
The Movie: Peter Rabbit

Winnie the Poo, Chris. My brother's name, how the ending drawing those cartoon looking. System. You go to the system people first.  You cannot lose the data, that is what it means. But maybe your lawyer or the staffs first.

Argo, Congo, not Argo.....that is Ben Affix. then I fall asleep.

You know what I heard.....yesterday and today.... That is Eon ago, you called the Heaven to do that. I try to pull that mansion with all the things connected, pull, pull, pull, drag....drag....drag....you know the real reason you cannot do any of that, because that is the history reason, not the kid's toy reason? The historical value of the building itself. I don't know how to tell you that yesterday.

WE don't have that issue? You cared that much....no. It was the coral reef at the south 屏東 ending of a National Park, there....that is the beginning. It wasn't starting at the basin as the natural defense. No one knows the geography, or the weather here when they all first moving here. They never done those geography survey reason to say, all around those are the trees, so the basin is the defense reason ......our history has a different schooling method.4000 years where they started, and where they move to. Its known to us.

They assume, not they dare, or very gambling to say that. There was the Japanese those colony time, they slaughters the people all around here, or the farm land. Almost every school they put on top, it was all the endless dead human body. The superstitious. The citizen? Yeah, the local native.

Currently, I don't have a Heaven to call ....as you might have been told since the last week.

You what ....your mother wasn't even born, how does she ever gonna know? But correct.....as she grew up.

I know. Correct, I know all the history from where you say the North East of China, Japanese enter from there, you imagine what a 100 years technology, or what they find out after the democracy took over, the climate, the infrastructure. 

You know that Niagara Falls, its RIVER all freezing ice about 100 years ago? No, do you literally seeing it? 120 or 100 years ago. The entire river and the falls, are nothing but the icy scene?

So when you define a meaning what the China North East, the train, you thought 100 years ago would be an easy task, it was a lodging business, cutting the wood. I think they found out too cold. That spider web looking, I used to talk about it. So while your mother grew up and surrounded during that time WWII, including to produce you with all the Parliament Congress, she probably got cover up a lot. She is a women.

She cannot talk to you, she cannot reason with you, you were doing what 15-25?

1928, here what we known, I know, it was one of those militant / military action. In the history book, it might one line description. I have 1000 lines of those one history textbook inside my head. That is not the exact name but the same incident they use on the wiki, or what I used to have, the history textbook.

No, it wasn't a lot of the population they make everyone believe, how many people dead by hunger, or dead by disease, or too cold. The baby boomer was the end of WWII. So if the aircraft to fly, their skill to bomb, its those barren land everywhere. Not us today all the city built up.

Your mother will not talk to you, or you will not talk to your son, any of them, and THEY won't be talking to Middleton and never that Hugh, so you know where they sit? It was never a pretty idea like the Conan Detective. It was full of the blood. That second known capital, the Japanese came in from exactly there, all the way how they get to 南京 and they slaughter cruelty the entire capital there.


What I gonna do with my classmates? 

They go back to their parents, all the time better. They didn't see them still acting like 15 years old, when they constantly push and pulling with their parents methods how they be educated. Sometimes that is one single parent, or sometimes that is the relative, so until that, they feel secure and they heed to their career. I tell you what they really really cared - that piece of faces or the shape if....gonna changed, that devastated them. If you say someone with a brain that just modified the entire face wasn't an ego issue.....I don't even see why someone cannot put plastic the face when the brain is fix correct IQ, in 10 different direction so they could stood up ONE glue wall where people's eyes sight stare, to say 1 my facebook, their purpose to be served.

There is NO wall.

Is this the time, when I gonna just talk to William, now? THIS I can talk to him, you think? Seriously?

Is 1928 to 1950 that is a VERY long time?

Yes, it was.

Something the Devil eggs.

Yes, I know she was inaugurated. 

All these are in the last 20 years, since the year 2000, you don't realize, a new generation kids grew up. They don't want that part of the history anymore, seriously.  The mobile phone, the mobile games, the cyber space, the play station, or the beam bag home and sleep, or Youtuber someone else has a home, how they create a home space, to eat, or the friends, or the cared whom they together be the happy, modern, civilized, technology all worlds.

I am waiting for them, how they keep throw they themselves to the jail or the cell or the detention center, to rise up from the East. America is the only East from us, but if you really looking at that giant ocean, no one really knowing that, the cliff or the rocky almost every ship wreck if touching tiny bit...because it cannot be seen.....That is a very remote water body, to swim in the opposite direction, seriously.

When the choice of the reality was made it wrong...decision.

                   That way  ==> 

You all kids waiting to go back your big party, the venue place with the sports cars? The welcome back party, any of that? The social events still required to fly in, those you miss home?

The food you like to eat. 

Here are humid, so if you have some pain, those are still the part of the allergy, not the pollen those big rock land, through the air, because we are nothing but damp here meaning the air is very wet, the water vapor if you are on the ship. The typhoon it will not leave us all summer, its the rain. You see the white clouds, those are the rain. If there is no cloud, its just the air flows, no rain will dump from the sky to the building structure top. 


No, I don't have that culture. I c. Pang's financee, or he wish to have those look out, a dozen friends to come to the house and be invited and all that.

1330 ...the publishing business, France President, or the name. Emmanul 

The poise means...the gesture, or the posture. The Chinese here says the caption the confident. You all from England, or I imagine Biden with the American military its always on the sea. Its the similar English, right? The house is the flat. That....is not how the American uses those kinds of the floppy, sandle, or that was the floppy disc drive in the 90s. We used to be very oudated anything before Win 95. I remember that.

(The TV noise too loud)

So, my brother knows the snake, neh? And Inelia Benz knows the eggs diets, neh? So psychi fear.

My every word ends to a Family Ancester tree everyone dies and hangs on the very top under the sunset. That will be the second option, after the 1st option in the ocean down.

The moon gravity being drawn, so those says to the Earth, they plan to everyone die, "oh man ~~", so the judge will say, it will NEVER be us killing the planet, and everyone dead.

oh man ~~~

Hugh talks like that?!

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