
I say that again (the flow chart)

The court room bulletin board, or where online, or anything written how the modern court process the paperwork in their sequence time, and the content required. If they written somewhere, you must follow EXACTLY the court room guidelines telling you. That way, the judge understands you. The exact,...I have never done it, I didn't read that those details.

Not venting, not chatting, not dictating, or manipulating the judge to yield his power TO YOU, to imagine a movie. A movie WAS never a dispute point inside any justice for the betterment of the society. 

The earlier you understand these words, its better for you and the court room environment all around. 10 years ago, the first meeting fail, that case is closed. 

I say it AGAIN!!!!

The judge is the person knowing all the court room conducting methods, NOT the Heaven ruling what magic create the Bible worlds where God says Jesus and you are a what? Any jailing recording the felony on accountable.

When you bringing a wolf pack ALL together including let go ALL your jobs ID cards so you can sabotage the judge 1 person in front of his face, all together standing there, where his eye can see below his counter table, because that is 1 him or 1 her.....THAT case should NEVER be your 1 person voice in that conducting methods yelling and screaming back to that ONE JUDGE, he knows better or she knows better WHAT the end of all that combine in 10 years movies, WHERE the correct movie content HE re-write all that he himself.

YOU if group together make HIM or HER so mad and angrily in the court room. Outside his working hour, he goes home and watching that Frozen 1 movie, he becoming the ONLY evidence to his own safety, if NOT the other justice people combine all together find out you all re-locate that court room AND ALL the security in ANYWHERE in America is being called IF you thought you relocate with he wolf packs ALL together. 

You went to gamble these 2 or 3 years?

Is that what I saw? 

Maybe you just drop those TV, the movie, the amine / the comic book, or the music all industrial fields of per 2D or 3D materials to throw a lighter to the judge, and say, that is 2 Step to the Hell like the Conan Detective, that women smoking, and proven to the judge in front of the face, you smoking with a cigarette in your hand that smoke ash is right in front of Dean's ex gf's eyes all that.... you and me the difference. The police detains you like 3 or 4 times, how many those months years in sentence? 

He knows that is Eben or the camera to Congress, not Eben?

Its better, you drop all that materials, and Dean them never show up anymore anywhere....without telling me, any of that. Go home, live a real life. No more those reading, listening, watching and imagining. 

You throw something at the judge when you exit the room, before this. These accounts are worse than I saw, or its worsen of everything else?!

These video meant, you are the circus animals means in English? I used to hear those words, what does that mean?

What is an example of circus animals?
Elephants, lions, tigers, rhinoceros, zebras, chimpanzees, crocodiles, pythons, ostriches, dromedaries, bears, etc.

Hey, you make me guess behind what these video mean, right now? All this sticker's T-shirt...what are this cut paste art book, the black vampire?! Its the monkey. 

These newspaper people especially from England has no concern to me.

Not at all.

Is there something legal terms, or the lawful words to utter all that proceeding manner...

I wrote Harry that. You want me to say that AGAIN!

[      ]

    [           ]



"In the given circumstance of that the Party involving to the undergraduate met or the graduate relocated state such as the state of Florida during this period of time _____ to______, I have here presenting this pair of their individual name, they can say their name."

"In that we concluded the last meeting adjourn, to where a several conclusion were drawn and be discussed behind in these relatively groups of the pairs, they used to be, when they first met, and that time span has evolved about 20 years, that their future career is on the go, to further their goal in some means of that professionalism. The details were discussed in the dinner time in the several relevant key's small reunion, we conclude only these pairs to show up today....as you can see."

"Because its relevant to our case today. That's why." 

"In the joint statement of the past or to the future, its right now, we didn't really make out a lot of the frameworks how to proceeding all these, we can only do one small couple at a time, to improve our overall state of that ruin, since 10 years ago, or that 20 years past the met, because if we seriously coming back here...some of that might be so ruined, I only present you this one pair, right now, at this time, and I speak the other parts of this main point."

"When we discuss some of the lawful process how that related to the movie content, isn't the real life, where people meet the true love and saying, this will work out the magic throughout their whole lifetime, I probably have inquire them in private sometimes alone. We wish....they wish, this settle clearly and they move on their life in their individual time frames. It isn't concern to this content creation through the movie, its the real life circumstance, that we reach some of that bridge, we understand that the life through the relationship is to move on, or has a future prospect. And the girl, or the guy both has another person party sit on the bench. If you would just let 1 goes out, and the other can come in. There are some paperwork we together can sort here."

Yeah, I print out this A4, one page, and stand there, reading directly per word to the judge.

And when the next person coming in and go out, the judge begins, or we 3 people submit the paperworks and starting that they talk with the judge, I sit on the bench, the 3 submission is done right there individually and they 2 move forward. 

Yeah, you talked about that before hands. 

You plant the white flower next by Babaji's throne seats?

The black blood and the red blood, the gambler, the dark blood,...a certain English word.

He....told everyone. That's the uncle's crown in Ella Enchanted, there is one throne looking like that. The entire chair and behind up up up the vertical all that is woozy grey blacken.

Pretend to be SMCH? Can you drop all this children's book literacy, the comic book, the cartoon, the TV, the movie. You have to go to those 90s Japanese writer, to make sure, that is not their original creation through that comic book !

We done today on this.

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