
Shane and Ronan

Good morning,

Shane when you get up, you still have jetleg?! You have the cursed words inside your brain,....so those songs are original means, like you gonna feed my pet these blue tubes thing, you look at it? You seeing some human factors, you got restricted ....inside your life, when? Since the year....you came in Taiwan on their "multi-talent show" to sing a song, all that. Those are the human factors you seeing them....your works, or you got restricted those.

Other than my title, and the side by job Part-Time.

   (Other than bio & BTX, or 10 rudimentary / science museum.....those)

I want to know if you know what I written above?


You have a job, you know what that jobs are? Its a ...

8 Billions - 4 -  (        )

Those, you know the words on those, or turning things into a miracle was the teacher's union favors in the Congress?! 

Yesterday I give a sheet probably you calculate that with your current IQ. Shane they also have that kinds of the IQ, called my relaxing mode to the humanity, not a stern degree everyone suicides, they won't really die. I will have more problems with the otter and the panda's all worlds, that is a .... Never mind those. These 2 paragraph sorting, you all know clearly where I just said this morning. All of you.

The things with the very little description not even in drawing all that, and any of that in combine, what could be the little, very little description of those. Yesterday a slow pace snail society or the 8 billions people worlds in large, where I wasting my time, because like I said was a little description to someone like you, one Ronan.

Not staring that 4 anymore.

What did I say?

No, what did I say the little description of that little anything but the description line? Not Charmed?

Its between? What you obligated or not obligated other than the prince imagine whom make himself look like 3 millions years old in evolution and we are just 100 years not even on the Earth years, that will sound really really really really bad, isn't it?

Can he allow? Is he allowed to taken the image, I want to know that very very clearly....like....in what degree of the Heaven zillion all worlds, its One World, but zillion below called the physical universes. Its in the movie where the ET shows in one of those American movie ending. Probably that James Cameron has. I don't want to see one ball fallen....that is one Cosmo all in darkness.

Everything is little description, of course everything is little in description, I have to write "in" the description English, right?

I cannot share this video in this giant image I have to insert the code.....the blogger IT parts.

A reason I know?  They all have an issue. The girls will tell me. I believe them, but.....They groups already, those girls have or not intend to fix their own problems = them, the guys theirs stuffs? You or them, friends, always be? okay. Your house invitation those? All names lists, Ronan. Your socks white on the floor to run with 2 plates in your both hands, that day, all names lists I want to know with my eyes opens, whom these people are so hell of the importance in your life, to say one attachment to ruin one Cosmo Ball. That floor is not marble, because your white socks will be slippery? That day. 

Exact, Ronan. The description of your hands and your socks that day, probably in the 99-2002 those years, or 2004. I want to know .....you looking like you used to be those years.

Tell me, that anything I see is not in the movie, Ronan !! That is 2 plate with the weight, and 2 hands, and...your pants....with the belt chain down, or that pants is fitted, or 2 white socks, your current kitchen is the same home, Ronan?

(I cannot breath the first day I am looking at it, to today....)

Tell me what is the little description in everything I know.....

You run ....inside your own home? Ronan?!

You have your family background how you would be running, not walking inside your own home? 

Is that very important?!

We have a mother, so 3 of us all running very often.

You have a song: I Believe I Can Fly

That is not really from, right?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV1g7EgXuKc

Time after Time, you sing this song?


You and Keanu's movie in Sweet Nov. That is what Westlife says last year Nov, here....Taipei, and my sky with that hex guy sent by Prince William, or Middleton? He flies or jumps ! A very psycho human.

Have I heard this song, before?

You think....Ronan?

Tell me, one thing the humanity doesn't understand when the heaven comes only....its all blood on the ground including those 3 millions souls or all American military in the vortex, until all these things clear out. You think I won that argument with or without the money claim.  - one Eben Pagan.

You think he is important?

You think Shane is important?

Tell me, now. Clearly.

And tell me, why 1 person could meant that precision time, would be 120% accuracy or worsen consequence without, the years in seniority, Ronan?

Its 10 years, or 6 years ago, so there is 4 years after?

Make You Feel My Love


Same song like Shane's I singing to, or the partner at.....that is not the ice skating comic book.  Of course not.


This sheet....or this year something a lot more open said, can wait 2 years or when my mother rise me up. But that situation was only limited to the BTX system files to raise up by ...the Heaven's torture my mind, that money is part of belonging to Babaji. You think he is VERY old looking inside, slow, or cluster, those songs.....old, deep, darken. Meaning, my heart, mind, soul to hand it to his hand that day....he knows 100% because usually those upper worlds have advancing human power included to know this thing. The attachment to your jean belt chain hangs....

Money, not my mother. typo *

Do they do that?

So .....this 4  +  (   )

I only take 1 because the rest, the whole company can just watch them, or they watch between each other. You manage 4 + the Boyzone, I assume?


The birds calling....video says. Hugh. No he is not part of any of you, I know that.

There is a re-done process, correct.

But you already get to hear the natural all worlds, where I didn't have.

The animals Kingdom in this English word, you know that well in the evolutionary biology 200, that one term, or in English?

There is an universal principle can operate some of that.

There is a humanity universal brotherhood, it will never be that fuck up prostitute SMCH at all.

This thing will be very clear through, one word missing, this whole Cosmo will be shatter that next one word Judge ignore, not me volunteer, its they all kneel to beg. One word I didn't hear it right....understand?

All those penis on 1000 her disciple performing porm all shows on sexual song, will be air on every border patrol. loud loud loud, eternity time. 

20 Penis, that is 1000 her female residents and disciples, must deliver this thorny in rose to her vegina, understand? Tell me....I get everything I want, exactly I mean it, or this will be the Cosmo laughing all jokes in the upper too sunshine sunny place, you 1 Ronan is desperately be wanted?

America, get up

All Congress

Today.....is not the resting day, or all world will have no more Sunday, get up.

Tell me how many penis were Hawaii Texas...all this saying....was inside her vegina like that Nick says with his brother Quock?

All her current classmate 1) seducted cult all sexual harassment all participants 2) all money taken in the bank transaction .

The real classmates, not those too pretty look to fake and lie to me, to hurt me none stop that one 90s......

Wallace and Britney has an identical Gala

1) Washington DC hotel   2) Mexico Gala

Tell me....real or not?

Until this all must be 1000% cruelty be handle, you will see no mercy, if you done your jobs, you understand? 

American military Space Ship, one Japan upper north than Triangle, were they only be crime people going to? Just lightly telling me some place in Japan is the homeless one video? So Mably not supposed to be in Tokyo, or you know what these typhoon means?

I have those small tiny airplane landing here....

That psycho Prince William intended to be a King, was none stop murdering, or Middleton was a real jordan women victim, has 5 people under her to be that too proud of the air to nose if cut tiny or the eyes be sew or the mouth lips, she keeps that air, or that is another ball Cosmo....its already went down. Him + her.

Fix it......and one smell one human at my faces....especially any royal was nothing but the throny rose cut inside and outside.....it will FOREVER not in front of my faces as sin forever to hell. And you allow this continual, I will order the random kill of the whole universe because they continue to breath in Asia. for fake

This Mean Girl is a brand new TV on our channel....A brand new TV.

Tell them 2 were today.....its how many kills by their happy mood to fake....any nose high on those window shopping was poor in that George and her face look through that windows.

That 3 millions souls....its so sad of that England flags....at all. 

This guy jump on people, if I run, he runs......find it? The hex? Prince WIliam?

That 1 Westlife so hard to get to the concert, if I find out which truth on their concert, psycho zombie William? Tell me one thing I don't really know....you what? A captain, so all things retrieve, all on your account to pride on that tiny money, but you don't need to use the money but the interior design so greater comfer 20 years. Was she told, she only has 20 years in fate?

So England knew she was the middletoon starting the day 1? Not their mother was a psycho. She used to remember her look, she used to remember.....how they family whom those 2 dead she is the better face, young and youth, and a pretty girl has been asked....

What do you think of the England Royal, is that her Welish language?

Say it?

You guys just like me, never use a money inside my real life, that much....I had only Silicon Valley those run away Tina's bill. Tell me whom paying that dearly? Tell me ...Seriously paying dearly I mean it.

Everyone thinks, and continue be funny.....we are slow snail pace, exactly how you think, per step I will ever get wrong or imagined......how slow snail bent....its how I say 1000%, things have to fallen, and in most hellish torment I want to see in the end of all this answer back to me.

It will never be kindness...understand?

Until every worlds must be suicide.

All bills that stack up...Asian. I can care less one human life.

The judge behind Harry

The judge behind Square - gets up.

All Irene and Square is 40 years high school dead, done it, or not? What do you have? 1/3 bills? or 2/3....not 1/3?

Say it all loud, everything, clearly.

Cooper's falls, tell me 2 road 2 direction where that Greyhound stop with Harry's fan club, he leaves them there. Is CNN and Wing leave there 2, now?  Muskoka Canada.

And where these machines guns from that bus were shooting at night time, everyone dead....for Harry to continue bus ride on to the next town.

Open and say it all worlds know.

Did all England commander in the China coastlilne detain, say it, say it, say it !

Ms Congeniality was nothing but the blood, and you all allowing it, SAY IT?! True, for like his fuck up mother to do? Say it? 

Knock Knock, Movie: Keanu.

Say it....2 girls with 1 guy on the machine gun kliling like Harry gone to War 2006?

Say it? Its on the video.

Its on their graduation with the Queen red carpet, Jump jump jump, Harry!

Everyone side by side, the correct human dead body, and their pride will rule this world one lifetime, was always allows, to show up the System Data, was the movie gerne for funny !!

Say it clear.


Joe Biden?

Was he dead....Ukraine War that month was Feb, the year before or that year?

Trump this is his third, or else, one of those Hollywood Black guy is Harris's lips on 3 oclock direction. Bald head, the black man.

Say it.

Not the current husband.

Every time when Shane calls me like yesterday I just walking out for a meal, these things repeat in my sleep, in my wake up. Very torment me.

He doesn't look like having a free will, right now. Hugh has a lot of the free will, his sheet to the Ice Rink / IKEA, finished, yet? He was still sitting there yesterday. How come he was still near IKea?

Shane got scared, you all torture them behind with SMCH vagina, issue? 

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