

Ronan has a better family.

All right. You know what is the keyword right side column means, the "Tag words" in Google.

My head

Not my head band, not Zawanna handband, its lady's all hand holding things up. 

You all putting it on your piece of the sheet, the first time I drew that, when 2022?

Ronan, your best friend.

1 Shane, that is not a group of the best friends.

-4-  (     )

I just temporarily holding them up until...its no money talk, its not when their concert ends this year. Everyone is busy, I tell them.....Shane supposes to be busy, and he is really really busy. When he got here, he is more busy, too?

Just you all have a question?

Ireland girls, do you have those obligate phone calls to calling them, they are all supposed to be busy including that Ronan. The things other than....hallo goodbye the social reason. Usually that is not at Shane.....the far away or any Ireland you all buddy near girls, all that.

I don't have the money proposal, and before today....there wasn't 1 sheet coming out, if Shane would stop calling. I have no idea how he calls me the last 3 days in torment. or 2 days.

No, I think they are waiting for you all girls. Me and Shane, or Me (or Kian/ Nicky), not starting with this sheet, isn't it? That is just 1 human in the house, to be honest. To how or that future no one knows. I didn't need to be that hard taken he has the freedom, no one restrain him that day.....what I do, how the heaven cares to do.

The snail pace to what cannot talk about parts.

Its the pink color background that video if the Heaven is a literal ground to step on it, that is gonna be very very very scary, isn't that so?

So don't talk about it.

No, I will not check his phone book. His real cell phone those? No.

No, I won't refrain him if you all calling him from Ireland to here that one phone line, or 4 of them here, why?

No. I won't even ask him about it.

I am talking about your livelihood, or what was the money proposal, their concert ended. You have the things to accumulate, tell them. Other than to me. I don't need to any of your any parts of the plans, nor them. Just talk normal. If you asking me.....no, I don't stop him, or which one. Shane. Those anything they obligate the company phone calls? You all at?

Of course not. 

Ronan? No, I am not even sure in this one lifetime, we have anything to chat in person. He is a guy.

In this one lifetime.

Anything Ronan near by, can just go up now. Other than......anything his slippery parts on his socks. - the normal life that is already exist around Ronan. Anything normal, that's fine. No, we are the strangers in the real life. One lifetime.

To the Heaven space and time....anyway temporarily I put last sheet that one formula. 

8 billions - 4 -  (   )

Shane has 2 years, or Kian / Nicky.

Its not such a big deal inside that Heaven Space, inside, where everyone's foot stood on it, we move everyone to Ronan happy face that side. With or without that 1 Shane, meaning 1 Shane can just be together all there, fine. For now....on the physical universe wise....

He is gambling probably his company responsibility or that bottle in his right hand on his couch, that same living room. He actually lives in where he airs his video?  Looks similar.

(No, I don't know if that is the otter says any left or right hands holding)

He is not that 20 years ago Ronan. I give them a notice......all that, but they can all moving it back toward Ronan, once we all be more clear this in 2 years in 5 years, everyone still lives inside their own normal and regular life. Shane cannot be here, isn't it?!


MY power, bracket them, all until this all finished.  After this....what? Storm. She is yours, not yours? All that? I don't care about it.

I cannot leave my house. The house, the birds, the neighbor, the walls by themselves, or my bathtubs, to per words I entry. ( other than the sky, the clouds, the far away otter or the Panda included). To the universal principle, this ....anyway....I don't leave, that's it, for now. 

And Shane....No, they don't go to hell, its not my  {   }  or not. Any time, Shane....its Heaven ruling, if its in that day, its that day be allowed. If its in the hell, it will be when they found out. When they return to Ronan, including with you or without your parts, that day.....I don't need to know, don't hear, don't find out.

That is very simple. 

The Earth police doesn't care about anything, correct. They didn't find out.

The whole universe Cosmo, they have www, me is online, not just the 200 countries this technology or the education rises up. They are ....what you called them "the river driven human.". They move with their rents, they move with their jobs career, they move with their paycheck to the next East or West coastline. Are we always gonna talk about America?


(Why I can not? Someone has to write her pen with the eye glasses down, black brown hair curl fat lady? Per pen is high tech records to the final ruling of all of this. )

These crimes, when they are in Europe, that is European police pretending fake, that will never be me right here. If anyone does anything funny under my nose, all around here, especially where I hate the human you can evaporate the whole city not to make a sound to my face, I would let them. I don't care about the TV, I don't care about the cake, I don't care about one word sounds flattery, or what that eyes of the faces, imagine, our photo looks alike origin from.

Since the humanity doesn't require to go to Heaven and the police specifically let those crime to continue, the final ruling of this planet its not favor to say 60 years old in age, many will die in 50 those UB.

No, I can entry to America, in the end of these...all things will be evaporate until....that clear reason why I cannot immigrant or tour in Japan, all killing will not stop until this be solved, every crime to say everyone will have no freedom other than I exist every freedom to that constitution that America dare to put on. With one planets forever fate.

No, they have a lot of the debts. 

The heaven kills them, or they sent in to my data sheet, its they all be killed.

oh ~ Right, Shane I think he is clear tone in English or even Westlife. That is not you, Ronan? I need to know why Westlife is on my......all these sheets first? Sticky !

You know how long its this 1 person talk in front of my face, 1 person only?

So Shane can be 1 person talking, I hear him better, or clear. Or Shane + Nicky. Its like their interview. 

I think they all have a brain, meaning function to talk like a regular person. Freedom wise.

We don't have those structure where these talk will look like solemn clear echo turn. Sleeping Beauty castle, with that one Gate door. Jack and the Beans.

That gate is always open, he walking in, its all quiet empty hall. I am on the throne.


He doesn't think that is now. That is what those UB left with the last departing talk. The endless movie or the motion picture they will remember everyone else, the past memory and all their worthwhile the values, how they see they themselves on that pen paper talk.

The human value.

10 years pass, what have they done?

What you done? (after I lay down .... .... )

What do you say?

Good morning, Shane. My head hurts....this is the restrain reason you, or you have a free will. My head hurts.

The bird? The universal principle, or the universal Cosmo? That will be the human all knowing, I am not sure. I think they know I calling Thor. They look like us. You mean the Earthly people, no one knows, but everyone else all knowing, correct. We are hurt every single day until Shane calls.

What about it?

(take that highlight out, and the bold out).  What's wrong with all my label?

On the paper, you pointing at ....

I think, I will tell the public, you are not supposed to be killing people. And you are not supposed to be forced like me be killing people 5 Lords above or OU, because SMCH goes sex hurting everyone and make me do the killing and then they never die, or reborn becoming 2 those kinds.

You can 1 person just keep living and breathing like me. 1 person, with or without my mother. I make enough money, I live just 1 person. Not the public TV or the fame, or including no human no public, all that outside dining, or the social or phone calls. - I know that is my right, its legal = I don't file those. (Harry has 3 lines none stop those look, or mumbling in his mouth)

The legal measurement will be no crime, no theft.....anything defined as the crime. The killing parts like those royal on purpose.

So other than that.....if we move all that out, the judge the legal court where they stand, its usually they solving that dispute between the people. That is to find the truth. They investigate on the court room resource to solve that lawsuit arguments like if they got married, or 2 people, and they both lie to each other. That is the judge's real job.

The court room can compensate from...their legal means from any where they will be fair and justice.

But other than those....if its not a visible crime, its not a intended motion, meaning we barely know each other, they know how those terms define.....originally...10 years ago, they can demonstrate all that before me and the judge. 

First the judge

Second, I come back from those space, I see what they do.

I fallen, that kind.

These lines are to be blurred, when I given them Classify where to hear, or view, or listen to. Let's say IQ they copy all the information in their brain and comprehend, all the classify world through those media. Some doesn't have that. And they can write it down with their honor class grade to proceed them other than the last 10 years.....

Other than the last 10 years....

Meaning they blur to where I want to hear, or the judge wants to hear.

Then both the judge and me is 2 different resources, because in the legal world, you don't find those people too often. Per word, per sound, per degree to the existing that functional world that structure was based upon the financial institute, carefully craft them. 

But you won't be doing that, your lawyer should be.

No. ( 1.....1 .....2 ) - head hurts

No. (  )  or ( which 1 and 1 bothers you the most   2  ) - head hurts

They.....no, the marriage them all those, the court doesn't care about the money.  Heaven doesn't care about the court room justice. We already done. Its the human value, and becoming the monetization the country they are, they rise up. The prince and princess marriage is not your culture, right? We need to talk about it, to becoming.....we fake to talk about it...points?! The first 2 points are what you said. I assuming I type what I comprehend those 2 points, its their points?


(head rubbing, get up typing)

What did you say? (impatience)

American is under me better, I sent those royal home, and die there, charged there, any those killing inside their palace including....whatever those alcohol idea outside the mansion in the 90s he himself in it, his mother says worse. He is not the Christ, but he can be.

Not those England commanders keep dying and got sent to the China border line, those. NO! Keep doing this sent to devil South Pole that falls, Devil den water raging all there....to die their England flag ship. He has to learn by per hand holding those hard lesson learnt, so psycho, because his grade is F.

You mean efface.....all that on Earth? No. There is outside too. 

No, they are the small tiny things when that outside comes. For us, they are like the real prince those. The outside and their money or the temperament is so much wealthier or refine personality than us.

You.....grew up to do the business?! You had a little family, or they all lie to me from behind anyway? None of you have one background those?


Heaven is the weaponry business....not the singing business. The golden armory, they have nothing but that.

No, Japan firing them back to the sky. No wonder....I don't travel, sorry.  ( I faint )

I shut off the music, maybe....

"When the World Was Mine". You writing this on ....Gately or you yourself?


You Ronin, or Ronan ....you did what? In the year 2000 ?

"Brighten Day", that is not Pang's name in Chinese the beginning, Ronin?! (How to pronounce his name, again?)

Inhale my air....I need to instruct this System Lawyers a bit because they either telling me a short way, they might destroy their government or all around what things they put that image to me, its not favor to me, or they get killed. Most of them are the man.

Me and my brother is not going to the music, that threaten you no more? 

You would be at a brighter day sunny where some tree with some birds on top, that corner of barren land at. Just the grass, the tree, shade cover you, a monk head, and a brown robe. You can hear the birds, and you are you, so you know the birds know.

Do I ever like you as a singer?


So I don't trust any celebrity reason? 


Only the heaven reason?


So this Ella Enchanted America drifting away and away...

(What did he see? )

American is on your map Left, they are drifting right ....farther farther away

Tina's cartoon? Ending opening trailer (at the beginning and at the end). The sun?!

You know what the otters say ....yesterday.

What is this SMCH with the 20 penis again?

Nick says she has a lot of sex

"Sure" "Women like her has a lot of the heat, any man can see it and fuck, like your mother."

You want to tell him how to repeat every word, every sentence again in Slovenia?

"The butt like your mother, is the right height in my hands." gesture gesture?!

You mean Storm?!

Clinton and that scandel lady was at her mouth.

I can tell she has the heat, too. On the TV.

You mean the real punishment? If the whole Cosmo ball got destroyed, that will be the eternity hell I think. 

Its a whip and a gun and unlimited roses on her vagina.

Most human doesn't have IQ, so as long as they ever wasting anyone's time. Bow, kneel, flat forever with the 2 legs cut off, on their own initiative. Or they are outside line kneeling somewhere never stopping. Rain or Shine, every TV 9-5. Its only 8 hours kneeling.

There is no other things to do, until I get up.

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