
Prince William

I will be watching the movie about your grandmom after she died.

So you realize you have a certain combination alignment, or the conditions, you no longer needed to focus on making the money to raise the whole TV staring family? I can see math.

Do you think its your grandmom first, or your mother Panda hinted, you collected those video, you know how to save them? Not compile another 10 video, in 20 years that Indian General doesn't feel like you can swallow all that....

So we put that aside ....because you know you and your brother had a fix world life, where the flower, the garden, the sunny day, or the people dressing formal, and all those coherent life, you know those scene and one day you grew up to today with a beautiful wife and 3 normal kids I can tell. You dress them, or you polish them, but they need to grow up with their own friends in the school, to play the cyber space games, or the research paper, or the school, and one day becoming each other's woe to that Mably. George I mean, similar like Mably.

You thought about that, the last paragraph what the TV outside, and give you a glimpse that missing all your life. Which one, inside your body, right now......you can take it, coherent to your body belief, that feels right?

Is your hand will shake that beliefs?

If you have controlled the things all your life, that initial response when you imagine the new things, its the immediate reality, someone gets a new friend, a new circle, a brand new facebook, or the cyber space, or their facebook bookmark if they know how to use that, to play the games. Anyone teaches you, how to limit that, or you should move away from that, and if you curious to find out, how you go and leash yourself not to dump on them....you wish to find out? Just ask Riley?

We focus on: the flower, the garden, the sunny day

Breath ! 

You seeing your life a little bit? Oriented?

You always always always doing the things in your most immediate reality, always always in front of you, not the movie, not the voice, not the movie script that put your heart down. Your heart is your body to that sensation to feel sad, or negative. When you realize, you doing that to your body, you shut off the movies, not repeatedly listening to that English, or the scene to be considerate some other people's feeling, its to hurt your own feeling.

You make a real feeling inside you strong, not your military, and through that, every weather that comes to you, you held up your body sensation not to get mad, shut off and sit quiet, not to put your heart down. Meaning you consciously control that factor when your heart is in a bad mood - so shut off the TV.

Can you do that?

You don't use that TV to create some guilt, because of your family. You don't need to be that sensicle other than another day other people coming to the garden party, and NO ONE knows that story, that you torture yourself with.

You understand that?

You being kind, and you being thoughtful, you know what that means? You sense, you feel, and then you decide its you are not nice enough with these TV the whole world suffered. They are not supposed to be in any world sense keep doing that, but never one of those Eon things, when everyone else involved to find out. 

Its not the words to go and affect you, when you don't even know that ! You understand? Its not you good, or you bad, if you have a condition, you really understand that? 

Not the good or the bad, not the karma this or that, not the past or the future, none of those in talk, understand? You have a job to do, and put the correct thinking.....in that goodness, you focus that garden party where the sun is bright, and everyday, that mood is happy to see another friends, and joining in that.

You go and talk ! You ready for Japan, one of those for your wife and the kids, still negotiate with your wife? Its a part of the family and a lot of the people never had a family in their lifetime, to say the husband with the wife and with 3 kids, you know that, right? Some people never have those family scene?

The Lunch

You have eaten anything bakery bread like what the England familiar other than just the fruits and microwave Italian pasta? We sell those very floppy, white inside, toasty, soft bread. Not the French baguette, in America, its the ACE bread.

The England kitchen you guys like the white bread square with some mayo and cucumber shredded, those things we will never have.

But if your staffs know where is a bakery more like ACE bread, you get some mayo, you have about 1 day or 2, you imagine you getting a tomato soup somewhere to dip in. Just between you and George. That is what you eat? The bread dipping the soup? 

Your staff can plan that, like what he expects to buy in the bakery, and you have this internet, you check if you miss your bread, the European bread.

The regular grocery store?

Yeah, Kiwi (10), the orange (10), avocado (3)

+ a honey (salt + a spooon), your throat hurt if the winter comes.

+ mayo

+ ACE bread, he finds some soda cracker, it will look like 小蘇打餅乾, just lightly salt, no cheese. Its a baking soda cracker.

The same baking soda? 

Can you just get the supply like the rain passing it by, we have 2 more typhoon side by side this morning the weather diagram. 

The highlight parts, that 3 things, you can just leave it on George's desk or your desk. Your whole day if you just eating nothing but that kiwi, it will be gone 1 day, or George does. 1 spoon and all that. Some kiwi and some soda crackers.

+ 1 dozen dental floss or you use another kind, they have it in the Asian store.

You allow to have a plastic knife, or traveling knife, small. Then you just eating whole day long with George. + those gallon water.

The avocado needs to wait, you use your hand, touch it....soft, then you can eat it. It won't be on the 1st day when your staff purchase. One knife to cut, you need a thin cutting board +  a stylish cloth below that thin / lighter cutting board. NOT those kitchen giant cutting board. You are easy to take to the bathroom, or you finish eating that one meal.

If your staffs allows you to eat the raisin, or the cashew.....you can eat it in front of them, or the George comes to your room, and together stare at each other and eat it. 

If you built up that routine, then you find your staff next few day finding out those Italian or French restaurant if they have those take to go Tomato soup. You dilute a bit and you share with George, that is the bread and the soup + some cheese.

You need to fridge the cheese. 

Everything else is the room temperature, you leave it outside.

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