
Otter (2 at the downstair)

I saw it.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_enZjKSQnhU

Make up: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EHpui0L0RJs

You want to call your mother, both parents? Hugh and Olivia?

Moving is not a big deal, Hugh.  Here  (2:27)

The President 

You closing gates? Other than the monetization learning....you all motivate, why don't you go to Trump?! The otters are motivating, the Panda are motivating, and the baby....from Hailey? My grandma's sun glasses, my mother laterly wearing or Tina's pregnancy, is blind.

And the birds are motivating .....

So which story above (they tell me in a hurtful vision?) 2040, 4020, the baby squeeze his eyes? The heaven reason = they need to train people up until 2040, and you have no more elites people from Harvard, MUST from Harvard....you American say, must go to Heaven, one of those included so that.....One me throne they have to find the correct people to switch all these data sheet with the movies in 200 countries UN, its a heaven reason. So they training that, not surface until 2040, or 2045 (2020+25 = 2045 )

Which part of these are lying?  Not the monetization first paragraph below "the President" I wrote, that is my comprehensive guessing the second paragraph means. Of course its hurting!  I just saw the first link otter, everyone can go to Japan and shopping, and I cannot. 

Do I feel hurting if I don't shop? NO! but I am feeling like to shop ?! 

So its double hurts? It is !!!!! 

As the President

During and after your span of the President's duty .....

This is the reason Web3 ??? Your ligation is at the war efforts. 

None of those are the real lawsuit, Biden asked.

1 lawsuit, the formula I given. I can tell, that is probably the whole combine AT THAT TIME. If there is a throne TO THE Ancient AI or BTX or the BTX same branding, that is different. I didn't find out that time YET. Its the same lawsuit because that is the SAME seating position. 

Listen, those are the components of everything missing in EVERYWHERE, someone has to go and find out. Later, I don't know how they put it up all together, the legal court room, INSIDE, someone they know how to put up ALL THAT and maybe create an interface, I look at it at that time too. THAT WILL NOT be the lawsuit. Its an interface.

I ASSUME that, NOT I really know that.

How about you become a judge?

There are the details of 2 worlds.

East and West mythology to the Greek Gods similar (Chinese part)


2. 封神榜, they keep pushing it. They believe in it.

There is another thing also 1 and 2 in America.

I just tell them I know. I just temporarily forget which files are these. I knowing the files can be separated, correct ! The part of the lawsuit process. YOU becoming a judge.  Its people's free will file-ing all that. 

I am not doing anything correct. 

Is that legal? I don't want to have the dispute at the moment, right now. My family situation is bad, my head is injuried none stop. The otters talking (is that normal), how Hugh gonna die in the heat ? MD 20+ press but none is here doing their jobs, and people gonna die, or move to Japan? 

Any human can go without that one lifetime, any court room 1 dispute, that is my free will (you mean on Frozen), that is a movie, that is not a correct sorting file, you keep all getting that wrong. I mean you all President or Congress, or Vice, all of that. - the movie is X never a file-ing format in itself. 

You really knowing that, or you are all lawyers in the congress is learning all that?  Is the governors, the local representative, the senators all lawyers?  Its your Presidents teaching you ALL THAT. 

Who is called a governor?

The Governor is the Executive Head of the State within the meaning of Article 153 and 154 of the Constitution of India. Article 154 vests the executive powers of the State in the Governor who exercises it either directly or through officers subordinate to him in accordance with the Constitution.

The General attorney, I have heard that word.
The district attorney, I have heard the word, too.

That is what you are all up to?

These don't concern too much to the Washington D.C, not even to you, or to the president, because he can report to all of you the 50 states combine all together in the 50 mins briefing, he and his cabinet prepare, its done in 50 mins he explains to all of you. Its not the Supreme Court idea, its just a very simple local court room, one judge or with 1 or 2 book keepers. Its a pile-ing up them is taking the longest time. 

Listen....you know how people trespassing this Washington DC? Meaning everyone has a profile yellow folder, or any business office folder, or the binder? So that one person walking in the local State let's say California court room, you are not the Congressional members to flying in that day in California. You always live or staying in the Washington DC as the congressional members.

So pretending, me is one person folder, you insist you move my local court room right where your nose under, that will be you gather 2000 combination people in that ONE day, outside my court room door CLOSE, you never hear one thing inside, me walking out if you all there seeing me having that my hands hold those yellow binder, or Taipei these stationary binder. Inside its what me and that one judge talk about it or discuss it in the details until the next arranged meeting date.

So is SA Ireland, their company with them + their company boss

So is SA American, their company with them + both the male and female artists in the 90s time other than the boyband. Talk to Brian, he is very lonely, his phone must not be connected when they were on the touring.....

So is Mathrew + JC, I put them 2 together, but they don't need to both sit on the same bench, or it were, they are separated from the top, in a different date and time and the location where these file-ing being submit, that choice is at the judge.

YOU the entire congressional cabinet people have no relation to ANY of these people, just those SA building trespassing "flyer = celebrity", you mean my website drawing that 2 building. That was for the security look-out or the judge or someone clear, how it might look like. THAT overall combine efforts don't require to be on the same date, on the same state, and NEVER all together inside that Washington DC, and you all gear up 9:00 oclock meeting right outside MY court room door, that will NOT be open, when me and the judge 2 or 3 people there + the security to write-up, or reporting, or talk to. YOU have heard my voice talking in the voice memo, they will be the first time hearing that, if that is a brand new judge. Sometimes YOU have no idea how they processing these files, BY the system reason. 


The correct court room papers, WILL NOT BE my website those, no.

They except that in a different places, that is why they got paid for. To combine, to logically process, and to find out. These are the facts, and there are being affected, like our life being affected....so that part another prosecutor will handle ALL of that, but they want to know WHY. They move away why my head is keep getting hurt, they find out. THAT is a process. They got paid with that process, and they go forth with their next step = the lawyer's jobs, both the System lawyers, or where the system lawyers called for the law firms. All of them have a business brief case to sit or fly in anywhere 200 countries, you cannot see where they are in the airport.

It will not be that local court or even if you imagine the movie plot, "move" under your nose, all that....that day when I see the judge, it may not be on his or her plate to talk about it. Any sheet I prepare in that folder.

No, the sent out personnel, that will be your foreign department in one of the.....American federal or state combine where they belong to department, the embassy. The visa issue place such as the immigration building office to confirm or to validate those facts. The lawyers travel to: that is NOT the Washington DC business how the employee ID and the origin they were from, in which date they travel to when they sent out during the duration time in 1999-2020.

The birds say: Princess Diary 2, the ice cream scene?!


Not the second meet...what's under my nose? 

Lord, I remember now, the green line last stop, that England WHICH Lord? 1893, one of those Niagara Falls project, THAT Lord? 

Lords Kelvin


From Belfast?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Kelvin

To keep the eggs, sunny side up? The Sun? Sunny side up?  (BTX, the scientist say to my brother, the sun the sun, Taipae ?) 

Thermodynamics ?  1 and 2 and 3, and his name is those temperature absolute zero Kelvin that Lords Kelvin !  Home Alone 1234?!

Who is Lord Debara..... 


If You Believe, that song, is you graduate from Harvard is your wish?!

I tell you what I really think you should be doing other than seriously adopting a kid like King James the sports arena, its you all Presidents can oversee a group of the laws, whom using 1) the social media 2) a blogger, to build that China Drama 芈月傳 concept in the script says that 3000 years that Simon's near by King, promote a concept, finding the talent in the "literacy" of that ancient Chinese (that worlds) all useful eloquent included.

3) Combine knowledge to write out, and join you as a President, you can see what that trending is, so you using the comment box, or they use each other comment box. Not necessary to waste time, but generate the thoughts ( the Chinese Drama inside 芈月傳 )

4) to general the idea, to general some literacy or discussion, some English proficiency inside that laws structure.

It doesn't need to adopt kids and literally taking care of. 

You getting 3, or someone sent you those volunteer they themselves and you read through.....like UB Eric, I don't know if he does that. He is the only one law student I know of there, or Wendy. 

You never look at anywhere else other than my website.....OUTSIDE !!!

(Look at the clock) Why don't you all go to sleep, its night time. 

Outside gonna burn them. Its Sat you all happy day. Its my happy day Sunday.

This is what's going on. I put on the article next by under the Washington D.C.

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