

About the goodbye.

Some people arrives to America has a dream of the lifetime when they look at the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, and starting with all those language or the English listening, they are all very manly to you would never think in 20 years, you could be near the Silicon Valley or even arrive there to seeing all around. It will be the childhood dream every TV news, here. 

How to be the semi-conductor industry giant they were ...on the news, the newspaper, to read the print jet hp, it was dpi ......on this weather news you see. Steve Jobs saying how he started. It will never be Reed, I seeing inside a cartoon. It would never be a semi-conducting major anymore, it will never be the physics, and not even chemistry, because that was just a B.A. I want to...but my years running not on the schedule. Its all the experimental bench jobs. 

I always want something like our TV news says, when we were a kid, the news say someone came here. He is from American. We had only 3 channels, when my father is still around. How little I used to be. So everyday, to every stage of life, you dream about this news they talk about it.....it will never be Ella Enchanted. It was the vacuum, those double e to the first university here, and how those guys so smart, to be the only them, ever to enter here the Silicon Valley. In America is the programming, forever never be, and I ....have something else. That will never be again.

Its everyone talks about it. 

You go to America is only to become that. Most people will tell you that, that is what the immigration to be bigger than that. 

The American Dream I wish to be, like those heard Millionaires, or the Billionaires. Those are the American dreams.

I go with my body, sometimes I just tired, and too tired, and the pain...and nick keeps talking about somewhere. I want to get rid of, just one purpose keep doing that, I never thought about the future. I want to rest, and sleep, rest and sleep, and all that process to get rid of my period pain and the bad breath, the acne a bit on the fried food. It was never the weight, but now I know its the weight and the diet. I don't really know how come....my life becoming just that one straight way I keep thinking or doing. I want to, and I want to go to sleep, and rest. Get well.

So now, if I look at this movie ....

About you guys?

oh no....not thinking to meet a guy, the romance?!

Did I ever tell you ....how the friend meets another friend, you all have a best friend, that kinds in the white people's world, that will never be wise?

The nail polish, the lipstick, the make-up and the social talk, or shaking hands to somebody, and between the white world, you mean the best friend to each other. They will never be. If I seen a best friend next by those....just one look, I know they are the correct best friend, I will talk.

Drunk, tired, meat, or the meat business, waitor, or the bartender, or the grocery store, or the gasoline station cashier, anything touch the eggs, milk, meats, alcohol, cigeratte jobs, those man does or the girls, or the girl's best friend. 

Those are not friends, those are.....hanging out people?! 

Watching movies in the parking lot on ....those coke / the burger to take out fries, on the roller skate mini pants world. That is 4 roller below, not the straight line. Outdate world.

If your father files, and we have to talk?

I can just tell him now, what I think....

"Can you find out....which Heaven you think..... I got no furniture, I drag Westlife or with Ronan, its not Babaji. But if Ronan's family shows up on Earth first to take him without the Westlife, then they and me, ...have a scene, I cannot prove you. I think its a black hair. "

If you believe what I say, good luck to you. I don't know whom did all that.....by the way, ps...

You don't believe me if I say, find your friends, to-go?

File and not file? I don't do anything at all.

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