....I am passive to this America, or Taiwan, but I can tell it was the leadership they were in talking. I tell Dean.....finish your medical school. No instruction other than "I think."

As the white world, every white guys (or the white boys they used to be), the white girls included.....you have a built up your healthy environment the white worlds buddy friends. 

Is that normal, you say you had a facebook, and where these friends, I make them disappeared since 2014 before I got on anywhere. I immigrant to America those earlier on time, but it wasn't easy that time, so there was no further ideas where the school goiing about. The nick, then my mother. That's it. I go home.

You have your friend's world. Silas is a white. Ayo was a leadership.

5 Lords happened to be all white local UB near by, they remember what they look like.

NSYNC I didn't meet them, I run away both.

I am an Asian, I am not supposed to have a facebook like Hank.

I am an Asian, I am not supposed to have the English ability to talk or doing one thing, not even the leadership, really. 

I was a...blonde in my high school, that sheet Pitch Perfect 25 fix class in One Class year, that was my past. I say no more past.

Its just me and my mother, seriously. She had only my 2 sibling.

I pull that my father (where he been), his mother dead, Square is on the TV. I didn't do a lot, not really. I don't know them, but its my mother's stuffs. I got too many stuffs in America, when I was there. I want a break. 

The real life, right?

Yesterday I told everyone. 1 year and half ago or 2 years or 6 years since 閃耀暖暖 the sewing clothing to make humility running deep. It was a whole boxes of the needle and thread my mother purchased for me. I use that on the bio works.

But that was our Taipei current trend, not China. Taipei. So Wing stays on my facebook, he is from Asia domain, or all my facebook other than that 5 Lords UB white guys, I got some other white buddy friends, I hardly knowing them, to say, they have an interests in further advance in Asia. They stay on my facebook 20 years ago.

I was saying that, or explaining all that?  So one day I just change to the blogger, no more creating my past website, they happened to know I was doing all that too. THE IT TREND. Do I require to explain to you every step I deal upon my life this far, like I have a memory, an organization structure, and to report to you, about my LIFE, not the movies, the real life?

Westlife Shane got near, so I go near and say? Last March, the 2 days after they take off. I say Shane that guy was the leadership, I think its him. This is about the otter, or the otter puppy, or the cat on the chair? 1 year, I take so long to drag that Shane, because? I was in the hospital, and all the otter and the sky are talking. You check if Biden is also talking too? 

I am saying Wallace, and then 3310 Mark. The Mark Chao, here that Mark was from Canada ABC here. Wallace Watch - outdated now the commercial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcaTmwYkCnY

This is not the things you shared on all your facebook? That is the leadership? It was just my facebook 20 years ago, it never changed. One day my facebook is no longer my facebook?

This will sound like the correct conversation !!!!!

  • The way how do you use the social media
  • The way you generate a revenue through the technology trending.
  • Following the Apple, Twitter, and the new invention rises from the horizon.
  • Staying home the wireless jobs, taking care of the family and the kids. Not my kids. My mother's kids.

Any of this saying?

  • The way how the social media has an impact in you yourself life
  • Later to access the online resource to change from the office desk jobs, to the home jobs.
  • During the pandemic crisis, to keep the health in-check, the family in communication.
  • Keep the food in stock, why people like to stay home wireless working from remote?
  • The newest technology trend, or just the near by home. I am from the city.
  • Its not the international like NYC, its a capital, and some finance world going on.
  • The technology rises just happened I put more dramatic saying - the Stargate Atlantis.
  • My facebook any of this educated guys are not supposed to believe that inside story.
  • You suppose to convince them, that is not the correct story. The movie is not real. 

Finding my romance

  • Its through the internet, I met Shane ! 
  • The otter, the birds, the clouds (Ireland is next by England)

You want to just print this sheet, change it to your current life.

First, the current situation.   Second, Finding a romance

All of you hiding something all the time. Most of time. Not your parents, not your schooling, not your shoes purchase, not Vegan Essential website, that is what I mean. Most public will never put their stuffs on the social media.

Did You....

  1. Explain things to your parents.
  2. Explain things to your uncle and aunt, near by blocks.
  3. The community where my relatives suppose to live, little but some.
  4. I find my words to say, I find my domain name to say since 20 years ago in the UB time, I told my mother about the organic front page, to joomla site. (Marley's place or nick's place)
  5. I happened to be decoding DNA, decoding the movie sequence, not just decoding the movie content, describe side by side the photo stream.
  6. Add it back to my social media, finding them. Not that many you can see, they move on to their graduate school.
  7. Tina enter that peripheral in everyone's life since 2014.
  8. So are Pang more and more, "You Are My Glory" with Square
  9. Not yet Shane, its all these Zawanna, Ancient Chasez, the movie sequence bothering you?  I keep holding on that Shane.
  10. I say I was a leadership.

Me and Shane talking

  • Sorry, it wasn't always my Line App, me telling my family...what happened in my real life. MD 6+2 to MD 4+2 and Zawanna all photo.
  • Westlife and Backstreet came in.
  • My mother heard Eben Pagan, and then Kian and Nicky.
  • She knew I sound like that to go with Nick the last time 20 years ago.

I don't speak in Taiwanese here. We speak and write in Mandarin. Some local dialogue anywhere, has no written langauge, so the total combines, its only Mandarin.

Westlife is a music business, this page, where is that at?


I sit in front of my mother. You want to go and sit in front of your mother, literally speaking.


"I know Eben from Nick. Nick knows him."

"Kian and Nicky, here are their photo. Side by Side. They are the Westlife, you say you like about Westlife. Westlife is 西城男孩, Backstreet Boy 新好男孩 "

We are getting married.

No, Shane was their main singer, Shane is never in the last conversation we go somewhere to eat. It was Kian and Nicky, because that is the Elsa Blue. Talking to my mother has to be careful, I always end up in the hospital. 

Inside the white guys or the white girls, your own worlds, you are not really making the friends to say the one lifelong buddy, the best pal friends, do you? You move away, you stuck inside your 4 barren wall plus a job.

Many the military personnel does that. Correct?

I mean is that your culture? Not my comic book from Asia ! The American culture, and maybe also true in Europe culture. Most....I don't think the American buddy together to say the Sailor Moon, these 4 make you feel the environment being supportive, how come not to me? You imagine if that 4 Heavenly Kings Buddy together, these photo any one of them looking right to me?

You all have an eye glasses issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tywK1M6ajuQ

I personally think....some stories were the student time

Some groups in the real white more dominating idea, its European leadership? Not the boyish those earlier time in 5 continents, it will be similar to Tim Cook height those are the profit driven. Inside that America, sometimes you strive to go to Europe, because you feeling that. Not necessary to Asian domain, you know its dangerous. You seriously knowing that, or you buddy your country side not to go to the bigger city for the internationally idea?  The dollar sign on the bill should be Euro, the Euro is a currency. You know that every inches of your soul? Euro as - the symbol € 

The division in Europe is what? On the military budgets, everyone is using the euro, that will be ESA?


Sorry, that will be Da Vinci Code - the novel publishing in our UB time.

Your LinkedIn should not populate this ESA or CERN or even NASA. You seeing any post from me about them, anymore?  Are you feeling comfortable, you are part of them? 

The ancient Chinese has those saying 格格不入, every square inch does not insert or entering.

You feeling I am comfortable to be Linkedin saying things to them? Then that is my physics, isn't it? I put 10 rudimentary subjects, I have the 10 organization + the pet store as the shopping cart, right? Your white worlds people will never, especially a girl, to put up a black dress and these 10 rudimentary subjects very surely to do that, are you sure?

You start to listen to Kerry

The past video, or the facebook 20 years ago, I share the video, or you download from Bill or Kerry. Any of this more prolong listening, you feel easy at? Your front peripheral looking at the boys or the high school girls, you used to know them. It will never never be from anyone talking behind looks like Kerry, or anyone similar idea from behind its NASA or anyone else organization.

You are not used to this Eben Pagan. Are you?

You are used to say it, or nowing it the words, "the organization", you done the student clubs, or the student activities from when? The elementary school, to say you know the words the charity, the organization, the statement, the public microphone.

You were a student from a public or the private school, you have touched a microphone.

You had?

You know this following these words?

  • The passport, the passport holder (Muji), me and Hugh talking, the luggage, the suitcase, the suitcase below wheel, the shining strips, the airport staffs address key-in white strip they tape on the luggage.
  • The airport souvenir, the key chain magnetic, the Taiwan youtubers all business class seating and eating meals.
  • The magazine, the luggage wheeling.
  • 8-10 pieces of the luggage check-out, my mother is the handicap, maid service.
  • I say the cart + the tolken you put it on.
  • This is a normal word to you, any of these above? To say Euro?
  • The immigration office, the currency exchange, the landing cards to fill in.
  • Anything to declare? The goods inside the suitcase. You done these 8-10 pieces luggage moving in your lifetime? Really, how amazing ! 
  • Pixie is Harry Potter's words, those were known as the English children's literacy.
  • You use any other words than Pixie, I invented that. 

Do you want to read this whole things again, from the "Student time", 20 years pass on....

The movie where people staring at their content, people finding a profit to the current trend.

  • You say
  • Kerry says, I say they say its the classify world.

I am in neither world.

But I gradually since 2014, very faintly to say on the Google+ up to now, that is 10 years gone, I never stop saying, including later, there are the legal words, or the documentation to say how I stand this where I believe in it. "The profile", not the movie content literally speaking but I understand.

People look like the blonde dumb ass, a normal treasure bounty hunter will NEVER SHOW UP and says what they up to, they gamble, or they hire the professional COMPANY to sort their bidding, because they might be all low iliterate. 

I wipe out my faces - start over 2021.

I by pass, by pass, by pass anything without the human since 2014, i just re-doing that 2018, 2021 up to 2024.

There are things inside my personal life, I encounter, that was before the Animal Kingdom shows up.

Taiwan has those folktale legend and the myth, so I put those video up. Not the FRIEND from the America only. Your accuracy and precision issues.

If your first langauge to that vary inside the movie content, and you yourself notice how you starting your first in writing or in speaking those things, its already 2 times direction, what you are seeking for. Under the free will, and the freedom act, anyone can choose this 2 Time Direction. Many people know exactly what that means, you hide, or you think the court room is a private conversation anyway. 

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