
Its the loudest neighbor on the construction, this supposed to be 90 mins?

Up to climate change.

The neighboring wall stopped. Again...

I saw it, Ronan. The facebook ads about a cup on the cremey frapprochino for Christmas. 

uh....for your one lifetime plan, I think you probably don't require to enter America anymore, for saying if you join the NYC those upper world, the billionaire dollars club those worlds. Or what they intend to tell me, the sunshine outside worlds where you will be placed at. The upper world, ONLY.  

Meaning that very countryside, any kind of America no longer required to be seen, or minority all black church, or their gospel singing reason, or any kind other than the Europe the entire timezone, you fan clubs base. I wonder if their missionary teacher ends up in those American middle state where just.....Wedn and Sunday for the team kids study Bible groups or the Summer Church camp. I am not sure if just the whole religion fade out better, but I assuming some freedom until the parents still alive. And so are your freedom to dominating the whole market in Europe the full time zone all the way to Africa, that is the same time zone means.

When Westlife was the Westlife....I didn't remember you would be their manager, for real.


Because you are the same age. To the real music, Tina their real world when they rising to the top such as Julia Academia, or the family connection to Jewish all worlds....they aren't the least plastic human on the plastic reality check starting at that I learn that in K1-K6. 

If you just lean towards your perfect TV and the cleaning couch all those room interior and a bottle in your hands to say drinking the bottle plastic water, not the osmosis usage of that jar, or the gallon of the family filtration water, or the emergency water....its one of those freedom and stress less you have to look after Westlife and Boyzone after Gately. The stress or the reality, everyone being a professional means in the industry for 25-35 years in both side of SA.

None of them are UB those...I can scream on my blogger in any bad faces and went on to the public media, because its just step on them I feel better. Its not inside their head, it is inside my skull and its on TV monitor above everyone's head.

I have a movie !! Minority Report

But I related some of the little things you might be interested to know, why they are....being the way they might say something in that end. In UB, we are not the competition. In the music world, they will be your competition, right?

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