
Japan, whom?


Lala in the song teaches you in Japanese, (the end) 



Harry to go where? Gobi Dessert? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bYpPhHqlCH4

Olivia ?! Not Meghan to go to Hola?!  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/C8dtp5Bk4fU

The cinnamon roll? In 101 around the Mc Donald right turn, its Lemon Lulu, keep going on that side. They design like that, its very fat. A corner (indoor, like 2 door each side with the glasses, no door)


Mia C Bon, that is the water place + if they have those lunch by weight special. First tier meat picks 1 with 3 below second table dishes. That was 2 years ago maybe and whom?! 

These are to go shopping? 

Tom's World, okay. No...the Eastern Area?

Christmas is you all arriving to Japan, TOGETHER with that Mably, happy ever lasting forever...?! Japan has all these stuffs, too.

Not Japan shopping ....

Not I shop, how do you get to all these place I knew in Taipei ALL BY yourself?!

Where is Mark? On a date, you get their credit card, and you carried the basket, just jump every where I say, jump. Keep walking, so you have the sneaker's shoes ready?

Not that, right?! 


Something finer dessert? Ku used to gone somewhere in Eastern Area, its very fat !  We sell the cakes, not these I see. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UDaiV2jS_3I

Is the Christmas, to be...here? No, Japan right?

And why you have to get it here? You going to Okinawa? 

The baby shower?  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sBYFT90f_ks

Your military expedition !!? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AZzxftB7J6U

In Japan, right? With your microphone ~~

Lotto, shopping? That city?! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Yc5vjQm-R8Q

Japan and then Australia, the Visits?! No (the birds say)

You mean all of you living in Japan to find where you can cook, like this, and find the chef to make the Christmas, in 3 months? And their Lotto city like Taiwan here....

And why its everything has to be like HERE, here......you all using Hugh's description running inside Taipei that 2 months, and now this is re-make in Japan? I have never been to Tokyo inside the airport I transfer a several time, coming home.

US https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZHRa66J7xYY

Organizing the closet with these sticker? The hardware store in the night market. 

The girls whom willing to make you .....this chocolate dessert? They ...!!


My brain IQ 

trying to understand all these, 還珠格格 how you all accompany the England King, the girls and the boys, through the thick and thin, Christmas starting, you all purchasing the food, the shadowing Intern, making the food, purchasing the good, decorate a home from Hola, but in Japan, and....its when the King's mood to New Zealand, the tiny home or the China, he traveling all around just like this very known China King, exactly like that opening?


Maybe just another way to say Cooking...seriously.

oh ~ you mean to buy things from Taipei or Japan, anywhere to 200 countries exactly like I did? You all have those budget money to spend?!

Prepare the lunch boxes for the guys and for the kids?!

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